Updated some infocards (e.g Yaren had it's old Corsair infocard). The ones highlighted blue are things I'm unsure about, especially that Ibiza infocard as I think @Scourgeclaw is meant to be handling OC infocards at some point later in the future?
Other than that it's simply lore corrections. I'm working on writing new infocards for new NPCs on Yaren and Capetown, as currently it's just C&P of Deshima/Sheffield NPCs. The Alabama and Durban NPCs also completely lack any sort of speech so having some stuff for them would be nice. I'll post those later when I'm done.
Though in regards to the above the Yaren/Capetown NPCs won't have a base infocard to work with as they'll be new entries, so I'm guessing I'll have to submit them as new infocards without an original infocard designation (assuming new entries will have to be made for them and unless new stuff is added that means the next infocard added would be 550030(i)?).
Also I guess @Omicron will have to make an infocard for Dabadoru at some point.
P.S Can I also request an NPC to give a Core bribe at the Freeport? Although mwerte fixed the restart, a lot of ships are still hostile. And repping with Core ships is a real pain as shooting Order (which is the only way to rep) only gives +0.25 empathy.
There are some issues with Tau 44. It should be in the process of eliminating all GRN presence. [Technically it should eventually be devoid of them but I'm assuming Tau 44 wasn't the main object of this update.]
ooRPly speaking:
-Minato Harbour's current infocard read 270 people on-board, GRN people. That's too little to resist a CR + Council incursion. We've already begun some RP to this end and we'll further it as much as it's necessary. That being said, Minato should be given a CR IFF and a changed infocard.
CLASS: Kalimantan
GRAVITY: Complete
Minato Harbour once served as the primary port for all shuttles moving to and from Planet Borneo. Since the invasion by the Gallic Royal Navy, the station has subsequently been occupied and its shuttles are now used by Gallic science teams investigating the planet. However due to the ongoing military campaign and the remote location of Tau-44, it is unlikely colonisation will occur.
CLASS: Kalimantan
GRAVITY: Complete
POPULATION: about 420
Minato Harbour once served as the primary port for all shuttles moving to and from Planet Borneo. It did "live" through hazardous times as the Gallic Royal Navy invaded Tau 44, and after the Crayterian Exodus it remained under Gallic control. Recently however, the station has been reclaimed by the Crayterians with the help of the Council and now serves as a base of operations for the Tau area.
inRPly speaking:
The Royals rationally hesitated to invest in anything beyond a garrison force and a science expedition, having vastly more worthwhile projects to pursue than what compared to most Royal worlds would at best be a fishing colony. For the local Tau factions however, Borneo has a dramatically greater significance. Being the only planetary body in the Taus that wouldn't require extensive terraforming, so it could very well satisfy the demand for a a great many goods that normally need to be imported from the Houses. Minato Harbour remains a key installation for any operations planet-side on Borneo.
The locals might not have had the resources to erect a dock-ring in a timely manner,
while the occupying Royals find such an investment not worthwhile. Consequently, Minato was hit by a joint assault shortly after the Oblique deserted the GRN by Council and Crayterian forces. The small security team was overwhelmed and the researchers surrendered without a fight and were taken prisoners.
-Joint action is also being taken for the purpose of eventual elimination of GRN forces from Suwalesi Citadel, which also used to be a CR installation. ooRPly, we'd like Suwalesi to be rid of the GRN IFF as well, so that the system will be fully devoid of GRN presence, but that'd best be left for another one of the updates.
Signed, CR| 1iC @Johnathan Nox Carter and [C] 1iC @Thyrzul
Planet Le Mans was moved to IDF from Maine, and still has the same name and info cards from when it was in Maine. Seeing as Maine was removed via RP reason, it doesn't make sense for the planet suddenly moving.