I am indifferent to the whole thing, really. I am posting here just to question Vipex's comment in the previous page.
Does this reasoning take into account just how rare cloak disruptors are? That they are a specialized piece of gear used just for one purpose and one purpose only? Infini cloaks, as you no doubt know, allow the user to cloak at any point in time before encountering a player and remained cloaked until they decide to uncloak or are uncloaked.
This coupled with the long charge time means that you have built the nomad cloaks for them to be ONLY used for butt-cloaking. Nothing else.
And I do not buy the qq that people gang up on nomads. They have done so for years and for some reason the Keepers had less of an issue with it. Since when are nomad players so delicate to offer such a reply? You are playing the Nomads, of course you will be hunted down. That is the point of your whole goddamn faction. Nothing else. The roleplay of nomads has degraded so much over the last few years that hunting them down has been the only good thing that they are used for.
You are the sirius-wide terrorist ID that logs on to generate activity in regions by having people hunt you down.
I would highly suggest removing perma-cloaks and reversing the whole idea between them and their human counterparts - as in, give the nomad cloaks almost instant activation time to be used to run away, rather than buttcloak you. That is, if someone manages to remove the CD tracking glitch.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Don't nerf Nomads, Omicrons are to be dangerous and you are to die there. Thanks.
RPing Duks are a rare sight indeed, but well, I don't have anything against it. People usualy panic when they see this big toy uncloaking right behind them, so even if they wanted to, it's nearly impossible as they're most often under fire from the first moment after decloaking
(03-29-2016, 07:56 AM)sindroms Wrote: I am indifferent to the whole thing, really. I am posting here just to question Vipex's comment in the previous page.
Does this reasoning take into account just how rare cloak disruptors are? That they are a specialized piece of gear used just for one purpose and one purpose only? Infini cloaks, as you no doubt know, allow the user to cloak at any point in time before encountering a player and remained cloaked until they decide to uncloak or are uncloaked.
This coupled with the long charge time means that you have built the nomad cloaks for them to be ONLY used for butt-cloaking. Nothing else.
And I do not buy the qq that people gang up on nomads. They have done so for years and for some reason the Keepers had less of an issue with it. Since when are nomad players so delicate to offer such a reply? You are playing the Nomads, of course you will be hunted down. That is the point of your whole goddamn faction. Nothing else. The roleplay of nomads has degraded so much over the last few years that hunting them down has been the only good thing that they are used for.
You are the sirius-wide terrorist ID that logs on to generate activity in regions by having people hunt you down.
Wow! So Nomads are there only to amuse bored humans during hunting season. Interesting take on the alien entity that's supposed to scare the shit out of humans.
You can do that by giving them ships that people would think twice before attacking alone. You can make them scary without cheap kills.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(03-29-2016, 08:32 AM)Mao Wrote: Wow! So Nomads are there only to amuse bored humans during hunting season. Interesting take on the alien entity that's supposed to scare the ***** out of humans.
(03-29-2016, 08:33 AM)Tabris Wrote: If anything I think the nomads should be even stronger. They are meant to be the boogie-man of Sirius. Folks are SUPPOSED to be scared of them.
And now we have people who are not willing to log or interact with them. So they are afraid to get insta killed ooRPly, rather than being afraid inRP.
I can be for removing their infinite cloaks only if provided with hull and guns boost.
(03-29-2016, 08:41 AM)Snak3 Wrote:
(03-29-2016, 08:32 AM)Mao Wrote: Wow! So Nomads are there only to amuse bored humans during hunting season. Interesting take on the alien entity that's supposed to scare the ***** out of humans.
(03-29-2016, 08:33 AM)Tabris Wrote: If anything I think the nomads should be even stronger. They are meant to be the boogie-man of Sirius. Folks are SUPPOSED to be scared of them.
And now we have people who are not willing to log or interact with them. So they are afraid to get insta killed ooRPly, rather than being afraid inRP.
And people are not willing to log because of risk of being killed.
And they're afraid of being killed just becasue of the system ban.
That's how it work. Removing the system ban would be a thing, but there's no chance of it being implemented, and we all know it.
Disco's full of people who are afraid of being killed, really. Most likely because they want to play in their spare time instead of waiting 2hours till being able to return.
This is a rather delicate topic. On one side, you've got people who think that the nomads should be superior to humans because they are much more advanced iRP, and on the other side, you've got people who believe that balance should be a major factor when it comes to in-game representation of said superiority. It should also be noted that noms are usually vastly outnumbered since the only allies they have is Wild and that's pretty much it, while other factions can gang up on them rather easily. I personally use my hybrid cloak (actually used to, not anymore) to go through highly populated areas like NY and avoid getting ganked by a LoLNS cap squad, despite having all civilian equipment - because I have a Wild ID. Then, when I run into a potential interaction which doesn't start with all guns blazing on me, I uncloak and start the RP.