Apparently a question of the same name was asked a year ago. It'd be interesting to ask the same question again and to see which faction/group the community thinks has the best RP ability
So, DiscoGC, which tracked faction do you think is the best at RP right now? Both on the forums and in game.
List your top five.
1. Faction A
2. Faction B
3. Faction C
4. Faction D
5. Faction E
Hmm, If you didnt say At RP This would probably be it Imo, but at RP i dont really know!
1. Order| , I just have way too much fun with my Order char
2. Freelancer, Just do whatever the hell you want(Within the rules, of course)
3. [LN], Gank a fighter with 10 caps
4. BHG- ,The hunters are pretty fun to play as
5. (Most Pirate/ Unlawful Factions) Its hard to chose one, but they are fun Nevertheless!
(06-17-2015, 06:40 PM)TheFreelancer Wrote: Hmm, If you didnt say At RP This would probably be it Imo, but at RP i dont really know!
1. Order| , I just have way too much fun with my Order char
2. Freelancer, Just do whatever the hell you want(Within the rules, of course)
3. [LN], Gank a fighter with 10 caps
4. BHG- ,The hunters are pretty fun to play as
5. (Most Pirate/ Unlawful Factions) Its hard to chose one, but they are fun Nevertheless!
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: