Name:Jordan Lancaster Rank:Initiate Report No#:2 Subject:Nomad encounter in Colorado
Report Begins
This encounter was really odd. I've never seen a nomad before. These aliens use telepathy to communicate with humans. However, a little girl appeared on my lap. She told me that her name is Ash and that she is not real, she was the nomad itself. She asked me if I'm a Legionnaire. As I agreed with it, she told me to not eliminate me then. Curious as I am, I wanted to hear the story the little girl mentioned (See attachment). After "dreaming" about the story, the Incursus (Osiris class battleship) appeared. The nomad and the little girl was scared of it. "These things" are hunting them in their void. The captain/lord commander had a talk about peace with the entity. Ash has been told to think about what lord commander said. She/it was visibly upset. I formed up with the Incursus to leave the area. Maybe we'll encounter Ash again - maybe she accepts our point and cooperates with the Hellfire Legion.
[13.06.2015 19:08:12] K'Hara|Ash'tart: ***{Ash jumps on your lap again, staring into your eyes. She looks like a 12 years old girl. "Well, long story"}***
[13.06.2015 19:08:36] [HF]-Jordan.Lancaster: We do have the time for it, don't we?
[13.06.2015 19:10:37] K'Hara|Ash'tart: ***{Ash giggles and nods "It was many many many cycles ago... Legionnaires were in Rheinland called void."}***
[13.06.2015 19:12:18] K'Hara|Ash'tart: ***{Girl thinks for a while slowly closes your eyes "Close your eyes, it will be much easier"}***
[13.06.2015 19:12:58] [HF]-Jordan.Lancaster: *He closes his eyes. Still fearfully about what could happen*
[13.06.2015 19:14:07] K'Hara|Ash'tart: ***{You appear on board of the battleship long corridor is in front of you. On the end are large metal doors and happy noises
[13.06.2015 19:14:48] K'Hara|Ash'tart: - can be heard. You are walking, closer and closer to them, opening them and huge group of people wearing Legionnaire
[13.06.2015 19:15:30] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -uniforms are celebrating something, one of them comes closer to you and pats your shoulder, then taking a sip from-
[13.06.2015 19:16:20] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -his large bottle of beer. Suddenly Ash pokes your hand from behind again. She grabs your hand and leads you elsewhere.-
[13.06.2015 19:17:03] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -You are both walking through the corridor and then she suddenly stopped, smiled at you and disappeared. You can notice-
[13.06.2015 19:17:38] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -Large metal doors in front of you again. You are walking closer and touching them. They are locked.-
[13.06.2015 19:18:23] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -But then, you reach for something deep in your pocket and you take out a card. With a warm feeling and excitement you place-
[13.06.2015 19:18:50] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -it to the panel beside the door and they open, dark storage appearing in front of you.-
[13.06.2015 19:20:03] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -You are going through the corridor of huge crates, metal, wooden. However you seem to find something strange.-
[13.06.2015 19:21:06] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -One unknown and suspicious crate is slightly shivering and you with excitement moves closer to it.-
[13.06.2015 19:21:57] K'Hara|Ash'tart: -Staring, observing it carefuly. Suddenly crates open itself and bright purple glow consumes you... You are slowly opening-
[13.06.2015 19:22:15] K'Hara|Ash'tart: Your eyes, seeing little girl on your lap again and huge creature in front of your ship}***
[13.06.2015 19:22:42] [HF]-Jordan.Lancaster: Wh-What was in the crate?
[13.06.2015 19:24:35] K'Hara|Ash'tart: ***{Girl giggles and merely stands up, looking at the creature again. "Ours, Legion with your great leader made one hybrid}***
Initiates: Free Radical and Jordan Lancaster, you have been awarded with Burning Wings and have been promoted to Pilots First Class.
Pilots First Class: Christian Revels and Samuel Jair, you have been promoted to Lieutenants.
Major Roland Greer have been promoted to the Fleet Captain.
Congratulation, Legionnaires.
~ The Hellfire Legion High Command.
Name:Jordan Lancaster Rank:Pilot First Class Report No#:3 Subject:Battle between Norfolk and Fort Bush
Report Begins
Lancaster got an emergency call by DSLE vessels. Subject "Drake" destroyed four of their vessels, as they said. However, on our way we met a Freelancer and two Navy pilots. Aforementioned Navy pilots told us that the Freelancer is a smuggler. However, his cargo included no contraband. We gave them time to arrest said Freelancer. We realized that these Navy pilots were unable to do their job and the Freelancer felt bothered by said pilots. We decided to take down the Navy pilots. The Navy pilots were calling for assistance so we fought against two 5th and two [LN] vessels. We managed to destroy all enemy vessels and returned to Ouray successfully.
Name:Jordan Lancaster Rank:Pilot First Class Report No#:4 Subject:Escorting GC to Kusari and battle near West Point
Report Begins
I've been told to report this a few days ago. After a brawl between some Rogues, Navy and Legion pilots (Somewhat like 4 per faction, not sure) which we managed to take down without injuries, there appeared a GC vessel. After a quick talk Lancaster has been ordered to escort the GC to Kusari space. On our way we encountered a Lane Hackers' freighter. However, Lancaster has been told to finish the primary objective: to escort the GC out successfully. The GC vessel has been released in Kepler system.
Today's first routine patrol was a success. A Rogue was attacking two Navy fighters in New York. The Rogue was able to take down one of them, after that his vessel has been destroyed by the last present Navy pilot. Me and the Navy pilot had a talk about the Hellfire Legion and the Navy. (// He was almost out of reloads, so I told him to get some bats/bots on West Point OORPly) After that I managed to take him down. Suddenly another Navy pilot appeared which I took down aswell.
Must say, 'm rather surprised to be reporting here already. Don't let nobody tell you Xenos don't have supporters 'bout. Since our quartermaster inquiries regardin' th'battleship an' such, we've had some anonymous supporters go ahead and open up a bay on Barrier Gate an' slap it full off Ship Hull Panels.
Y'all can pick it up there or we can go ahead and take it the last leg. Suppose we'll have this'un be the middle point, might as well. Dockin' bay number'll be sent to someone high up on the food chain.
More panels an' whatnot it looks like. You boys need any help puttin' this stuff together when the time comes, we've a fair amount'a former shipbuilders about. Just give a holler.
ENCRYPTION: Moderate PRIORITY: Low TARGET ID: Hellfire Legion Message Dump SUBJECT:Reinstatement Patrol SENDER ID: Major Sam Beaumont
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Couldn't slack off forever I guess.
Went out on patrol with Stoneheart, as we had received some hazy reports on pirate and navy activity in Texas. Although I arrived a bit late to help, it appeared the Navy let the pirate get away. We rendezvoused at at the in-system New York jump hole, and arrived at Buffalo just in time to see the docking bay doors as the pirate escaped. However, on the way back we encountered an Outcast, along with 3 Navy pilots. However, the Navy pilots decided to run off and Locklear put me in to take out the Outcast. Unfortunately, the enemy's ship was loaded with explosive weapons, resulting in me losing all offensive weapons besides my mine-dropper and the Mini Razor. Despite this, Locklears moral support pushed me on and despite being slightly on fire, I finally landed the killing blow. Since my ship was in quite a bad way, we returned to Ouray to wrap up the patrol.
ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: High TARGET ID: Hellfire Legion Message Dump SUBJECT:Wichita Orbital R&D + [REDACTED] SENDER ID: Major Sam Beaumont
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Initiate Christian Revels, Tom Lewis, the Battleship Incursus, and myself on Beta 1 set out escorting a pair of [REDACTED] Bisons into Kansas, however as we set out, we noticed a station orbiting Planet Wichita. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed the it's a fairly small base named Wichita Orbital R&D. However, we were unable to figure out who owns it. After a bit of banter, the [REDACTED] revealed that they were supplying the base with industrial hardware and basic alloy.Upon further investigation, it was revealed that said supplying group would like to setup their own base in Kansas to store certain materials for transport. It seems the group in question is trustworthy, however the base owner is unknown, and therefore the base is a bit of a threat to our security. I also told the suppliers that their leadership should get into contact with High Command so that if it's possible for them to operate their own base, it'll be on our terms.
ADDENDUM: Command Eyes Only
As acting major, I'd like to request formal reinstatement as Fleet Captain, to better serve the Legion and help the people of Liberty. END ADDENDUM
High Command has reviewed your request and decided to approve it. Your efforts are strong as ever and it seems appropriate that with your skill and dedication we should reinstate you as Fleet Captain
Libera te ex inferis!
Lady Lilith
Executive Commander of the Hellfire Legion