Hello everyone! Sorry, I do not know much English, so I will use Google translator!
Event name: Invasion Gombat Team Corsairs. Factions participants: Corsairs, Outcasts.
Ship: Bomber, Gunboat, Cruiser, Battleship (Dreadnought).
The item with the:
Corsairs: About Planet Crete.
Outcasts: About Planet Malta.
Venue battle: system Omicron-Delta.
Sector: 6F.
Players need 7-10.
Passing day event: 04.04.15
Start time collecting 18:00 BST
Departure from the database starts at 18:30 BST.
Background Battle:
Corsairs would like to arrange a raid on important military point of an outcast. In the ranks of the military spies were outcasts, and they gave information about their government. Shunned government army is ready to rebuff. (Everything else depends on whose army wins.)