(07-19-2015, 10:26 AM)Fluffyball Wrote: This rule is enforced by all five houses, two unlawful nations and other major factions - all through the House Laws. If they find you with their equipment, you are getting their stuff confiscated, being fined or even destroyed. In more extreme cases, FR5 from their bases/space.
The only nerf I can't understand was 90% on house corporate ships as a Freelancer. It's not like Freelancer would be flying 5kers anyway.
No it's not. I'm talking about actual rules where you get sanctioned or bastilled if you took stuff without permission.
The ID-compat was introduced because having to file a violation report for every violation of that kind was a tedious and bloated process. This current system isn't flawless but at least it doesn't add to the already overused sanction system.
(07-19-2015, 12:57 PM)Karst Wrote: performance is uniform
Back in the old days we had better ships and worse ships, better guns and worse guns, horribly overpowered combinations, a tech chart to keep them under control, and of course RP agreements backed by skype friendship to circumvent it. What do we have now?
We still have somewhat different ships, but the guns are getting better and better... "balanced". Energy usage varies, rate of fire is different, projectile speed is not the same, but in the end the "performance is uniform".
OP guns could compensate for UP ship stats as well as worse than average guns balancing out tougher or quicker ships. Certain combinations could even match the faction, high dps guns on slow ships for aggressive folks, crappy guns on quite agile snubs for survivors, like Zoners. In a system like that shipcompat would make sense.
But no, shipcompat has become obsolete. Why? Because the balance devs thought it is better to uniformize gun performance. What's next? With no way to counter ship advantages with weapon disadvantages (and vice versa) the only way to follow the trend is to uniformize the ships as well. And in the end we'll all fly the same crap in different shapes and colors.
Red sh*t, blue sh*t, green sh*t, purple sh*t, all smell and taste the same. Do we want that?
(07-19-2015, 09:22 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: But no, shipcompat has become obsolete. Why? Because the balance devs thought it is better to uniformize gun performance. What's next? With no way to counter ship advantages with weapon disadvantages (and vice versa) the only way to follow the trend is to uniformize the ships as well. And in the end we'll all fly the same crap in different shapes and colors.
Red sh*t, blue sh*t, green sh*t, purple sh*t, all smell and taste the same. Do we want that?
I kinda agree with this sentiment. After longer discussion with Haste, its true I guess in current balance ship based techcompat is probably unnecessary. I don't think it's the greatest idea to make guns so uniform. But that's a subject for another thread/discussion.
I don't think we should remove shipcompat. We should probably edit the settings to fit the new balance is what we should do, by I suppose commenting out most (if not all) of the restrictions that it sets. But it should remain there as an option in case the balance consensus changes again. And that's what will most likely be done.
I might be able to stand shipcompat if everything wasn't uniform. Right now I only see it as something that limits customization and personalisation, but acknowledging the fact that all guns and ships are very same-y. More uniqueness and environmental balance would be cool.
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Well-balanced or "uniform" as everyone's calling it right now does not equal (nearly) identical. Sammaels are nothing like Magma Hammers, but I would still argue both have advantages and disadvantages and are thus "balanced". The same applies to ships. The Eagle is nothing like the Templar, but they are (supposed to be) balanced to be roughly equal in PvP performance (with certain stronger and weaker areas for both ships).
My ideal balance end-state is a situation where guns and ships are as diverse as humanly possible, while still making it extremely hard to make a case that one ship is, objectively, more powerful than another. This doesn't mean every ship and/or gun would be the same. I also believe this is quite possible within the boundaries of the game, and that we've been making progress towards this goal for a few years now.