//Archival thread kept for historical purposes of the characters. ooRPly Royal Lynx has been destroyed, with Red being captured for some time.
connection established
source: "Royal Lynx"
ID: Red Kimiki
to: Interested contractors
[GMG-owned relays excluded]
We can offer and will fulfill: - fast and reliable deliveries,
- Sector-wide range of operations,
- competent way of fulfilling contracts,
- full privacy of the contractor and cargo,
- passanger and VIP cruise across the system.
- House militaries*
- Outcasts
- Liberty Rogues
- SCRA and Coalition
- Hellfire Legion
- Molly Republic
- Unioners - Unioners
- Red Hessians
- Xenos (Permanently)
- Gas Miners Guild (Permanently)
Contact "Royal Lynx" today, both on Neural Net or in space!
Crew of Royal Lynx reserves the right to refuse requested contract, if it is deemed too dangerous, is aimed for harm (such as slavery, terrorism, genocide or piracy), is seriously violating law of given sector or is against the credo of captain or the crewmates. Any form of threatment, molestation, hijacking, unauthorised access to the vessel's database, inability to pay the negotiated price, unreported possession of Cardamine and any other illicit behaviour or actions may result in temporal or even pernament ban from services granted by the shipper.
connection established
source: "Red.Savarin"
ID: Red Savarin
to: Interested contractors
I am saddened to inform you, but Royal Lynx has received some major damage being temporarly unable to fulfill major contracts or prolong them. However, if you are looking for some easy credit, you can bring 6000 Basic Alloys and 1200 Engine Components to Norfolk Shipyard. I pay 3000 SCr per unit.
connection established
source: "Royal.Lynx"
ID: Red Savarin
to: Interested contractors
Royal Lynx is back into business. Thanks to the cooperation of [NSE]- callsign vessels, our ship is as good as new. We are ready for further contracts.
connection established
source: "Royal.Lynx"
ID: Red Kimiki
to: Interested contractors
Crew of Royal Lynx come to conclussion that list of the factions that will not be serviced must be expanded. We are really sorry for inconvenience, but it was a hard decision in order to avoid econo-political issues.
connection established
source: "Royal.Lynx"
ID: Red Kimiki
to: Interested contractors
With the deepest regrets we must inform that Gas Miners Guild, due to complaints from various clients, has been pernamently excluded from services concluded by Royal Lynx.
connection established
source: "Royal.Lynx"
ID: Red Kimiki
to: Interested contractors
Certain individuals have been pernamently excluded from services concluded by Royal Lynx. Please - do watch if you happen to be around such pilots or entities.