User ID: Achille Voclain
Location: Manchester
Encryption: Active
Bonjour Monsieurs.
I Have complez'ed ze deliverries of Reinforrced Alloy and Basic consumerr goods for both Forrtitudine and ForrtiSec bases... Engineer Mycrroft got down with ze flu, and he asked me to lend a hand on this contract!
I have deliverred a total ammount of:
71.400 units of Reinforrced Alloy 1000 units of Water 1000 units of Food Rations 1000 units of Oxygen
Good day Monsireu Voclain,
it is great to see that your company can spent some time in supplying again!
Again an excellent service, I did not expect anything other of FL-ER.
Because of that and because of the started cloak production at Fortitudine I would like to offer your company a special price. Just tell me the needed amount and I will look what I can do for you.
Your offer is quite amazing and interesting, as of now, we do not have a number of Cloaks we need, but we do love our cloaks here in [FL-ER]. I'm sure it won't be long until we'll be asking some Cloaks from you.
We will make our request via private channels when we decide how many cloaks we might need.
Thank you very much Lord Macrae, We're glad to keep doing business with you!
just wanted to let you know that the situation in Manchester is under control again. Ive just topped em both off again and will continue to watch over them like a hawk. You wont be getting any timestamped guncam shots from me however as im a bit of a klutz with paperwork.
I did see a bowex employee dock at the station when i undocked, he was bringing in Reinforced Alloy. I forgot the fellow's name and i didn't see him again after that first time.
User ID:Thomas Mycroft Location:Fortitudine Encryption:Active
Good Day
It seems today, New London was swarming with BPA). For obvious reason, i was the one in charge of supplying Fortitudine and ForTisec instead of Voclain.
I've delivered a total ammount of 31725 Reeiforced Alloys.
I had other business to attend so, i wasn't able to fully resupply both bases, they both need more RA.
User ID: Achille Voclain
Location: Manchester
Encryption: Active
Bonjour Monsieurs.
V'hat is V'happening with ze Fortitudine?! Z'it seems to be a bottomless pit!
I've made a few deliverries yesterrday and i've still haven't been able to fully supply it!
great work! The docking crew was nearly not able to process all your deliveries into the storage. As we did a little storage upgrade we now have more storage for repairs (reinforced alloy, robotic hardware, hull segments) and for the supplies of our inhabitants (food, water, oxygen).
Furthermore our population nearly doubled over the last months. Perhaps that is why you have the feeling that the Fortitudine and FortiSec are eating all of your supplies and that they just vanish. *laughs*
User ID: Achille Voclain
Location: Manchester
Encryption: Active
Good to hear from you MacRae
Today i decided to deliverr some Food, Waterr and breathing air... i figurred therre would be no use in spending the little time i had today in supplying more Alloys when the mouths to feed have DOUBLED!
I have deliverred a total ammount of:
15.400 units of Food Rations 15.400 units of Water 15.400 units of Oxygen