Anyone playing? I never really could get into the previous far cry titles, only played 4 for a total of like 4 or 5 hours, but I've got probably 10 hours into far cry primal already and still going strong. Love the setting, already got a sabretooth tiger tamed and rideable, kicking the crap out of enemy cavemen. The scenery is amazing, I dont see why so many bad reviews were posted about the game.
I just started playing it recently and I love it. I played a ton of FC3 and FC4, so this is a familiar setting for me. Despite the map being a copy of the FC4 map, I love it - especially due to the fact that I don't have a helicopter or car to drive around on, and don't have a machine gun. The other titles definitely felt like you were the danger in the area, and if you play it somewhat safe you'll escape unharmed. This one, Primal, you "feel" like you are the hunted, and that walking through the forests could be death for you. They did a great job making the world feel huge and you feel like you are a small part of it and are in the middle of the food chain so to speak.
In fact, might start playing it again right now... Ha