Sooo, we have rules that are there to 'safeguard' our community and ensure we all enjoy*
My question in this regard is at what point does RP take over? (or doesn't)
For my example I am using ID vs ID as if it made roleplay sense would it be sanctionable?
Would it be ok for Faction X to have a civil war so they were fighting themselves?
E.G. There is a new faction called 'The Order Exiles'. Because of gameplay reasons they have to use their own ID so they can use their ships, but their Primary enemy is The Order, are they ok to shoot each other?**
* It seems a lot of arguments stem from this, please try keep things civil at least until I get my answer.
**This is just an example.
(06-28-2016, 04:36 PM)Laz Wrote: 'The Order Exiles'.
(06-28-2016, 04:36 PM)Laz Wrote: **This is just an example.
Read it closely @"Genexus"
In my opinion such a thing is possible with sufficient RP. If it gets accepted by the greens (and the community in general) is the question. But when you look at 343 and KNF it is already something like this. For sure too many civil wars are just lame but one or two other ones (With sufficient RP and acceptance from both involved sides!!) is okay in my eyes.
Me watching the daily drama turn into yet another Disco-doomsday discussion:
One ID shooting another ID is generally frowned upon/not really allowed, BUT we do have cases like the outcasts where the lore and RP justify it. @"Werdackel|" summed it up nicely.