I'm putting the word out to all of Liberty's downtrodden. You are all welcome here. There is a place for you, be it fighter or bomber pilot, lowly miner, ex-mineral plant labourer, or straight off of Houston. Bring your families. They are safe here. By the time you receive this message, all of your Serpentis access codes will be uploaded to the Oyster Creek Database.
We have now got a weaponised security system operating, enough to deter the Junkers or other lost pilots. The radiation jams any scanners, and the debri screens it from any long range profile pings. And a lot of work went into making it look like the scrap around it. That was my idea.
Oyster Creek has many amenities. Please make use of them.
- Hangar Bay capable of simultaneously maintaining 6 fighters/bombers, or two transports. Patch up jobs on larger vessels are slow, but possible.
- Repair bay for snubcraft, and a repair ship for patch-ups on transport hulls. Employs 60.
- A small Helium purification facility. Miners retrieve the gas from Pennsylvania and transport it here for processing via manual labour. Helium funds most of our operations at this stage, but with actual humans instead of robotised production lines we have the potential to branch out into copper or silver using ore grinders and small mining equipment. Employs 220.
-A small Scrap-sorting workshop. Employs 40.
- An even smaller but relatively well-stocked bar. Employs 3.
- Medical and Triage facilities. While limited by access to trained professional staff, its better than nothing. Employs 45.
- Black Market Commodity Trade. We now have access to Artifacts through our somewhat fragile diplomacy with the Corsairs. We hope that having a place to trade in relative safety will encourage them to visit us more frequently. Absolutely no drugs, orange, green or otherwise. Medicinal Pharmacuticals are permitted though. Employs 8.
- Access to a large former Universal Shipping Transport "XA-Serpentis.Maximus". I convinced the Captain to "lose" a few containers near here to get us started. A few became many, and his generosity towards the less fortunate has drawn the ire of his employers. The "Stork" has suffered significant damage and has had an engine transplant. Shield is non-operational and cannot be rebooted without access to a shipyard or class 4 reactor. The pilots and crew are facing criminal negligence charges and will likely face hard labour sentences. The vessel itself is reported as M.I.A by Liberty Police. The vessel is now under our direct control.
With the installation stable and ready for Xeno Alliance operation commissioning, I declare it complete and initial construction finished. Work will now begin on further securing the location in the event it is discovered and creating more jobs for Xenos.
I look forward to meeting you all here.
Jimmy Predsman "Pit Viper"
Oyster Creek Administrator.
Jimmy came into the small bar that was The Denonboard Oyster Creek, nodded to the barman discreetly, and cleared a table. He began pulling up different system screens, with large maps indicating certain areas. He downed the first drink, the thirst of space not yet quenched, and waved for another.
He had been out surveying, looking for places where the Xenos could get some valuable raw resources and make it profitable. Encouraging pilots to go back to similar jobs that were lost to Kusari all those years ago and ushering in a rare period of prosperity for the Alliance, Jimmy's actions had built up a small fleet of various utility ships, the largest of which was the DV.Dallas, 1 of only 2 Hegemons Jimmy had been able to acquire and get crew for. It was on strict instructions to remain within the Pequena Negra now, bringing in scrapped panels and servicable parts in a steady stream, keeping the workshop workers busy. This formed the backbone of the current economy.
But Jimmy knew the Alliance could not survive on scrap alone. The other fruits of Liberty were still there, and just because the jobs had been outsourced to foreign interests didn't mean that the sovereign ownership had changed. He believed all of Liberty belonged to the Xenos and no one else, including the various ore deposits within her borders. As the logistics officer it was Jimmy's job to find these Xenos jobs, jobs that could pay.
He downed his drink quickly before inputting the information into the Oyster Creek mainframe. This would make it accessible on the main panels as he had done with the Oyster Creek Revenge Board. Loading Survey Results... Done.
Callsign - XA-Pit.Viper.
Ship type - Rhino Freighter
Equipment - Offensive loadout, rear turret replaced by light mining lazer.
Helium can be found in the large cloud behind Planet Erie. While inert and not very useful to Xenos unless we can mix it with Neon, it can be very hilarious in small amounts for party tricks and small gatherings.
Platinum can be found at the northern edge of the Alberta system. However any yield was painfully slow as our lazers are simply not calibrated to this ore. It is valuable but we simply have no market for large amounts of it.
Entry Three - Copper
Priority - Medium
Yield rate - 1.5 minutes/100u
Accessing date...
Copper can be found in the remote Humboldt system, and is very useful in the construction of many basic electronics, ship components and as a potent power conduit. While it requires some refining from its mined state to become useful, as a basic material we will never not have demand for it.Both Ouray and Oyster Creek buy this.
WARNING - HAZARDOUSSilver is also found in the Humboldt system, however it is not only slower to mine than Copper ore but is protected by a large well-armed station by the name of Saltese [UPDATE - DESTROYED]. As such I was only able to mine near the edge of the field.
WARNING - RADIOACTIVE AREA Premium Scrap can be found in abundance in the Texas system. Not only are there remnants of the equipment used to build the failed jumpgate, but years of ships straying into the Negra and perishing provide a steady stream of spare parts that can be refurbished for Xeno vessels. The scrap is easy salvaging for even the lightest mining ships and can be sold at Oyster Creek before being loaded into larger ships for the journey to Alabama system. This commodity provides the majority of revenue for the current Xeno economy.
On the door there is a scrap of paper in childish writing. It reads "Oyster Creek Education Workshop - Things to do as a Xeno that ain't blowing shizz up, y'all!"
Inside, Jimmy addressed the new recruits. There had been a recent influx of Libertonians, fed up for one reason or another with their lot in life, that were determined to make a difference.
"You are probably wondering why I called you lot here." He began
"I'm Jimmy Predsman, and I handle Logistics for the Xeno scene. There's alot that goes on behind the Alliance's movements that most people don't see. The bits that make those brazen attacks we are so well known for possible."
Some murmuring from the group.
"It's not all Nova Torpedoes and exploding cops, y'all. Jacking Kusari's transports is one way we make our bread, but there are new ways, ways that alot of you probably don't know, or don't wanna know. Ways that we used to make our coin are viable again.
The main one is Premium Scrap. The parts we don't have to fabricate or source ourselves are literally floating just out there!"
He pulled up a schematic of his own Rhino and continued.
"If you can get your hands on one of these, or if your balls are REALLY big, a hegemon, it'll mine just about anything in Liberty. Make sure you got the right Mining Arrays. It'll scoop up Prem scrap and Copper ore fairly well. Just like our ancestors used to do before those dirty stinking rice eating Kusies stole thier livelyhoods!"
If mining isn't for you, you could try being a transport captain. There are plenty of Liberty-made or civilian transports on the market. Bonus here is you get to see home every once in a while. And the money is good. You can run the Scrap I mentioned before from Oyster Creek to Refugio in Alabama system. It's worth a whopping 9000 credits per unit there. And even better, they sell Food, Oxygen and Water for the return trip.
This is just one route though. Copper Ore sells at Ouray for a tidy profit, when we can get it. And the return trip of Reinforced Alloy back to Oyster Creek is almost as profitable.
I ain't sayin' it's any less risky. Liberty is crawling with Junkers and Rogue riff-raff that'll jump on you in a second, and that's just the worst of it. I'm sayin' if you want to make money on the Liberty Black Market, this is your chance. You want that new SNAC launcher for your Waran? You gotta make the creds somewhere."
He watched as the group dispersed, some disinterested, probably the more combat hardened pilots used to risking their lives almost daily. But some were sipping their drinks, eyeing him, listening intently.
As a female covered in tattoos enters the room she hears this man speaking:
" For one i gotta say you are hella creepy, but rather cute" said she with a bittersweet tone. After she stayed there listening to all the gibberish she was given she decided to speak yet again:
"Wait, wait, wait, you want me to do the miners jobs and mine, to obtain my wealth, when i can just go and get money form others? Are you serious there are so many transports which i can pirate and you want me to get all dirty and muddy from all the scrap and at then end of the day risk my life for somewhat of a money maker? Well count me in on that however i will go and pirate all i can when i can and with no certain reason"
He listened as the woman spoke, sure of herself he thought, natural confidence. He let her finish before responding calmly.
"Hey, there ain't nothin' wrong with that iffin' it's what you wanna do. This is more of a workshop for people who maybe aren't very skilled in space combat, or like perhaps the thrill of the chase and unloading some cargo that's worth something."
He looked her up and down. Maybe her parents or grandparents hadn't lost their jobs like his had. He was sure now that she was a combat pilot. People joined the cause for different reasons, it wasn't Jimmy's place to judge her.
"The Logistics team isn't for everyone, more of an awareness thing that we actually CAN do these these things too. You look like you'd do better with Pygmy's combat crew."
"You'll need to calibrate your 5.K.Y. Protocol Encryption codes if you want to reach Pygmy. We don't see him down here on the maintenence deck much. Once you have done that, you can head to the hangar, get your tags and flight clearance, and you'll be free to do what you wanna do."
Trusting that the information would be enough to satisfy her curiosity, checking out the tats one more time, he then turned back to the others.