Grand Admiral Golanski speaking, on behalf of the Overwatch.
By time I am sending this transmission to you, this is the second time that The Order fleets I have dispatched to Omicron 74 saved your installation from guaranteed annihilation at hands of Nomadic forces. The silence from your direction concerning an important issue of such magnitude that might as well wipe you out entirely should we not intervene troubles The Order Overwatch on topic of your presence in Omicrons. According to reports of our commanders out in the field, we do not posses any sort of docking permission or prior diplomatic relations with your group.
I advise you to break the silence before our assets will be re-prioritized to other important tasks, leaving you completely undefended. Rendered assistance was by all means altruistic act, delivered despite my past experience with unsanctioned installations in Omicron 74 in the past. If any of you remembers the self entitled "Zoner Alliance" that had no ties to actual collaboration between major Zoner powers in year of 818, you should be well aware of our power projection in the region, as well our offensive and defensive capabilities.
Indentification:Outer Rim University | Dr. Wes Valdon Location:Omicron-74 | Corinth Station Recipient:The Order | Admiral Michal Golanski Subject:Re: To the Owner of the Outer Rim University
Good day Mr. Golanski,
my name is Dr. Wes Valdon. I am speaking on behalf of the Outer Rim University, the latest foundation of the Zoner Consensus, a collaboration of several Zoners that also contains former members of the Phoenix.
We appreciate very much the defense the Order had provided for our construction site. Our business is education and the Outer Rim University will be a civilian institution. Please correct me if am wrong, which actually never happens, that Orders business is actually fighting the Nomad threat. We don't hold any intention in claiming ownage of Omicron-74, that means we won't interfere the Order in doing their duty. We are aware, as well as you are aware that an academic institution and even Zoners are generally defenseless against any threat. If there is any suspicion about our University, feel free to do an inspection.
Grand Admiral Golanski speaking, on behalf of the Overwatch.
I agree to proposition of inspecting the base. Presuming we will not find anything, it rules out question of Nomads following smugglers of their alien brethren remains as they tend to do. Then again, when Nomads ever needed an excuse to destroy humanity. More over, The Order Overwatch wants to propose you a deal that in the long term, will secure your position in the Omicrons and will allow you to continue your agenda in edge worlds.
The Order in simplest terms will offer you protection: from Corsairs, Core, Nomads, AI - name about anything that will dare to assault your personnel or assets unprovoked. We will keep an eye on Omicron 74 due to increased risk factor and intervene on your behalf to enforce the peace. Exact same was enjoyed by Phoenix group prior to their untimely departure. In return, we expect that you will obey our regulations - simple as that, other than behaving respectfully in our controlled space, those regs only treat with dangerous avenues of research such as weaponizing alien artifacts.
The more resources, money and assets you bring to Omicron Mu, the more we will be thankful in return - do not take me wrong, we will not tax you in any shape and form. Supplies are necessary to continue our crusade to push Nomads out of human controlled space and we also developed set of armaments that are quite adequate in means of self-defense even against infested infiltrators turn berserk. I can also authorize sales of vessels up to gunboat-class should needed and deemed advantageous to us.
I offer you backing of most powerful fleet in Omicrons, at expense of increased commitment to security of the region on your part. No freedoms will be lost if you follow that path, and you already witnessed how difficult this region is.
Indentification:Zoner Consensus | Dr. Prof. Alessa Samson Location:Omicron-74 | Corinth Station Recipient:The Order | Admiral Michal Golanski Subject:Official Zoner Consensus Statement
A pleasure to talk to you Admiral Golanski,
please excuse Dr. Wes Valdons emotionless behaviour, he is usually like this, which sometimes could drive into curiousity.
My name is Dr. Prof. Alessa Samson and I am speaking on behalf of the Zoner Consensus, the founder of the Seraphim and the Outer Rim University. For more detailed information about the Zoner Consensus feel free to read this.
We are aware of the role of the Order in the protection of humanity against the nomads and we are thankful for the offer to protect our property in case of an emergency. Therefore we have made a decission.
We are willing to support the Order in its fight against the Nomads. The Zoner Consensus will send the Seraphim to provide medical, humanitarian and psychological support. In regards of this we agree with obeying your restriction of weaponary usage and research of Nomad remains.
Nevertheless, to preserve the appearance of our neutrality, and to stay passive and generally unreletated into external wars, it is primordial for us that our relation with the Order remains hidden and secret. Indeed, our support would be strongly restricted by the Core if it would know about it.
We hope you will welcome this agreement and we will have multiple positive interactions with our community in the future.
Grand Admiral Golanski speaking, on behalf of the Overwatch.
We agree to the terms and will accept any help you can provide. My officers are already aware of situation in Omicron 74 and will respond as needed. Naturally, extend of our aid is not limited to just this system, however it requires most of our attention due to still fragile nature of your installation.
The Order will welcome shipments of food, medical supplies, fertilizers, black market munitions,... the list is long, but I am confident you have sufficient sense to source appropriate commodities and correlate demand with Akabat's requisition office. On your return trip, you may be fond of Kemwer branded hardware for your own safety or interested in training of your security detachments (Marines). You ought to be careful with those but I trust that successors to Phoenix have adequate skill in evasion and subtlety to prevent likes of Core from finding you out.
Do not hesitate contacting us further, should you require anything else.