Ladies and gentlemen, directors of Ageira Innovations,
It's my pleasure to address you on behalf of Minister Steele, and on behalf of the Crayter Republic, with a proposal that may benefit both your corporation and our nation. He is sadly occupied and it's left to me to conduct the following discussion.
The Republic has recently stepped forward in the process of colonising our future homeplanet, Yuma. With this, now comes the necessity for a functional docking ring and its auxiliary elements. While our engineers at the C.D.I. are more than fit to enact the building of such a device, we are in need of the proper materials. And that is where your people come in.
We wish to request the purchase of 1000 docking ring parts, meaning that your transport pilots would have to bring the said commodities to Coronado, at Sabah Shipyard. Upon arrival and fulfillment of the delivery, we are prepared to pay a sum of 10.000.000 Sirius Credits towards your corporation.
As a footnote: should escort be required, we are more than happy to have a wing of our own fighters accompany the Ageira convoy.
We are, of course, open to discussion should you find the above contract proposal unsatisfying. With that said, I await your reply.
Signed, Bella Gheny State Secretary of the Ministry
Crayter Republic
We are always pleased to hear about new colonized planets as it presents opportunities for people to settle and enjoy life on the ground. However, we have to inform you that constructing a properly functioning Docking Ring™ is not something to look at so lightly.
Since 120 AS, our Docking Rings have lifted humanity to new heights and we pride ourselves in constructing and providing maintenance of the highest quality products to our clients. Therefore, we have to inform while your engineers might be able to duplicate Docking Ring chassis, it would be fruitless endeavor without our technology fueling the elevator itself. And to build a long lasting Docking Ring it can take at least a month or two.
Ageira Innovations has collected data from previous Docking Ring construction projects and we are confident that we can make the process more efficient and lower the required parts amount from 75 000 units to 50 000 units. Our technology has pushed forward in the field of miniaturization allowing us to pack more parts within our WhiteBoxes™ thus decreasing the costs to cover manufacturing and shipping. We have also made improvements in reliability thus decreasing maintenance costs.
If you wish to hasten the process please send us navigational waypoints to Planet Yuma so that our team can be sent to investigate and prepare a more detailed report for this project to go forward without delaying colonization efforts.
Thank you for contacting us. We look forward to your reply.
John White,
Chief Executive Officer,
Ageira Innovations
I appreciate the swift response, however, I have to assume there has been a misunderstanding, or perhaps a glitch in the neural net flow.
We did not ask for 75 thousand nor 50 thousand units of the stated commodity. We only asked for one thousand (1.000), since we already possess most of the required materials to finish the construction. Moreover, while we appreciate the offer of technical assistance, the Republic has, thus far, already successfully built and maintained two separate docking ring structures on the orbit of Pecos. So, we thank you for this proposal but we are certain our engineers can handle it.
Seeing as some things were previously unclear, my superiors re-evaluated the situation and came to the following conclusions. Permit me to phrase the two possibilities offered by the Republic's ministry:
Ageira transports will bring a total amount of 1000 (one thousand) docking ring parts to Sabah Shipyard. Each transport captain will then receive a payment of 13.000 Sirius Credits per unit, resulting in 13.000.000 credits total, as payment to Ageira.
Crayter Movers receive validation for a one-time purchase and legal transport of 1000 docking ring parts from Pueblo Station, at the standard price of 5.000 credits per unit. This way, your corporation needs not bother with anything else other than some paperwork, while our men will handle transportation as well. A sum of 5.000.000 Sirius Credits will be offered as an extra incentive to Ageira.
I do hope this time the transmission will be clear. I expect your reply soon.
Signed, Bella Gheny State Secretary of the Ministry
Crayter Republic
I am unsure why i have not received a reply on this channel until now, but it seems it's for the best. I come with a notification from our Minister of Science, whom has concluded that the old docking ring orbiting Yuma, originally built by the D.S.E. corporation is still salvageable - reason for which we have come to the conclusion that we already have all the required parts to repair that ring.
With that in mind, we hereby revoke all contract offers previously stated. Still, we hope this does not impair the possibility of other dealings between the Republic and Ageira Innovations, if when when they may arise.
I bid you a good day!
Signed, Bella Gheny State Secretary of the Ministry
Crayter Republic
You have not received reply because we have been discussing the issue. You are correct, the Docking Ring was partially build by Deep Space Engineering from parts manufactured and licensed by Ageira Technologies. If you are impatient with this major project, then we will be salvaging the remainder of Ageira and DSE property from Yuma's orbit ourselves as per Ageira Technologies licensing protocols.
With that in mind, we expect you not to go against our notification and put your relationship with Republic of Liberty in jeopardy.
We bid you good fortunes in finding alternatives to Ageira Technologies' Docking Rings,
John White,
Chief Executive Officer,
Ageira Innovations
Well here's how it works. That ring is the property of the Crayter Republic and her people, and a symbol of hope for us. Yuma is our new home, a place we have claimed so our people may flourish. And now, because we found an alternative means of achieving our dream of a home, without indebting our people to corporate greed, you see fit to try and wrest away our future because you are insulted. Well, you have the right to be insulted. You have the right to enter Coronado, and the right to fly towards Yuma.
But we have the right. The right to defend our future from those who have not struggled. The inalienable right to pursue a course where Crayter may house its people on a planet we have claimed, and on a planet we have begun to build.
But you, who sit in your offices and penthouses as thrones and lord over those who are struggling. You were not driven from your homes as families burned, and you have not been displaced a day in your life. You do not understand our struggle, Mister White. Not yet.
So go ahead, use your right to approach Yuma. But approach with the intent to take our future, and you only provoke us to use our rights. The rights of the Malachite to defend Sabah and Yuma, the rights of the Hell's Angels to ensure the safety of our people from all threats, foreign and domestic. The right of the Odyssey to protect Coronado with everything it has. The right of the Ares to unfurl the fires of war upon those who stand against Crayter and her people.
So exercise your right to enter Coronado, exercise your right to fly around...but here, we are law. Yuma belongs to Crayter, and if you attempt to remove that Docking Ring, we will engage, and we will remove any and all threats to our future.
So if you proceed with this folly, this hopeless operation, then we will show no mercy.
And, if you see fit to go to the Liberty Navy, and beg them to violate the venerable Treaty of Curacao, then tell them Admiral Altair Ambrose of the carrier Odyssey, serial number Go to Hell, told you that Ageira is officially kill on sight until a formal apology and a promise to not commit an act of war is issued on this channel.
For those we left behind, and the sincere wish you are one of those.
Altair Ambrose, Vice Admiral
Crayter Republic Military
Odyssey-FV 24 - "The longer the journey, the greater the reward"
A man of your position should not jump to quick conclusions and assumptions about a person they know nothing about. I might not understand your struggles but in return, you do not understand the struggle of technological miracles that Ageira develops, manufactures and maintains. We are a corporation seeking to profit from our inventions and innovations just as any other company, however we are open to sharing it with legal institutions and organisations. If you use our Jump Gates™, Trade Lanes™ or Docking Rings™ anywhere then it means you know that Ageira Technologies delivers only the finest and most reliable technology to general population. You can see our network covering almost the entire Sirius. You can see our Docking Rings on almost every habitable planet. If that is not a testimony to our intentions to bring humanity towards prosperity then I do not know what is.
You may attempt to build the Docking Ring on your own with risk of failing and burning any vessel using faulty technology that is merely a poor imitation of the real deal. And that will take years of putting your budget under heavy strain to invest into researching alternative technology that we have patented back in 120 A.S. which we are offering to provide you at premium price to cover our expenses of manufacturing the parts, transporting them and assembling them onto already established Docking Ring chassis. But you are a man of war and your first instinct is to proceed with threats of military might against civilian corporation that is protecting their proprietary technology. We hope that this is just due to the heat of the moment of your personal displeasure towards the idea of contracting Ageira Innovations to finish the construction of Docking Ring.
We will not apologize for protecting our interests as would you not apologize for protecting your people. However we are willing to put your threats behind if your Republic comes to agreement to hire us in finishing what has been started hundred years ago by Deep Space Engineering but ultimately failed due to constant assaults from criminals in the Coronado system which we hope that you have managed to secure.
John White,
Chief Executive Officer,
Ageira Innovations
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Minister Daniel Spiros of the Crayter Republic. Seeing as Minister Steele is still unable to leave his duties and handle these discussions, but since their nature has become somewhat volatile, I've been tasked with overseeing their continuation.
Firstly, I am more than pleased to see you've already excused vice-admiral's Ambrose... statement, which came under the heat of the moment, whereas your reply before it did temporarily turn these proceedings into a quasi-military issue.
Nevertheless, moving to the matters at hand. The ministry has closely inspected all aspects of this situation and we've taken our time to evaluate everything carefully. Upon proper technical inspection, the current Docking Ring orbiting Yuma proves to be halfway complete, and considering your corporation would indeed hasten the process of finalising its construction, we come with the following settlement:
Ageira Innovations will send transports to deliver 25.000 units of "Docking Ring Parts" to the Sabah Shipyard, for the total sum of 300.000.000 Sirius Credits. As before, should your transport captains wish for escorts, our officers stand ready to be called upon.
I hope this... brings the matter to a close - and i expect your response.
Signed, Damien Spiros Minister of the Interior
Crayter Republic
I'm Jay Anderson, acting Logistics Manager for Ageira Innovations. Your proposal was reviewed and the price of 12,000 credits per unit considered insufficient. It would be much easier to come to an agreement if you rise it to 20,000 credits. Alternatively, you can provide commodities for us to take back to Colorado system for reasonable profit.
Should you accept this counterproposal, our transports will start shipping White Boxes with Docking Ring Parts immediately. We will use this channel to keep you informed about our progress. The Finance Department expects the payment to be wired to AgeiraBank account as soon as the final shipment is made.
I appreciate your proposal regarding escorts for our transports. Should the need arise, I will send information about our next convoy and request a number of escort ships according to our evaluation of threat.
Jay Anderson,
Logistics Division
Ageira Innovations