(12-29-2015, 01:54 AM)Sirius.News Wrote: This goes both ways, what you described is the exception. Most of the pirates are like:
:: Give me 20 million and your cargo or die.
As far as I know this is sanctionable. Pirate can´t demand both money and cargo, because obviously trader has no reason to fulfill such demand so it would be just cheap way to get a blue. If you meet such guy, just report him.
Actually even asking 20 million tax itself would be sanctionable if the trader is not transporting ore, because with all other cargo demand equals/is higher than value of cargo and profit combined what is again just cheap way to get a blue because no trader would pay it.
(12-29-2015, 01:54 AM)Sirius.News Wrote: This goes both ways, what you described is the exception. Most of the pirates are like:
:: Give me 20 million and your cargo or die.
Then one starts and tries negotiating and next thing you know is:
:: You didn't fulfill my demand - opening fire
Requested credits must equal the cargo's value. Otherwise - sanction. I mean, you can still 'tax' an empty transport, but it shouldn't surpass 1 million credits in such a case. I know this is not a poor player, if he/she can afford transport with more than 2000 cargo, but on the other hand he/she hauls nothing.
But then, I've realized that my piracy recently turns into escort duties due to the cargo and shipment destination, so I always take advantage of that fact and simply roleplay with the smuggler, gaining even more money from escorting them rather than extorting them.
As a mainly trader player i can post some reasons :
If i fly my 5000 full of gold ore or something ( which i paid up to 20 m ) , i will naturally try to save cargo if i can , so i will accept reasonable money demand ( up to value of cargo on buy location , not selling price ) , and if i don't like pirate attitude , i will not give him maximum price , even at cost i loose all , i will rater return to starting point in some cases .
Also , i will pay higher price to lone wolfs they deserve reward for effort , i hate paying groups of line campers why simply sleeps near all trade lines in systems, and gathers when some of them see easy pray .
There is also some times , when i will simply not pay not even one credit . Like situation i was in Pennsylvania , i am in Liner parked 200 m from Erie docking ring , empty , just chating PM with friend , and some Outcast show up and demand 5 m , i mean , it was more ridiculous than real treat :
I say : "5 m for what ?"
He say : "to let you live"
I say : "good luck reaching me while i was here!"
He says : "i will not let you leave planet orbit then "
say : "i dint intend to leave anyway , i can sit here all day, how about you ( this hole time he tries to type and evade razors from patrols and bases lol) ? "
After some time he finally got it and leave . I will never pay single credit to players like that , who obviously want trouble in any situation , they don't have decadency to leave when they see someone is not in RP curently chating .
When i am in my Cloak liner , that is different story , i will use bribe only as last resort , i don't fly that flying brick liner for profit , it is to enjoy of feeling i was able to outsmart pirate/s and save passengers in "o how i love to stuck ship" if i can , if i cant , oh well , at least i tried and it was fun .
(12-29-2015, 03:56 AM)Snozzz Wrote: " The Lane Hackers do it" really, of course they can't or they would not be flying round being the pains in the ass they are. They would be robbing you from their armchairs instead. So no they can't. And as the Tor raids proved they can't get away with much when they do (for those that like modern day analogues).
Actual Lane Hackers do sit in their armchairs and rob you. It's their lackeys who are running around in the ships. Read the description for the Lane Hacker Pilot.
Discovery Wiki Wrote:A pilot working for the Lane Hackers. There is little chance that the secrets of the organization are known to him, but the return of a successfully captured pilot will be well rewarded. No actual Lane Hacker has ever been captured.
@ Paladin
thats a description of a commodity
look at the player and NPC faction descriptions instead (talking wiki only here)
neither describes the ability do anything 'above' hack lanes and gates, or be captured or not
but if you do look at your quote it denies the skills and abilities required to manipulate the 'banking system' of Sirius