I saw it in fight yesterday and tested this thing today with Moonwalker. So here is a problem:
Sunslayer can't be disrupted with MCD and TCD (only if you will focus on the torp, but we never doing it).
I saw somebody did thread about MCD doesn't hit Starslayer, but now it's fixed. So I tested Starslayer and Sunslayer today against cruise disruptors and I can say this thing:
Starslayer can be disrupted.
Sunslayer can't be disrupted - so it looks like cheating thing now, because impossible to CD it.
Hope you will fix it soon, because it's annoying when somebody using it.
CD + nuke is already better than MR or torpedoes. The fact that CD alone counters torpedoes is bad design and should not happen. Considering how horribly hard it is to land a sunslayer hit, if they were to be CDable, there'd be 0 use for them (just like there already is, while as before starkiller was made CDable again people actually used it sometimes).
Not only that, it also renders CMs useless.
(06-19-2016, 12:06 PM)Mao Wrote: inb4 Sirius gets renamed to XTF.
(11-22-2015, 01:56 PM)Yber Wrote: i thought i had already posted here >
CD + nuke is already better than MR or torpedoes. The fact that CD alone counters torpedoes is bad design and should not happen. Considering how horribly hard it is to land a sunslayer hit, if they were to be CDable, there'd be 0 use for them (just like there already is, while as before starkiller was made CDable again people actually used it sometimes).
Not only that, it also renders CMs useless.
I fully agree with you, torps are already relatively rare in game
It feels like cheating because you can't disrupt a torpedo? Where have you been in the last 10 years?! The amount of changes brought against missiles in this mod is so huge that people forgot or don't even know how original Freelancer actually was.
(11-22-2015, 02:26 PM)Stone21 Wrote: It feels like cheating because you can't disrupt a torpedo? Where have you been in the last 10 years?! The amount of changes brought against missiles in this mod is so huge that people forgot or don't even know how original Freelancer actually was.
Actually I have been. And I know what I'm talking about. If you have been in the game for the last few years at least, you should know that against missiles you can use only Countermeasures and Cruise Disruptors. This things were from simple 1.0 Freelancer.
And btw countermeasures are not such good against torps how you can emaginate it - they have too big explosion range and CM doesn't help much.