No need in naming myself. I wasn't anything special then. But I belonged. I belonged to a group that took whatever they wanted from whoever they wanted. We garnered real fear to traders and the "Law". We had no heads, but we were a pack. A real pack! We made fortunes and owed no one! You knew when you were out there someone had your back. We smeared and painted the black of space red with those who got in the way, between us and are wealth.
Now I see Freelancers pillage and work together more then any Rogues work together. Sure there is short abrupt "Business" relationships. But all fall short of real power as a pack. And all rogues seem to have this rather snarky quip attitude. Cookie Cutter if you will, failed comedians that have taken to piracy. Yes humor can be, guiding. I always preferred THE I WILL CRACK SKULLS AND KILL THE MOST INNOCENT FIRST WELL YOUR OFFSPRING AWAIT THEIR TURN AND URINATE IN THEIR SEATS!! YOUR LIFE IS NOT GUARANTEED THAT IS WHY YOU WILL FEAR ME AND FOR SURE WILL PAY ME IN WEALTH OR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF YOUR DEATH! YOU WILL PAY WHAT IS ASKED OR DEATH WILL SHAKE THE LIFE FROM YOU IN FLAME AND THEN A VACUUM OF EVER FREEZING KILLING COLD! This always seemed to garner results.
Liberty now has In place an LPI institution You can pay a few donuts to have them look the other way well their brethren scream pleasantly and explode in a cacophony of death! I kid you not. And when faced with proof their own is corrupt and informing their enemies. They cower and refuse to bring their own to justice. Instead "I cant be bothered". Is their actual response, as they maw with weak gums at their donuts. You can actually pay many of their members to keep tabs on the navy with the equivalent of cream filled donuts.
We can all thank The LPI later for putting Liberty on her back. I have killed and claimed wealth from Liberty to fund an army. And I did so alone. But, I tire of not having Brothers and Sisters to share the story's with. That feeling of belonging once again as you encircle your prey. If Liberty is this ripe now. Imagine if we packed together once again!
Liberty is already on her back. Lets elevate her. And bring her to her knees.......
Another unnamed wannabe revolutionist callin' on the many minor warlords around Liberty. Greenhorn, we arent interested in a revolution, a revolt, or anarchy. Thats Xeener turf. Honestly, we've gotten this message a hundred times. You want a revolt? Start it yourselves, we aint gettin' involved.
However, if you decide to violate the Rogues Code of Conduct, we will ride out and put you down like many before you.
I admire your enthusiasm on re-establishing the Rouges' unified collaboration, but there were reasons it went downhill in the first place.
First off, we're here to make a profit, not to throw ourselves in front of the Navy and die while taking everyone else down with us. We've lost too many of our more valuable ships and equipment to this type of attitude. Even the head honcho of the Rouges out in Cassini knew that, and he eventually stopped ignoring the casualties on our side when we did stuff like that. That's why he said to call it quits on doing this type of stuff.
Secondly, each and every Rouge base is it's own place. We all may be part of the Rouges, but we're not puppet outposts that can be ordered around like the Navy does with their fleet. Bases like Dawson and Niverton have expressed their individuality by forming offshoot cells of their own that maintain organization and efficiency when pirating and shooting up lawfuls. Maybe you should convince your base to be like Niverton or Dawson, so that you can be renowned like they are.
Lastly, it gets boring after a while when all you do is pirate every civilian and kill every lawful in sight. Even if you could shoot up three Liberty Dreadnoughts a day and make it off without a scratch, it wouldn't be fun to do that every day, because it would get boring. However, as you said with the police, we can turn lawfuls in a different direction, and possibly even toy with them for hours on end, causing chaos and confusion everywhere. Manipulation is much more fun than just shooting stuff.
We may not be as glorious now as we were a few years ago, but we can survive this way. Stay in the spotlight too long, and you will get burned by it, as they say. To be honest, I don't think many like what our leader did, but maybe he was the smartest one in the room from the beginning. He knew when to plunder and kill, but he also knew when to quit a suicidal tactic. Groups like the Torpedos are gone because of most of their members being killed off in this strategy.
You could be like the famous Rouges and die tomorrow, or you can be a cautious, devious, and smart Rouge and live to mess with many more lives than any of them ever did. Then, when you finally go out, you can die an accomplished man, and be proud of your work. That's just my opinion, though. Don't know about you, but I'll pass on your offer and give this one instead.
A hundred times you say? Like voices needing to be answered? Hmmm.
I admit My time away wallowing in my immense wealth and horrid time of peace was long. Has it really changed that much?
From The most notoriously and chaotic developed crime society all over Sirius - from having more hidden outposts and advanced ships than anyone would expect. And by "Xeener turf". The radical's? Who started a gigantic revolution. I would of thought if anyone would understand... And If Im not mistaken they did it with With duct taped streaming from their ships. And you say with confidence. They have taken it all over? Liberty!! Hmmm. Interesting.
The most horrid you have shed. A Rouge having, "A code of Conduct" instead of an, understanding. Rogue, a dishonest or unprincipled man or women.
But perhaps what you are saying is true. And the "Xeener" have taken over Liberty. And Dragons have finally graced us and allow the worthy to mount them into battle against the stars themselves!
The message that has been delivered a hundred times. Needs an answer! All I ask is that as you seek your wealth. Remember your fellow Rogue
Please to not mistaken the lack of a name, as cowardice. I find it best when slaughtering and committing mass amounts of criminal activities, that I don't sign my name. Unless the "Xeeners" have also done away with the Bounty Hunters...
I admire your enthusiasm on re-establishing the Rouges' unified collaboration, but there were reasons it went downhill in the first place.
First off, we're here to make a profit, not to throw ourselves in front of the Navy and die while taking everyone else down with us. We've lost too many of our more valuable ships and equipment to this type of attitude. Even the head honcho of the Rouges out in Cassini knew that, and he eventually stopped ignoring the casualties on our side when we did stuff like that. That's why he said to call it quits on doing this type of stuff.
Secondly, each and every Rouge base is it's own place. We all may be part of the Rouges, but we're not puppet outposts that can be ordered around like the Navy does with their fleet. Bases like Dawson and Niverton have expressed their individuality by forming offshoot cells of their own that maintain organization and efficiency when pirating and shooting up lawfuls. Maybe you should convince your base to be like Niverton or Dawson, so that you can be renowned like they are.
Lastly, it gets boring after a while when all you do is pirate every civilian and kill every lawful in sight. Even if you could shoot up three Liberty Dreadnoughts a day and make it off without a scratch, it wouldn't be fun to do that every day, because it would get boring. However, as you said with the police, we can turn lawfuls in a different direction, and possibly even toy with them for hours on end, causing chaos and confusion everywhere. Manipulation is much more fun than just shooting stuff.
We may not be as glorious now as we were a few years ago, but we can survive this way. Stay in the spotlight too long, and you will get burned by it, as they say. To be honest, I don't think many like what our leader did, but maybe he was the smartest one in the room from the beginning. He knew when to plunder and kill, but he also knew when to quit a suicidal tactic. Groups like the Torpedos are gone because of most of their members being killed off in this strategy.
You could be like the famous Rouges and die tomorrow, or you can be a cautious, devious, and smart Rouge and live to mess with many more lives than any of them ever did. Then, when you finally go out, you can die an accomplished man, and be proud of your work. That's just my opinion, though. Don't know about you, but I'll pass on your offer and give this one instead.
_ _ From:.......... Ji Reilly, Dawson Wing To:............... Whoever the hell you are. Source:...... Crayter Sector (This doesn't feel right.)
Subject:..... - _ _
Ji laid back in his Sunrider pilot seat, holding a can of Spark Energy Drink and a cigarette in one hand and his PAD in the other. He inhaled the cigarette and started.
Okay, I think we need to get something out of the way here. First up, that old bachelor from the Colours is talking out of his arse, some goddamn self-righteous vigilante that got lost in the 760s or somewhere around that time. He's right though, if you want to rebel, go to those bums from Ouray. They like masochists that think shooting Rio Grande in Starblazers changes anything. Hint: it doesn't and never will.
He stretched and took a sip of the Spark.
It's survival of the fittest here, squire, and while taking stuff as it comes might seem like a good idea at first, a little preparation goes a long way. So don't get shot before you start realising you're a bit lacking in the good ol' brains department.
Ji yawned and hovered his finger over the close button.
So now: on your feet, back in line and grow up. We don't need idealistic idiots here. Or, maybe we do. They make for great cannon fodder.
Let the government serve the people, let us serve the addicts, no reason to create a new government when the old one is just worthless enough to have a blind spot to our operations