Sender:Flottillenadmiral Karl von Schlafenberg | Büro der Marineintelligenz Recipents:The Core Guildmaster | Invicta Administration | AP Manufacturing Source:Planet Holstein | Frankfurt Type:Voice Objective:Megalodon upgrades Encryption:HIGH Signal quality:98% Priority:HIGH
"Guten Tag Meine Freunde"
"It has been a long time since Das Büro and The Core agreed to something and I believe it's about time to continue and strenthen our cooperation again. Our newly acquired ship, the MEC-Megalodon requires significant boost of effectiveness. As you already know, our expedition fleet got ambushed near a wormhole anomaly in Omicron 74 by a group claiming to be part of the Samarrans. We both know that Omicrons are dangerous place to be in. Some places are better to be avoided or sneaked through them. Cloaking equipment would help in this case, while docking bays would provide cover for our fightercrafts"
"We believe that The Core is able to provide some technological support. The boost I am talking about is equipping our battlecruiser with cloaking device and docking bays"
"What we require from Invicta is a construction of the mentioned cloaking equipment. Das Büro logistics department can provide all necessary materials. We can make the work go faster by constructing the cloak on Invicta, and digging docking bays into Megalodon on Alabama, both at once"
"I am looking forward do your response, Admiral out"
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Greetings Flottillenadmiral Karl von Schlafenberg,
Whilst we currently lack a construction module for Docking Bays, we can certainly construct a Cloaking Device MK2 for your vessel. Invicta is fully equipped to construct such equipment.
In fact, checking Invicta we already have a cloak of the specification that you require. If you come down to Omicron Rho in the near future, we can arrange a pick up.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing
Sender:Flottillenadmiral Karl von Schlafenberg | Büro der Marineintelligenz Recipents:The Core Guildmaster Erik Nodtviet | Invicta Administration Source:Planet Holstein | Frankfurt Type:Voice Objective:Cloaking device pick up Encryption:HIGH Signal quality:97% Priority:HIGH
"Guten Tag Herr Nodtviet"
"Invicta should expect the Megalodon soon, very soon..." He pauses. You can hear some glass tinkling. The Admiral is likely shuffling coffee.
He sighs and continues to speak, while mixing his coffee. "Regarding the docking bays, we will have to do it ourselves in Rheinland, which may take more time and materials. This issue is nothing for you to be bothered with, Herr Guildmaster"
"Wir sehen uns in Omicron Rho, Auf Wiedersehen"
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I must inform that it appears we do not have the item in stock, so we will begin production of a new one. We are already very close to completing it, and if the Buro would like to speed up its construction then Invicta requires 8,500 Plasmonic Metamaterials. The installation should pay you for your services.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing