Maltese. This is Overlord Jared Nomak on the behalf of Samarran Raiders. After two years of being absent, in the shadows of Sirius, destiny has brought me again back to you.
I am proudly announcing that we will once again fly together, and punish those enough foolish, who are against us, and our mutual interests.
Those Order dogs, even with intentions to leave no one alive, haven't menaged to acomplish their mission. There are still Raiders, and we will continue where we have stopped.
Since, I am aware that there was political changes in the Nation, and on Malta, I have to check if everything that Ghosts of Razgriz have allowed me could be continued.
The fact is that we were their only allies, and Maltesian too. We had docking rights on all bases in Omicron 85, and also their complete usage, in the way of having home and where we could do our important work. In return, as it was like our home, we of course, had obligation to defend it with our lives.
I also want to check, since I know there are new organisations like Crimson Cross and Bloodrose Syndicate, their official stance towards us. All important questions, can be answered to you if you go trough 101st or Maltese databases.
I hope that, there will be no problems with you, new generations of people, and that people of Malta haven't forgot what we did. We're here with important mission, besides helping our old allies. They have demanded our reactivation.
- Transmission end.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
To: Jared Nomak From: Inquisition Admin Espinosa Subject: Why hello there Encryption:[[SUPREME]]
It is truly a rare day when an old ally of Malta's children return to us and seek our blessing; I'm not sure whether to be honoured or merely surprised.. an irrelevant contemplation I suppose.
Regardless: Ciao. I am Inquisition Admin Erika Espinosa. I'll be acting as your diplomatic contact for the Nazione di Malta for the coming time, as a representative of the Holy Order of the Crimson Cross, the 2nd generation of Maltese Crusaders.
I imagine by now you're questioning our position as Maltese administration, so I'll elaborate:
In the time before their recession back to their lairs, the 101st saw fit to bestow upon us the rights of Administration; citing the Crimson Council's expansive influence in the political and religious realms of Malta's internal affairs as "an indispensable resource to Malta."
With the Spectres.. "vacation" lets call it, we have claimed the stance as the head administrative power for Malta and her holdings in the outer worlds. It is because of this, that you deal with us. As part of the agreement, It was seen fit to maintain diplomatic relations with all of the old allies, as well as hold down control over all but the fewest of installations flying the Maltese flag.
Now, as to your business within our borders: We see no need to suddenly act as hindrance to those that would uphold the will of Malta, and will not directly impede. You will be granted the rights and docking passages of one of Malta's allies, but the same laws will apply to you as they would any other. As such, I would draw your attention to the following:
--Omicron-85 is a heavy Maltese security zone and will remain as such until further notice. Entry will be permitted, but only with heavy escort bearing the flag of Administration. This can be revisited at a further date.
--Entry to the Siniestre Cloud will be permitted ONLY for passage to the Omicron-Beta wormhole. The Carinea Security Zone and the Siniestre graveyard will be prohibited.
--Corsica Outer Sanctum's 10k exclusion zone will continue to be in effect. Any further changes to this will need to be discussed with the remainder of the 101st, and Corsica's Management staff on a separate basis, as the station remains under the Ghost's control.
Those points that mention it can be revisited and revised at a later date. You'll forgive my hesitation to immediately re-render full visas but our friendship is new amico. I'm certain you'll find ways to be useful to the Nacion to prove to me you're ready for more. Finally, I'm certain some form of the Maltese Laws have changed since your last time amongst us so I would advise you take another look at them to get re-acquainted.
If you have any further questions, all you need do is beg-- er, ask. The Crusader's Flagship Naxxar remains in Maltese orbit and regularly patrols near to Valetta. Feel free to direct any questions to it's acting CO (more than likely me).
Return address is the same, name is the same. Malta's children welcome you back; now dust off your armor and sharpen your blades; the enemies of the Nazione are numerous.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Miss Espinosa. It's honor to meet you. I have to disagree with you about few things and let you know about them.
First, we're not coming back for a blessing. We're here with important mission and, residing on Malta and helping out your people is because we remember friendship, aside of their will.
Second- Siniestre Cloud. It holds jump hole leading to Omicron 90, which is important sector for our mission. I need clear way to it when it is needed, without questions asked. Delaying me to pass there could have fatal consequences for our cause. Again, I'm here with particular reason.
About Omicron 85 terms, I can agree, considering that Ghosts of Razgriz are not anymore controling that sector, but I just wanted to know. I can settle on Malta for now.
And of course, the last- You haven't answered my question. So, if you are willing to go trough Maltese or Ghosts databases and archives, I want to know your official stance towards us, considering the past. Friendships or alliance, if they are not case with you, can be of course made with upcoming time because, on the end, we have mutual connections which are different when it comes to our duties.
I have reviewed complete Maltese Law section and, with everything else, not mentioned by me, I can agree.
- Transmission end.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
To: Jared Nomak From: Inquisition Admin Espinosa Subject: No. Encryption:[[SUPREME]]
And here I was soooOOO00ooooo hoping do be peaceful about this...
tsssk.... Wheeeeeeeelp. Guess what, you now get to meet the version of Inquisitor Espinosa that most people know about: The one that is now permitted to respond however the hell she pleases because what you've just done has fallen outside the expectations of the Council! Congrats!
Wanna know what I think of this little temper-tantrum of yours? I don't give a damn. You want to ride your past relations with Malta? Then you work with those that represent Malta. Guess who represent Malta in this case? Meeeeeeeee!!!!
If you want to just go ahead and attempt to force your way through, you can forget it.
There's not a chance in the dark-void of hell that we're letting those that do not flash the holy banner or fly with the blessed fleet through into the sanctuary of the Lights just because they ask. You want it? You work with us, and most particularly me; the little bitch you've pissed off.
If you're just going to continue like this, then I don't give a damn who the hell you are or your past relations. You've insulted us, you've insulted the Nazion, and you've insulted me.
Think carefully about your response. You're on the precipice of making a decision you'll regret.
We have similar goals and enemies. Don't let your pathetic little ego turn us against you just because you feel the need to stroke yourself more fiercely.
You reside in our space. you will be expected to follow the laws like everyone else. Simple as that. If you want special rights, you earn them with us.
At the rate you're progressing, you'll never see the Enlightened Void of the Pure-Omicrons another day in your life. But you know what, hows about I pull a few strings and get you a meeting the ones we serve, we'll see what they think of your impudent attitude. Stay in touch. We'll have this meeting arranged and this whole fiasco set right in no time.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Incoming Transmission
To: Equisition Admin Espinosa
Subject: Relations
Leon Cohen, Reaver, Samarran Raiders
I think we started off on a wrong foot. My name is Leon Cohen, I'm a Reaver of Samarran Raiders and one of personal advisers of Overlord Nomak.
Now, let's not jump to conclusions and instantly assume that we're trying to disrespect Maltese nation. After all, Maltese people were the first ones willing to listen and offered us aid when we needed it the most. We shall never forget that. Now, let's get down to business.
Having no access to Corsica is fine for the time being. Having access to Bastia outpost should prove a solid alternative, if that's not a problem for you. I can give you my word that no Raider will ever enter Omicron 85 without your prior knowledge and presence of one of Cross' people.
Regarding Siniestre cloud - what lies beyond it is our sole reason for being here in the first place. The Samarrans were around long before Crimson Cross was even formed, and some of us have ventured beyond the Siniestre cloud with no problems whatsoever, as a result of a very close relationship with the Ghosts, and we will do so again, one way or another. I understand that you're being cautious, but I urge you to arrange a meeting so we can all get this over with before it escalates into something unpleasant for both parties.
I had been thinking about you . We are still here. but I advise you Malta.. has changed a great deal.
Admittedly more change has occurred in the time gone... then all the long years we combed the divine systems for intruders and kicked out nosey freelancers within the omicrons and the lost systems in between.
The order... still an enemy of malta. The core somehow still persists.
In the time you were gone and in the time of our exodus that inasmuch coincided with yours Ninlil the great spirit whom you knew guided us beyond the photon barrier around sirius.
As we were delivering the children of the era to their new home, Malta fell.. somewhat out of favor as civil war erupted. Something unrelated to the cross but varymuch related to the ghosts and the more greed motivated Castellano.
Despite the nature of our self imposed exile a handful of the hybrids decided to return the costs were great but we've returned to our mantle and found new purpose.
Regardless, as friends of the greater family of light the current maltese will still perceive you as outsiders.
We've worked hard to overcome this ourselves and I do believe while seemingly indignant or oddly cold that maybe... Malta are a people rebuilding a society that had failed them and divides them still along family lines.
Its a new era here. We seek to unite man and light. Light and man but both families are constantly reliving old vendettas within a deadly concert.
The way is long. But the apocalypse will bring peace.
p.s. were out of rakia.
-Thomas Threewinds
High Oracle Exarch
Church of Sirius
It's not often that I have to show up in situations like this.
Usually it's nice to sit back and watch things unfold around in front of you.
Although the moment that Maltesian people start pounding in a misconception into their head that shouldn't be there, it's probably a good idea to cause a violent relapse.
Alpha has changed since you've been around last.
Although I didn't think that the Cross would stoop to a level of paranoia.
We've heard of the Crimson Cross. A banner for all things right in the world of the Outcasts.
Apparently it's also the banner for control.
Control is fine and all. Do not let it extend out to things which isn't your right to hinder control of.
When it comes to defense of the sacred lands, allow those who give service their rightful dues without violence.
You will know if someone is uninvited. I'm surprised you haven't done your history research.
Listen to me well Crimson Cross.
For everyone who desires to give their service within the Siniestre, do not hinder their attempts.
If they find themselves uninvited, you'll see a few extra balls of fire.
Enforcing your laws is fine.
Do not enforce the laws which aren't yours to mediate however.
You may not know us just yet. Count that as a good thing.
We 'will' be coming if you do not heed our warning.
And 'I' will be very ticked off.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: All involved parties From: High Cardinal Armando Subject: I'll be stepping in now.
This little 4-way pissing match is over.
Raiders, I'd like to apologize on the part of the vassal-family Espinosa for their representative's rather... explosive-- temper. She's been asked to remove herself from the situation immediately.
As to the issue at hand however, she did act in the capacity of a concerned Crusader of the Holy Order-- if a little over-zealously. Try to understand, we have been on the front line as of late fending off hundreds in their attempts to defile holy space, in the very area you seek to operate. Others have attempted to do what you have done-- albiet with far less glamorous credentials-- and have laughably failed.
Did we initially deny you access? Yes, with reason.
It was a mere test. We know well your friendships with the past orders of Malta, and would not dream of anything drastic. The test was to see if you would play ball for a brief time and abide by the laws until Espinosa herself had gotten a chance to meet a representative of yours (in space or in person.) We're her methods a little extreme? Yes. But Espinosa's not failed me before on such matters and we are stronger because of it.
Now then, the Crimson Council are quite literally screaming at me in the halls two floors down to not do this, but I'm willing to go this far:
If the Samarran Raiders are willing to cooperate by way of a meeting of mere courtesy prior to your entry to Siniestre, I will grant full pardons and make an exception for your vessels for guarded entry to the Graveyard.
If that ugliness is out of the way: I'd like to display my disappointment for all involved parties for blowing this way out of the water-- There was not a time that the Inquisition Admin would have gone anywhere near as far as you all seem to have expected; contrary what all of you seem to be misconstruing, hostilities were never going to happen.
If everything's been cleared up here, I'll be taking my leave. If there's any further questions, direct them my way.
Cardinal Armando. I'm glad that you've stepped in. Alltrough, I found your administrator very disrespectful, I will close my eyes upon that but will not forget.
Let me get to my point, since you're the one who has brains and is clever.
We are back and, we have our mission. Our mission requires us to be near what you refer Nomad space. You've mentioned that you've guarded that place from Freelancers and anyone else. We did it too. We defended it with our lives from Order, Corsairs, Core. Even your graveyard was protected by us, long before even Crimson's existence was being planned. That's why, I find your administrator disrespectful. It would be a shame because of her act, to ruin chance for something good and right.
We serve to the same cause but in diffirent ways which means, you shouldn't stand on our path. Our mission is important. We've came back to Malta again because I repeat, we need to be close to Nomad space in order to acomplish our missions and tasks. Also, we were alies of Maltese and results of our work will make Malta even more safer. Perhaps, you or your people such as administrator, won't like us but I'm pretty sure if your religion is important to you that, you will step aside and continue where your predecessors stopped.
Details, about our mission, could not be revealed now but, know this. You are perhaps believers, religious people, praising, I don't know but I will respect that. We are ones, dealing with everyone in Sirius, who are harmful for our cause. Warriors and protectors.
The point is, Cardinal that it will not be good for all of us involved here, if you step into our path. As I said to your administrator, aliances trough time, could be rebuilded, like we had one with Ghosts.
There are Maltese laws, and we will respect them. We once enforced them, long time ago. Now, I'd suggest you to check Omicron 85 allowed parties. You will find us allowed in Bastia outpost. Of course, we won't go there until you reach that. I will also ask to do your history research, it will help you.
Until then.
Exarch Thomas. Take my apologies for not contacting you yet. We will meet soon and we will talk more about everything. Yes, I remember our glorious victories and times. We shall be patient, our glorious times will return. I realize everything you said that changed but again, we will discuss it more privately and hopefully, we will find something that can replace Rakia. We're out of stocks. Stay in good health.
For Anunnaki, for unity.
- Transmission end.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
[Incoming Signal]
[Decrypting...][Sender:]______ Rise Bloodrose [Recipient:]___ Jared Nomak [Source:]______ The Hortum Estate, Planet Malta
[Subject:]_____ Friendship?
[Priority:]____ Low [Encryption:]__ Medium [Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
At first, the Council of Thorns advised me to remain an outside observer on this transmission until your reasons for reappearing after all these years were made apparent. However, I now see that, once again, the old men of the council simply wish to remain out of the way and let things happen as they may without the Blood Roses stepping on anyone's toes. This may have been the way my father ran the Famiglia in the past, but that is not how they will be run under myself and my beloved Angel's command.
You have asked for friendship, you have requested your privileges of the past, you have even asserted your willingness to ignore the rules set down by our good friends the Cross on the matter of the Siniestre Cloud. While this all comes off as arrogant and naive, if not rude and combative. I am here on the behalf of my Famiglia to tell you that your past has nothing to do with the present. You may have been Protectors or Guardians with the respect and friendship of the Families of old, but that is all your worth adds up to at present.
The Blood Roses do not know you. You have been absent in the times since we grew in power to hold a voice in the way things come to pass here in the Omicrons and beyond. You say you want the privileges and rights you once held with the families and organizations of old? You tell us to look at the past records and make decisions based on dusty old books and data files? You, my friend, must not know how things work here in the cold reality of space. History books and data banks do not hold a candle to face to face confrontations, discussions, and friendships.
If you wish for the respect of the Syndicate, then do not request that we base such a decision on history, as that is not how we do things. Make yourself known through your efforts, not through your past deeds of which we know nothing about. Remember, the past is just that, the past. Make a new future with your deeds of the present.
I will be watching how things with your organization unfold here in the Omicrons. If I find you a hindrance to the Syndicates spreading of the Orange dream, then believe me when I say we will take action. If not, then I hope to one day have you visit the Hortum for dinner, the view from the dining room is one of the best on all of Malta.