==================== Type: Infocard Bug: Omicron Kappa's new/moved Freeport station is named Corinth Station in space, Freeport 15 in the base, and has a description related to a Freeport 8 (supposed to be on Lunernburg/Sigma-15?) ====================
Re: Multiuniverse.ini - Looks like this was reverted to an earlier version somehow; an updated multiuniverse.ini (for the current public mod version, anyhow) generated using this may be found here for use by somebody with repo access. - Space/Error
The Sigma-15 crash bug is caused by object rh09_planet_3 using the wrong (and far too long) infocard for its name, crashing the game whenever it is selected or otherwise visible in-game. st39_planet_3 and zone_st39_helljumper_asteroids in O-100 also have the same issue. - Space/Error.
Fixed, don't select the planet in question until bugfix is deployed. -Tachyon
==================== Type: Lore Bug: Rho Jumphole in Minor ====================
http://imgur.com/vkjNOuS - Doesn't really make any sense for the to be a Rho Jumphole right outside Toldeo. Would make more sense to place it elsewhere.
==================== Type:Effects Bug: Both Debilitators are the same effect ==================== Click
Unless this was intentional. Though I don't see any reason why both Debilitators should be the same effect.
Yes. -Tachyon
To elaborate on that, I plan to make a new effect for one of the debbies sometime in the future since the old 750m/s debbie effect was simply trash. ~ChillerMiller
Corsair Outpost doesnt sell equipment or ships
Freeport doesnt sell Equipment or ships
Lividia Shipyard doesnt sell equipment or ships
Slight issue corinth station comes up twice, one is corinth the other is freeport
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: AI guns can't be bought ====================
Don't know if it has been said until now, but even with AI ID you still can't buy Drone guns. Didn't try the Cruiser guns since I don't have one. It simply says you have to be friendlier with this base.