[Priority:]____ Very High [Encryption:]__ Very High [Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
This is a doozy. We had an encounter earlier today with a couple of Orbital Spa and Cruise guys, a transport and a fighter. To make a long story short, we shot off cargo pods off that transport and managed to secure its cargo. While there was little of interest, just some food and water, one particular piece attracted our attention and it was a blueprint of a new version of the Enterprise Luxury Liner, apparently with a bit reinforced armor plating and fighter docking bays for escorts. From what they told us, they were stopping at Baltimore for "repairs" and then proceed to Nagano. While I don't doubt the second part, the "repairs" also possibly included handing over those blueprints to the DSE engineers. Two birds, one stone.
You can find the records of that entire thing attached as well as the plans themselves. We've taken them to Malta already.
[14.07.2015 20:11:36] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Good evening, gentlemen.
[14.07.2015 20:11:37] OSC|Kira.Shino: Holy crap ...
[14.07.2015 20:11:38] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Buongiorno.
[14.07.2015 20:11:49] OSC|Felixstowe: Greetings..
[14.07.2015 20:11:54] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose May we ask what are you hauling?
[14.07.2015 20:11:55] OSC|Kira.Shino: Konnichiwa Seniors
[14.07.2015 20:12:17] OSC|Felixstowe: Of course, just supplies for our luxury bases
[14.07.2015 20:12:32] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Oh?
[14.07.2015 20:12:34] OSC|Kira.Shino: Indeed.
[14.07.2015 20:12:52] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Why don't I believe you.
[14.07.2015 20:12:56] OSC|Kira.Shino: We might drop buy at a shipyard too, this bucket of rust is in pretty bad shape here.
[14.07.2015 20:13:00] OSC|Felixstowe: We like to ensure all our clients are entertained, fed and watered
[14.07.2015 20:13:23] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: There is something that you're not telling us...
[14.07.2015 20:13:36] OSC|Felixstowe: As a company we find the engineers at Baltimore to be most excellent, I highly recommend them
[14.07.2015 20:13:50] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Baltimore? Nah...
[14.07.2015 20:13:55] OSC|Felixstowe: I assure you, this is just a routine delivery
[14.07.2015 20:13:55] OSC|Kira.Shino: Even though I doubt they would welcome you much.
[14.07.2015 20:13:57] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Oh, so what you're saying is, you're going to Baltimore?
[14.07.2015 20:14:12] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose That's not really one of your bases now is it?
[14.07.2015 20:14:20] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: I think not..
[14.07.2015 20:14:24] OSC|Kira.Shino: *swallows her tong for a moment* Yeah, I guess.
[14.07.2015 20:14:32] OSC|Felixstowe: The ship is overdue a service, can you not see the rusting panels?
[14.07.2015 20:14:38] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose I'll ask again.
[14.07.2015 20:14:43] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose And this time I hope you'll answer me properly.
[14.07.2015 20:14:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose What are you hauling and where are you taking it?
[14.07.2015 20:15:14] OSC|Kira.Shino: *Her hand starts to sake on the speed lever*
[14.07.2015 20:15:28] OSC|Felixstowe: Supplies, we will stop off at baltimore and then move to the Nagano system
[14.07.2015 20:15:43] OSC|Kira.Shino: That's all Segniors.
[14.07.2015 20:15:50] OSC|Kira.Shino: Or how ever I should say that.
[14.07.2015 20:16:01] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose You do have some things that don't look like supplies.
[14.07.2015 20:16:25] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Like that thingy...
[14.07.2015 20:16:33] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Hmmm.
[14.07.2015 20:16:41] OSC|Felixstowe: Really? My cargo manifest only shows Food, Oxygen, Water, Tea and videogames (very popular on the Mackinac)
[14.07.2015 20:16:49] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose What's that thing that you have labeled as "Holosculptures"? Surely, nobody transports only one at a time.
[14.07.2015 20:16:59] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: I guess your scanners are rusty as well...
[14.07.2015 20:17:07] OSC|Kira.Shino: That's .. probably some mistake when loading the cargo.
[14.07.2015 20:17:15] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Mistake? *laughs*
[14.07.2015 20:17:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Lies. I can sense that a mile away.
[14.07.2015 20:17:23] OSC|Kira.Shino: *Takes a deep breath*
[14.07.2015 20:17:32] OSC|Felixstowe: All of our goods are hand checked in, there are no internal scanners onboard. They are due to be fitted at Baltimore
[14.07.2015 20:17:32] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Well.
[14.07.2015 20:17:56] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose See, I don't tend to be a jerk to people most of the time.
[14.07.2015 20:18:02] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose But I really dislike the way you're lying to us.
[14.07.2015 20:18:10] OSC|Felixstowe: I find it best to trust the crew, they have many years service
[14.07.2015 20:18:43] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose So how about you drop your cargo now and we won't have to kill you, eh?
[14.07.2015 20:18:50] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Hello there, again.
[14.07.2015 20:19:14] OSC|Felixstowe: Dropping our cargo is unfortunately a slow manual process..
[14.07.2015 20:19:30] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Right of course.
[14.07.2015 20:19:43] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Shall we help you a bit and blow up those cargo pods of yours?
[14.07.2015 20:20:10] OSC|Felixstowe: That sounds terribly expensive on the repair bill, this service is going to be bad enough as it is!
[14.07.2015 20:20:19] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Shame, really.
[14.07.2015 20:20:30] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose See, that's what you could have avoided if you actually told us the truth.
[14.07.2015 20:20:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose And there will be no third chance.
[14.07.2015 20:20:54] OSC|Felixstowe: I'd never be able to explain the loss of my cargo pods to the board
[14.07.2015 20:20:57] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Drop the cargo, all of it, or we'll take it ourselves.
[14.07.2015 20:21:04] OSC|Kira.Shino: Damn it, we
[14.07.2015 20:21:06] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Open fire.
[14.07.2015 20:21:12] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Fire at will
[14.07.2015 20:21:15] OSC|Kira.Shino: Head for the gate, I'll keep em busy
[14.07.2015 20:22:10] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Pods are gone.
[14.07.2015 20:22:53] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Hmmm...
[14.07.2015 20:23:08] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: As I said...
[14.07.2015 20:23:18] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Blueprints for a luxury liner? You gotta be kidding me...
[14.07.2015 20:23:20] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: There is something else
[14.07.2015 20:23:21] OSC|Felixstowe: They've stopped firing..
[14.07.2015 20:23:35] OSC|Kira.Shino: Damn it ... don't you guys at least have weapons on that thing ?
[14.07.2015 20:23:52] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose I think we hit a jackpot here.
[14.07.2015 20:23:59] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose.: Indeed signori Nathan
[14.07.2015 20:24:01] OSC|Felixstowe: Don't let themn get away
[14.07.2015 20:24:02] OSC|Kira.Shino: Oh, we're gonna get so fired for this !
[14.07.2015 20:24:10] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose Try and stop us now.
[14.07.2015 20:24:34] OSC|Kira.Shino: Damn, the other one had the blueprint !
[Priority:]____ Very High [Encryption:]__ Very High [Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Thanks to Nathan's and Antonio's excellent work, we are ready to start the construction of the Liner. The blueprints are complete and we haven't lost a single part of data. All we need is the space, which I've already contacted the Cartagena about and the materials.
Those materials need to be delivered to Cartagena Shipyard in Omicron-81. You can find the shopping list attached and you may begin your deliveries as soon as the engineers from Cartagena give us a green light on the construction.
[Incoming Signal]
[Decrypting...][Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose [Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate [Source:]______ Rochester Base, New York
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 27-07-822
[Priority:]____ Medium [Encryption:]__ Very High [Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
I met with a Bounty Hunter yesterday at Freeport 10 that asked me to bring her Cardamine. It was an interesting encounter, though she was a bit annoying, begging me to bring her to Malta. I have no clue what a BHG member would want to do on the planet, but sure as hell she isn't getting there with me. I decided to provide her with Cardamine in exchange for her not shooting us and our immediate allies (Rogues and GC) and wiretapped her ship to confirm that she would hold to her agreement. I'm also interested to see if we'll be able to profit from that more than just with the lack of aggression. We'll see, I guess.
[27.07.2015 20:24:14] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Come closer, I don't bite.
[27.07.2015 20:24:35] Lyn.Beaumont: Is that a promise?
[27.07.2015 20:24:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: For now anyway...
[27.07.2015 20:25:00] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: We're here for business so what's the point of shooting each other.
[27.07.2015 20:25:28] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And I gotta say that I'm really interested that the BHG let you slide with your... err...
[27.07.2015 20:25:34] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Addiction, let's call things by name.
[27.07.2015 20:26:02] Lyn.Beaumont: Right. I don't like that word though... I am no junkie on some pills.
[27.07.2015 20:28:33] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You're in the BHG, I know what your job is, you kill people and get paid for it.
[27.07.2015 20:28:45] Lyn.Beaumont: Most of the times. Yes.
[27.07.2015 20:29:51] Lyn.Beaumont: You don't believe... that I want your bounty do you?
[27.07.2015 20:30:03] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: With that in mind, I think I might even be willing to let go a part of my profit if you'd be willing to let go of a bit of yours.
[27.07.2015 20:30:29] Lyn.Beaumont: What do you mean?
[27.07.2015 20:30:32] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You might want my bounty but, one, you would screw yourself off any Cardamine delivery in the future and we don't want that-
[27.07.2015 20:30:33] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -do we.
[27.07.2015 20:30:57] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And two, you sure as hell won't get that, even if you attempted such a stupid thing.
[27.07.2015 20:30:59] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Anyway.
[27.07.2015 20:31:07] Lyn.Beaumont: I don't want your bounty. I really dont.
[27.07.2015 20:31:13] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: As I said.
[27.07.2015 20:31:37] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I would be inclined to give you that small bit of Cardamine every now and again if I you can assure me that-
[27.07.2015 20:31:49] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -you won't hunt us or our immediate allies for bounties.
[27.07.2015 20:31:54] Lyn.Beaumont: You... you would?
[27.07.2015 20:32:09] Lyn.Beaumont: Wait... immediate allies. Who do you mean?
[27.07.2015 20:32:18] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Rogues and Golden Chrysanthemums.
[27.07.2015 20:32:38] Lyn.Beaumont: Rogues. You are going to make me targetless!
[27.07.2015 20:32:44] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: No, of course not.
[27.07.2015 20:33:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Rogues aren't everything, if you insist on Liberty there still are these fools - Xenos, Hellfire Legion...
[27.07.2015 20:33:47] Lyn.Beaumont: But most of the times it is Rogues pulling some stunts!
[27.07.2015 20:33:52] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: It's not my concern how you'd make your living.
[27.07.2015 20:33:58] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You're a bounty hunter, you're flexible.
[27.07.2015 20:34:25] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You could, maybe, go to Bretonia and help them against Gauls or Corsairs.
[27.07.2015 20:34:38] Lyn.Beaumont: Please don't force me to do that...
[27.07.2015 20:35:02] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Because?
[27.07.2015 20:36:22] Lyn.Beaumont: Because... Do you want me to beg? Isn't you and the GC enough? I still need my small targets!
[27.07.2015 20:36:44] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I'm trying to make a deal that would be beneficial to everyone involved.
[27.07.2015 20:37:05] Lyn.Beaumont: Don't you profit alot already?
[27.07.2015 20:37:16] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Er... No.
[27.07.2015 20:37:23] Lyn.Beaumont: N-No?
[27.07.2015 20:38:30] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: To be brutally honest with you, I seriously don't care if you get this Cardamine. You might not and die somewhere in the-
[27.07.2015 20:38:41] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -corner of Barrier Gate or wherever else you might be at the time.
[27.07.2015 20:38:50] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And, that's a way out for you.
[27.07.2015 20:39:00] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Besides, believe me, there are a lot better targets in Bretonia or Rheinland.
[27.07.2015 20:40:10] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And, chances are, Bretonia might be the first place in Sirius where Maltese and their authorities might live in peace.
[27.07.2015 20:40:30] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: It's a dream, but not a very far-fetched one and certainly possible.
[27.07.2015 20:40:34] Lyn.Beaumont: *quieter now:* If I have to... what do you mean peace?
[27.07.2015 20:41:20] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: The Realm already recognises the Nation as a sovereign state /and/ is semi-dependent on us providing them with assistance-
[27.07.2015 20:41:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -against the GRN.
[27.07.2015 20:41:46] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Would be all the easier to fulfill your end of the bargain.
[27.07.2015 20:42:58] Lyn.Beaumont: *takes a deep breath* If I really have to make this overly bad trade for me. Take me to Malta.
[27.07.2015 20:43:17] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: *chuckles* Good one.
[27.07.2015 20:43:55] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Now why in the seven hells would I do that?
[27.07.2015 20:44:33] Lyn.Beaumont: Why not? Is it really that big a deal for you?
[27.07.2015 20:45:45] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: The lack of Cardamine seriously must have not been easy on your mental health it seems.
[27.07.2015 20:46:40] Lyn.Beaumont: Don't you judge my mental health. I have been there already.
[27.07.2015 20:46:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You have.
[27.07.2015 20:46:54] Lyn.Beaumont: It's not like you can see a whole bunch of military secrets or something!
[27.07.2015 20:47:09] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: It's not about military secrets, they're elsewhere.
[27.07.2015 20:47:19] Lyn.Beaumont: Yes. I know.
[27.07.2015 20:47:46] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: My question is rather, "how exactly do you plan on evading all these weapons platforms and all the battleships that are around-
[27.07.2015 20:47:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -it?'
[27.07.2015 20:48:04] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I mean, as far as I can see, you're running the BHG identification and that doesn't help one bit.
[27.07.2015 20:48:42] Lyn.Beaumont: Back then my friend took me in his ship. He was in the army though so maybe he could do more than you?
[27.07.2015 20:49:17] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: *smiles*
[27.07.2015 20:49:26] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Amusing.
[27.07.2015 20:49:34] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: What army, may I ask?
[27.07.2015 20:49:34] Lyn.Beaumont: What?
[27.07.2015 20:49:49] Lyn.Beaumont: The Maltesian. He was in the 101st.
[27.07.2015 20:49:54] Lyn.Beaumont: Check that if you like.
[27.07.2015 20:50:17] Lyn.Beaumont: I was not always a bounty hunter so I dare you ruin his reputation.
[27.07.2015 20:50:18] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Right, of course. A Ghost and a Bounty Hunter. What a lovely couple that must have been.
[27.07.2015 20:50:32] Lyn.Beaumont: Ghost?
[27.07.2015 20:50:58] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Hm?
[27.07.2015 20:51:15] Lyn.Beaumont: They are called ghosts? He never told me that.
[27.07.2015 20:51:22] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Mhm...
[27.07.2015 20:51:32] Lyn.Beaumont: You don't believe me.
[27.07.2015 20:51:36] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Not one bit.
[27.07.2015 20:51:59] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: But that's irrelevant, even if I did, there is no way in the forseeable future that you are taken to Malta.
[27.07.2015 20:52:03] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Not by me, anyway.
[27.07.2015 20:52:43] Lyn.Beaumont: It is so much better to breath the air, relax somewhere than to snuff this ugly powder.
[27.07.2015 20:53:08] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You don't have to breathe it in, you know.
[27.07.2015 20:53:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: There are other ways.
[27.07.2015 20:53:53] Lyn.Beaumont: You can talk. You just land on Malta. I have to beg Maltesians by now.
[27.07.2015 20:54:39] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Not like I'm trying to judge your life choices, but if that's the case then /maybe/, just /maybe/ finding a job as a Bounty-
[27.07.2015 20:54:45] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -Hunter might not have been the best of ideas.
[27.07.2015 20:55:09] Lyn.Beaumont: I had no choice back then.
[27.07.2015 20:55:19] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: There's always a choice.
[27.07.2015 20:56:04] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: If you think there is only one way out, you haven't considered your position long enough or carefully enough.
[27.07.2015 20:56:21] Lyn.Beaumont: Sometimes there isn't. And it happened. Like that day I just stepped out of the compound and breathed the air I shouldn't.
[27.07.2015 20:57:50] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Well.
[27.07.2015 20:58:10] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I gave you an offer. Do whatever you want with it.
[27.07.2015 20:58:21] Lyn.Beaumont: But what about Malta?
[27.07.2015 20:58:56] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Not with me, not for now.
[27.07.2015 20:59:46] Lyn.Beaumont: For now? But... maybe in the future?
[27.07.2015 20:59:59] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: No one knows what the future holds.
[27.07.2015 21:00:04] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: But I would not count on it too-too much.
[27.07.2015 21:00:32] Lyn.Beaumont: Please. I never hurt you or any of you...
[27.07.2015 21:00:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: As I said, we'll see.
[27.07.2015 21:01:02] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: For now, it's not possible.
[27.07.2015 21:01:18] Lyn.Beaumont: *sighs* No way?
[27.07.2015 21:01:43] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Nope.
[27.07.2015 21:02:25] Lyn.Beaumont: What ... would I have to do?
[27.07.2015 21:02:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: That is not a question for me.
[27.07.2015 21:03:04] Lyn.Beaumont: Who then?
[27.07.2015 21:03:04] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I will not take you, even if it was in my convenience.
[27.07.2015 21:04:00] Lyn.Beaumont: Who then?
[27.07.2015 21:04:16] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Not my concern.
[27.07.2015 21:04:43] Lyn.Beaumont: Come on! I really never did anything to you. I have been a hunter for what... not even two years now.
[27.07.2015 21:04:51] Lyn.Beaumont: There is just no reason to hate me.
[27.07.2015 21:05:46] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Do you think I'd take anybody to Malta who would ask just because they asked nicely and I hadn't met them before?
[27.07.2015 21:05:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I don't think so.
[27.07.2015 21:05:58] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: 'Cause if I did, I'd have ended up in a coffin a long time ago.
[27.07.2015 21:06:54] Lyn.Beaumont: Like I were a danger? I possibly still know my way around and by that I know that I can't do anything at the main port.
[27.07.2015 21:07:19] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You seriously don't let go, do you?
[27.07.2015 21:07:27] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I told you. No, it won't happen. You can now stop.
[27.07.2015 21:07:46] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I offered you a deal, can we get back on track?
[27.07.2015 21:08:32] Lyn.Beaumont: *with broken down voice* Yeah. You really don't leave me that much of a choice, do you?
[27.07.2015 21:09:05] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: But of course, you have a choice.
[27.07.2015 21:09:16] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You could refuse and try to find a Cardamine source somewhere else.
[27.07.2015 21:09:36] Lyn.Beaumont: It grows nowhere else. And people ceased to sell me.
[27.07.2015 21:09:36] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And it might be easier, but would it be more beneficial? I don't think so.
[27.07.2015 21:10:23] Lyn.Beaumont: Beneficial. You have so high demands. I never payed close to that for cardamine.
[27.07.2015 21:10:34] Lyn.Beaumont: Not even when we smuggled it!
[27.07.2015 21:10:53] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Credits are irrelevant for me. If I wanted credits, I'd get on a transport and moved the Orange Dream myself.
[27.07.2015 21:11:12] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And sold it to the people who actually don't ask for such stupid things as "can I go to Malta".
[27.07.2015 21:11:33] Lyn.Beaumont: That's not... stupid.
[27.07.2015 21:11:49] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: *sighs* Anyway.
[27.07.2015 21:12:36] Lyn.Beaumont: When I take your offer... what happens if I am attacked first?
[27.07.2015 21:12:57] Lyn.Beaumont: I don't believe your friends will care about our deal.
[27.07.2015 21:13:59] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: If you choose to stay in Liberty, of course I wouldn't have much control over the people there and yes, should you be attacked-
[27.07.2015 21:14:07] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: -it is natural that you should defend yourself.
[27.07.2015 21:14:41] Lyn.Beaumont: Good. Why does this feel like a bad deal? I will accept though.
[27.07.2015 21:15:16] [Admin]Pavel: // KURWA
[27.07.2015 21:15:18] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Good. I'm glad you made the reasonable choice.
[27.07.2015 21:15:44] Lyn.Beaumont: Thanks... I guess.
[27.07.2015 21:15:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Anything else?
[27.07.2015 21:16:29] Lyn.Beaumont: Can you... at least consider it? Just... keep it in your mind? It was the last place I feelt at home for a time.
[27.07.2015 21:16:45] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: *sighs*
[27.07.2015 21:16:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Farewell, Ms Beaumont.
[27.07.2015 21:17:00] Lyn.Beaumont: Farewell...
[Incoming Signal]
[Decrypting...][Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose [Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate [Source:]______ Buffalo Base, New York
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 06-08-822
[Priority:]____ Medium [Encryption:]__ Very High [Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
I got a word from a Rogue rookie that there were GMG transports passing through Liberty. I spotted one of them, but because of some annoying Xenos blowing out the lane he ran. I didn't get easily discouraged and chased him all the way to Kusari. There I encountered some of his friends who didn't want to pay and got in turn blown up. I think one of them was even the GMG puppet master. After returning back to Liberty I found another GMG transport that decided to pay fifteen millions for a load of Helium-3 and later a USI Stork with Industrial Hardware that decided to pay as well.
While the whole issue with the forums roll back has caused many articles of RP and many other things to go missing, I am taking the time now to officially state that the Bloodrose Syndicate has disbanded. The whole ordeal that brought about this decision started way back at the end of July when I first realized certain members needed removing and doing so went against my character and morals. It was a blow to my drive to play this great game and as such, my leadership of the faction never truly took hold.
All Bloodrose Syndicate assets that belong to the members of the syndicate (If any of their assets still exist ingame) are to be kept by their respective owners. The role play reasoning behind the Syndicates disbanding has been decided to be Marissa 'Rise' Bloodrose falling into insanity at the loss of her wife, Angel Bloodrose, thus leading to the syndicate fraying before eventually disbanding completely.
Any outstanding RP with the Syndicate, if there was any, will need to be run by myself, Chrono, or by Skorak.
We thank all of you whom encountered the syndicate in space and wish you all luck in the future.