4.1 is a recipe for killing the server. Need to let people stay online with the characters they've died on in other systems, for the reasons others have already stated.
Being discussed about not re-logging and leaving the system. A good point.
The idea was just to use common sense. If you shoot someone, RP first. Don't troll people. Make one demand per pirate encounter to be fair to others. The rules were meant to be a simplified not to create confusion, but to allow people to use common sense instead of feel like they're walking on eggshells. Apparently the reversed happened.
As always, we're going to review and adjust as need be, like with anything. The entire point of this change was to essentially say "RP first, don't be a dick, and have fun".
But if you all want pages of rules, we can do that. If you want to be hand-held, sure. But don't expect the community to grow when a newbie sees pages of rules and goes "nope, too strict".
Ideally if you got banned, it was if you REALLY deserved it, instead of "well you stepped on Rule 1, article 4, subsection 6, asterisk 3 stating blahblahblah". Who wants that?
Point is, and perhaps we'll revise how the "Rules Clarification" section works, RP first, then act. Make one reasonable demand, don't cheat. It was meant to be simple. But those who want to find loopholes are the ones who make it so that simple idea is too much for this community.
We'll see how it works. I hope it'll work, but with anything you can only try and see. You can't please everyone, and no matter what you'll have people who complain and find fault with everything. But changes are never easy, and you can get better without change. Is it perfect? No. And sometimes you have to take a step back to get better. Is this a step back? Who knows. But it's an effort to make improvements, even if many don't see it that way.
Lastly, we're tired of those finding loopholes and trolling people and just bad apples. This is a private server, and as such we could just outright ban you if we didn't like you, and you know what? There's nothing you could about it. You're a guest here. If we don't want you, then good bye there's the door. But we'd rather be fair so to speak with regards people and give people a shot. But this harsher punishment system is to weed out the trouble makers. Kick and scream all you want, but when you ruin the fun for others, it's time for you to go. So this new system will weed them out. For everyone else, sorry it's harsher. In cases like brand new people, we'll evaluate and see where to go. But if you don't like the harsher system, you know who in the community to blame. With the appeal system though, if you're wrongly sanctioned or banned, just provide the evidence. If you're right and we were wrong, then awesome. Glad you could provide your side. But the truth is what shall set you free, if I may use such a phrase.
Just... Give it a shot. Provide suggestions, and just stop with the anti-staff mentality. We're not perfect, we make mistakes, but staff will burn out and leave over the constant harassment. I'm probably going to take a break for a short time soon too from all the people who having nothing good to say. It's tiring, and it makes what I volunteered for less enjoyable.
So please, just play the game. Have fun, RP first, don't be a dick.
(06-09-2016, 02:38 AM)Drrobe Wrote: Lastly, we're tired of those finding loopholes and trolling people and just bad apples. This is a private server, and as such we could just outright ban you if we didn't like you, and you know what? There's nothing you could about it. You're a guest here. If we don't want you, then good bye there's the door. But we'd rather be fair so to speak with regards people and give people a shot. But this harsher punishment system is to weed out the trouble makers. Kick and scream all you want, but when you ruin the fun for others, it's time for you to go.
Hey look, the Team finally grew a pair. Nicely done, will be interesting to see how this turns out from here.
(06-09-2016, 02:38 AM)Drrobe Wrote: This is a private server, and as such we could just outright ban you if we didn't like you, and you know what? There's nothing you could about it. You're a guest here. If we don't want you, then good bye there's the door.
So, here it goes, i have never been really the one to comment on mostly anything in Disco forums. I mostly just read, and play on the server. But this has gone far long enough...
Im sick and tired of you Admins playing as god and dealing out these harsh punishments while at the same time limiting game play of the members here on this server.
This server is on the fast track of dying, this game is not getting any younger, people get older and will eventually stop dealing with the BS and stop playing all together.
Why dont you all just take a step back and actually talk to the members of this server? ( when i say talk i mean actually getting on TS and talking to members not just hiding away like a bunch of Corporation CEOs and Presidents). Honestly it seems like the Admins here are big kids with a magnifying glass and we are the ants...
Now, before anyone and i mean ANYONE gets their underwear in a bunch, im EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for these admins at least taking charge and actually keeping the servers alive cleaning up the forums... But honestly like anything else. the people are the ones in control of the server, NOT the Admins.. without the people the Admins are worthless . Take into consideration what i have said, try not to take offense try and learn from what the people react to, and maybe just maybe you'll see an increase in game play, and increase in player RP... now if you want this to end continue the course.
Lastly its admins like this (the one i have quoted) that needs to get a reality check this behavior and attitude towards members should not be tolerated.
P.S. I have never been sanctioned so using the argument of me being one of those" trouble makers, crying about the rules" is INVALID
I'm going to watch as all the people run in and whine about things being too harsh, and this being admin abuse, but honestly this isn't unwarranted. This has been a long time coming. Yeah, the rule rewrite in my opinion could've been done better, but it hasn't even been half a day yet. Giving the new system a try is the least we can do for the work the team actually put into it, trying to make the community a better place. You don't agree with it? Too bad. Don't whine. Don't shout. Don't get all huffy and puffy and write this wall of text to voice what could be simplified into four basic words:
"I don't like it."
If you don't like it, be reasonable and give valid arguments without insulting people, or calling for reality checks, or ego smacks, or whatever. They're people too, with lives that volunteer to do this in their spare time because they love this community just as much as the next person, and I really wish I could swear to express how irritating the wave of upset and angry posts that will follow are going to be. Point is, this isn't their fault. It's the community. A lot of people here need such a harsh slap. The behavior, the constant memes, the circlejerking and all the other crap has gone on long enough. They're sick of it, and I am too. If you can't behave, then you'll be removed. Plain and simple. Don't like it? Too bad. There's an X at the top right of your screen. Don't forget to log out before you click it.
Don't be harsh on the staff for taking the steps to stamp out the bad eggs. Play by the rules. You're a guest here. No one is forcing you to stay. The rules exist for a reason - So everyone can enjoy the game, not just you and a select few of friends. Why this hadn't been done sooner is beyond me, but I hope to see far less of the crap that goes on on a daily basis now. I still think the rules are too simplified, and expecting a community that actively seeks for a means to abuse every possible advantage to crap on others to use common sense isn't the smartest idea the team has had, but hey, I'm curious to see where this goes. I'd like to see the return of the old rules with modifications, on top of the simple set that was done. Add one or two lines so the specifications are easily identifiable. If people find that too intimidating, then why bother writing/reading roleplay posts the size of a chapter of a novel?
Point is - Get along, play by the rules, don't ruin the game for others. Otherwise, get out.
(06-09-2016, 02:38 AM)Drrobe Wrote: This is a private server, and as such we could just outright ban you if we didn't like you, and you know what? There's nothing you could about it. You're a guest here. If we don't want you, then good bye there's the door.
So, here it goes, i have never been really the one to comment on mostly anything in Disco forums. I mostly just read, and play on the server. But this has gone far long enough...
Im sick and tired of you Admins playing as god and dealing out these harsh punishments while at the same time limiting game play of the members here on this server.
This server is on the fast track of dying, this game is not getting any younger, people get older and will eventually stop dealing with the BS and stop playing all together.
Why dont you all just take a step back and actually talk to the members of this server? ( when i say talk i mean actually getting on TS and talking to members not just hiding away like a bunch of Corporation CEOs and Presidents). Honestly it seems like the Admins here are big kids with a magnifying glass and we are the ants...
Now, before anyone and i mean ANYONE gets their underwear in a bunch, im EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for these admins at least taking charge and actually keeping the servers alive cleaning up the forums... But honestly like anything else. the people are the ones in control of the server, NOT the Admins.. without the people the Admins are worthless . Take into consideration what i have said, try not to take offense try and learn from what the people react to, and maybe just maybe you'll see an increase in game play, and increase in player RP... now if you want this to end continue the course.
Lastly its admins like this (the one i have quoted) that needs to get a reality check this behavior and attitude towards members should not be tolerated.
P.S. I have never been sanctioned so using the argument of me being one of those" trouble makers, crying about the rules" is INVALID
Good job reading, cause I said right after that statement that we DON'T want to do that, and we won't do that, cause we want to be fair for everyone, and we will talk to people if need be. I for one almost always try to talk to people beforehand if I can, including TS. Some don't have TS, so can't help you there.
The purpose of this change is to increase the freedom of play, and trust people to have common sense. So in reality, the rules change support your words that you're sick of limiting gameplay. We don't want that, and we'd rather put trust in the community to not abuse that. Sadly many in the community will try to find loopholes. But, with more freedom, is more responsibility, so harsher punishments if you are blatantly caught breaking rules. Also, the appeal system is more work for us yes, but allows more visibility for the community to view our thought process as well as not be some Corporate C-level businessmen who don't discuss things with other people.
But good job pulling specific points out of my long post and using that negatively. Thank you!
After listening to some, the following rules have been tweaked:
3.1 Swearing and insulting outside of RP, or excessive swearing/insulting inRP
4.1 If you die form PVP, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system.
Also, since people want clarity, I've gone in and provided examples to the rules, that way if you want more understanding of the rules, and more details, you can go into the "Rules Clarification" thread and you will find dropdowns under many of the rules with examples. Of course, people are still free to comment in that thread, but ideally we'll collect many of the examples you provide with regards the rules, and update the original post with clarifications.
Hopefully that makes this a little easier to swallow given the change. I personally am not a fan of a giant post full of rules, but if the community wants it, then we'll provide that for those wanting to know more.
As I said in a couple posts above, this is meant to make the rules simple and to use common sense and not be a dick, instead of flooding the rules with every little example and loophole. Hopefully this will be a middle ground, and as I also said, we're still learning/discovering as we go too, so there will bound to be adjustments. Raging/yelling at the staff won't get you anywhere.
(06-09-2016, 02:38 AM)Drrobe Wrote: Lastly, we're tired of those finding loopholes and trolling people and just bad apples. This is a private server, and as such we could just outright ban you if we didn't like you, and you know what? There's nothing you could about it. You're a guest here. If we don't want you, then good bye there's the door. But we'd rather be fair so to speak with regards people and give people a shot. But this harsher punishment system is to weed out the trouble makers. Kick and scream all you want, but when you ruin the fun for others, it's time for you to go.
Hey look, the Team finally grew a pair. Nicely done, will be interesting to see how this turns out from here.
Hello Team, after years and years of fake smiles and loads of BS, you finally grew a pair and actually came out and said it. Proud of you, I see progress. But a negative one.
I love the fact that you finally show your face, a face that not just me, but many others wanted to see. We grew tired of the bias, BS, stupid sanctions, and the list goes on but I truly hope you get the point. So, it's this 'Godlike' behavior of yours that make me (i will not speak in others' names in this case) dislike the staff beyond words, yet I still play my game just as if none of you even existed. Why? I simply love the game. Now what I don't love, is a certain admin making up stories for stupid sanctions, adding new rules and reducing x guy to silence because he can green text and x guy can't. Sure you will say 'oh but we're humans, we make mistakes' but when we players make mistakes, does anyone forgive us? No, we get rewarded with harsh rules. So instead of repeating the same excuse over and over again, why not just hand over the green name and piss off from the team moving on with whatever you were doing? It's easier for all and will save the drama and the trashing over Skype/TS/Discord/etc.
The rules are whatever, could be a step back or a positive progress, this remains to be seen. But remember the fact that this is a dying server, and you Admins would be playing with the NPCs if it wasn't for the players. Count to three a couple of times and the server/forum will be like Sahara desert, hot but empty. If that is the staff's goal, just tell us so, so we stop giving a f*** and actually move on to something relevant. The facts remain there, the rules weren't an issue. The staff was/is, or majority of it should I say anyway.
I can live with this new BS rules, but i can't live with certain admin(s) who make mistakes over and over and over again and get away with it easily as if nothing happened, and still hold their spots with green names. That is disturbing and should be fixed.
4.1 If you die form PVP, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system.
+ Transports and freighters leaving the system must do so without cargo.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(06-09-2016, 04:38 AM)sindroms Wrote: 4.1 If you die form PVP, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system.
+ Transports and freighters leaving the system must do so without cargo.
Hmm, not a bad suggestion. I'll chat with the other staff and see their thoughts, but I like it.