| Communications link established.
| To: Corsair families and allies
| Local download complete.
| Encryption: High
| Relaying audio message ...
Buenos dias hermanos y hermanas,
The time has come for us to meet. Today, you are invited into the heart of Brotherhood territory, Legatuses palace.
Expect invitations to be delivered soon, detailing a set of codes and coordinates.
Por favor, watch over those codes so that your journey doesn't end up on the last page in Corsair newspapers or someone's dinner.
Everyone from The Brotherhood will try to make your stay here most pleasant.
We will discuss matters further in the historic warhall of the Brotherhood.
Senor y senora, I expect your arrival.
Hasta la proxima vez,
| Legatus Hector Beltran, The Brotherhood
| Transmission terminated.
Gently stroking the hilt of his dagger, Hector threw a squinted glance accross the room, assessing the newcomers, "colorful group that is", he thought, they will fit hardly into my ideas.
Few moments later, he figured that he wasn't the only one observing, a robust siluete, a well fed Rheinlander from the shadows, was doing the same. The stone face of the mercenary didn't reveal anything. Hector slowly lifted himself, poured Rum into the glass and approached him in catlike steps.
"Amigo, I think the time has come for us to exchange some thoughts. By the way, did you see the place that I intended for your base?"
Sherman's bald head and rather large silhouette easily distinguished him from other guests entering the hall. As usual, he wasn't in a hurry and patiently let quicker people enter the hall first. He then slowly moved into the room as well. He was oddly enough wearing a pair of sunglasses despite being indoors. His heavy boots were surprisingly quiet, but the sound of his heavy steps could still be easily recognised. His pace was extraordinarily slow when he was making his way to the table with food. Lack of food shortages wasn't the source of his size, however, as Sherman made an appearance of someone who could punch his way through Titan's armour plating with his bare hands. However, the Gaian had no intentions of showing this to anyone and located himself on a strategic position near cretian snacks.
Violet had been mingling with the guests in the great hall since lunch, doing the usual small talk stuff. Mr Beltran had certainly pulled in an interesting crowd with his mysterious invitation. She had just seen Hector talking intently with a large man in a shadowy corner, the conversation looked like it might be going on for some time...
Violet slowly sipped on her mojito as she stepped out into the gardens at Legatuses Palace, a verdant island in a sea of tans and browns, the blaze of sunghlight catching her slightly by surprise. "Huh, Grecian foxgloves" she muttered to herself, leaning in to inspect the purple flowers flourishing in a shaded corner of the courtyard, "didn't know there were any of these in Sirius". The plant had its medical uses in the past, but had been superceded by modern industrial synthesis techniques.
Wandering towards a small fountain, watching the light bubble and dance in its streams, and feeling the warmth of sunlight on her face for the first time in weeks Violet said to nobody in particular: "I think I'm going to enjoy this little shindig", taking another sip of her ice-cold, and perfectly crafted, mojito.
A shuttle in a low flying approach reached the palace of the Brotherhood, where the festivities and conversations were already ongoing. Fashionably late, a group of men in what seemed to be tailored and freshly pressed dark suits came out of the shuttle, and one of them presented a card to one of the residents that were receiving the guests.
"I am Hebishima, from the Takarabune Conglomerate. I came on request of Beltran-san to attend on behalf of the interests of the Hogosha Association." - said the man.
The group was then guided to the hall where everyone was gathered, and they began to spread out among the crowd to pursue their planned meetings and tasks. Hebishima spotted the bar, and ordered a Gin, in hopes a drink would help him settle his light discomfort of the dusty air he had breathed almost all the way to the Legatuses Palace.
Hebishima noticed the host Hector gliding around the hall, greeting guests and mingling with many people. He took special notice of the kusarian, most certainly a Samura representative due to his posture and body language, as he greeted the Corsair chief.
He took another sip of the Gin, and lay waiting near the bar, awaiting further developments of the party.
Arcelia Chavez was chosen to be at the party to represent the Chavez clan, a family that was more proud than influential on Crete, but in the infighting inside the Corsair society one had to be in the rights places at the right times. That's where she was. Her mission was clear, and she did not hesitate to follow it, after she spotted the Hogosha Association representative Hebishima near the bar. He was her target for the evening.
"Senor Hebishima, it's a pleasure to meet you in person finally. I have been told the most fascinating stories about you and the Hogosha Association." and she followed the Kusari codex of not getting too close to a stranger the way that diplomacy guidelines told her. She despised this sort of 'courtly' behaviour, but it was not hers to judge. Business was best done directly, openly and if necessary violently, but this was a different mission.
"I am Arcelia Chavez, and I am here to make sure that you enjoy your evening and that you..." and there is a wolfish smile that likely many traders saw on their cameras when the comm windows opened... "... and me find an outcome to a 'little' acquisition... challenge of ours. I was told, you are a master in everything that has to be aquired?" she asks him politely, her face showing the normal friendly features again, while she gets herself the same drink as her business partner: "... this way?" she asks him, offering to lead him to a little more secluded place where it was quieter and where business could be talked about more easily, but she is too direct for Kusari politeness, and he might easily realize that Arcelia was not beating around the bush and that this was not the place she normally operated in.
Reina Roja walked into the hall. It was already slightly crowded, but her unusual appearance - a flight jacket worn over exo-armor - attracted several eyes. She was invited as a formidable figure in the Church of Angels and, considering the invitation from the Council themselves, she could not refuse.
CNS Caïssa had been stationed near Crete and she took her own shuttle down, not taking anyone from her crew. They had gotten used to this, as Roja could more than enough take care for herself and her interests.
A cautious ear could hear soft, metallic noise as she moved to one of the couches by the wall. She took her seat and opened a hologame of chess she had not finished before, waiting for the meeting to begin.
Hebishima eyed this new presence that greeted him, and recognized the emblems of the Broterhood on her dress. He assumed that the hosts had sent one of their lieutenants to deal him and the Hogosha, while the big bosses were kept busy with deals with more... pressing matters.
"It is good to make your acquaintance, Miss Chavez-san. I thank our esteemed hosts from receiving the Association at their event."
Hebishima listened to the hints Miss Chavez gave, and nodded to the suggestion of going elsewhere.
"Very well, lead the way. It is best to settle business first, and enjoy the party later."
It appeared they had a different set of working rules here, but Hebishima was prepared to accommodate the change for the time being. He followed the woman to the intended place.
Arcelia Chavez waited until the representative of the Hogosha Association was seated comfortably in one of the more quiet corners that seemed to be especially there to allow for discreet conversation without the need to yell over either music or loud talk. Sitting down opposite to him, she took out a PDA from her handbag and put it on the table, while they were ordering drinks.
"Senor Hebishima, honestenamente I hope you like it here." she tells him while the drinks are being served extremely quickly and a waitress is standing by just a few meters away, staying out of earshot, but close enough to immediately get here to fulfil the high-profile customer's wishes.
"As you can imagine, Senor Hebishima, the Council of Elders did not invite everybody here to have a large party." she puts it bluntly after raising her glass and taking a sip, before she continues: "And a businessman of your experience has of course understood that this is all about business and opportunities for all those who know how to deal in goods that the Corsair Nation has trouble to aquire." she seems to be the very direct type, and this is likely as 'indirect' as it gets.
"Anyway, we will soon be summoned into the great War Hall, where the Elders will present a new major project in Corsair shipbuilding, and that is what we need you and the Hogosha Association for. We will need hundreds of thousands of units of building materials. First come, first served - you know how business works." she smiles and shrugs her shoulders, leaning back when she looks around the room where more and more guests are gathering.
"And as I prefer our reliable partners of the Hogosha Association to some more unreliable people that are also here..." she leaves open about whom she is talking now, but she nods into the general direction where some delegations that are definitely not from Kusari are gathered in small groups... "... I'll give you a first glimpse, so you can already check whether these goods can be provided by the Hogosha Association." and she takes her glass, crosses her legs, relaxes and takes a sip from her drink, after she slid the PDA into the middle of the table, after turning it 90 degrees so he would be able to read it.
"Courtesy of the Chavez family, my father sends his regard and his hopes for a continuation of our great relations in the artifact business." she adds with her voice lowered somewhat and a convincing self-confident smiles, and she can't hide the wolfish notion for a moment, when he starts reading the rather impressive list of materials, which would likely open opportunities for a lot of additional profit.