I happen to have come into to a rather large amount of high quality labor from Liberty. These are hand picked specimens of the highest possible quality to help with your illustrious cardamine production. They are currently safe and healthy on the Junkyard installation in Inverness but they will need a home soon.
Seeing as how these are the highest possible grade workers I am seeking the highest possible grade buyer for them. All interested buyers please let me know what you have to offer and why I should bring these fine specimens to your specific plantations on Malta.
Hail Malta and the glorious Outcasts, may the Orange dream live on forever!
To: Rico Valesquez From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order Subject: RE: To: Outcast Cartels, From: Rico Encryption: [Absolute]
You junkers always seem to have the most impeccable luck when it comes to knowing when to reach out. It would so happen that I have a need for some laborers for a project of mine-- and you just so happened to come a'knocking right when I started looking. If you're willing to fork them over-- we can arrange some sort of deal as to your compensation.
I don't make a habit of making unreasonable offers however, so rather than spitball with ideas for reprisal-- hows about you ask for whatever it is you inevitably want and I'll see what I can do. Capiche?
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
I'm glad there are SOME real Outcasts left out there that see the value of forced labor. I think an additional 1000 credits in addition to what the dockmaster pays would be more than sufficient for these finest of fine specimens. I currently have almost 40,000 of the highest quality available, would this deal be acceptable senorita. (Grand total: $40,000,000SC)
Please let me know and give my regards to your brothers and sisters of Orange,
Rico Valesquez
Sigma Junkers
Junkers Congress
Rheinland Director
I am still waiting on your reply, due to the fact that the slaves in mention are currently residing on my base and I have had to feed, house, and contain (beat) them while awaiting your reply. Unfortunately I am going to have to add this extra cost to your price. Our price per slave for the highest quality that Liberty has to offer has now gone up to 1,500 SC per living unit. ($60,000,000 total)
Please let me know when we can start transporting ASAP as I have no need for these on my installation and I would hate to have to keep feeding them.
Thank you and long live the orange dream!
Rico Valesquez
Sigma Junkers
Junkers Congress
Rheinland Director
To: Rico Valesquez From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order Subject: RE: To: Outcast Cartels, From: Rico Encryption: [Absolute]
Y'know, running the majority of a warfleet and overseeing a Planet has my time being at a bit of a premium-- so you'll forgive me for not getting back to you right away.
Regardless, we'll still take them-- Malta's shipyards always need fresh hands to work the scrap forges and keep the hard working naval personnel entertained. Those that are deemed worthy upon their arrival to Valetta will be shipped to Bastia for work on my special little... surprise that I'm preparing for the rest of Sirius.
Though you've raised the price and proked a bit of a jab to our funds, I'm willing to let both slide. Bring your "volunteers" to Valetta, I'll see they're handled properly.
Standard Cross policy applies: All prisoners are to be delivered in prime condition, no harm is to come to children and no payment will be made for those that fail to meet our criteria. You'll get your credits when the job's done and not a moment sooner. I'll have docking control direct your vessels to the Holy Order's owned mooring bays to ease the logistics of your dropoff.
Try not to get killed on the way here.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
It's been a whole day. The Congress has delivered 22,370 of the highest quality slaves available to Liberty directly to your base at Valetta ship yard. They are were all healthy specimens and none died in transit to my knowledge. The orange dream was spread on the return trip so this whole endeavor was quite a boon to the Outcast cause. Here is all of the proofs of the deliveries (sorry for the mess several different sources)
To: Rico Valesquez From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order Subject: RE: To: Outcast Cartels, From: Rico Encryption: [Absolute]
I just received word that the "volunteers" you brought us are settling comfortably into their new jobs-- We'll make sure to put them to good use.
And forgive the delay, but I finally managed to get around to wiring the credit transfer for your services rendered. You'll also find a little extra bonus in there for getting this done so quickly.
Color me impressed; I asked the Marauders to handle something months ago and haven't heard word-- and here you all are getting it done. I'll have to reconfigure some plans for future orders if you all keep this up.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.