Can anyone tell me why the Bustard civilian carrier-liner class is different in SP then it is on the server?
is it an update still to come in MP or is SP out of date or is it just an error
PS. really hope your not replacing the current Bustard in MP with that ugly as hell thing thats in SP // hahaha lol
but really tho dont!! that one in SP is a ugly peace of **** and will completely ruin the intended RP for our faction in current bustard model aval in MP
The Platypus will replace the Bustard, as the Bustard mainly uses the Geb's old model, as far as I know. The Singleplayer is already "patched", while the multiplayer server still uses the "old" Bustard. The Platypus is based on the Serenity and will be her big sister.
ok thanks, thats really stupid if i might add, the platypus is ugly, and dirty looking :/ and will not fit the intended long term or short term RP,
very sad day when that happens ill sell mine now, well when the server is up again no longer have a use for it if they are replacing it
also isnt the platypus a light cruiser? hows that meant to work? is it meant to remover the largest ship a Freelancer ID can pilot? or will the ID be changed so a Freelancer can fly cruisers? of civilian class of course.
also where can i find a CORRECT list of ships being changed? the official to do list cant be correct as it hasn't got any thing platypus being entered,
never mind i found it :/ so sad my 2 cents again, the new ship sucks guys its ugly and handles like a brick o and did i mention...its ugly
(07-05-2016, 02:20 AM)Dark-Kningh Wrote: also where can i find a CORRECT list of ships being changed? the official to do list cant be correct as it hasn't got any thing platypus being entered,
never mind i found it :/ so sad my 2 cents again, the new ship sucks guys its ugly and handles like a brick o and did i mention...its ugly
Dude there's someone out there who sat down to put several hours of work into that ship model. We got that you dislike it, however you should express your opinion in a constructive way.
(07-05-2016, 02:38 AM)Burning Wrote: Dude there's someone out there who sat down to put several hours of work into that ship model. We got that you dislike it, however you should express your opinion in a constructive way.
yeah your right sorry about that but that ship being changed has also gone and erased many many hours of RP prep forum story writing and img altering, like a few days worth to be very honest maybe more,
ok for some constructive feed back,
First, The new ship is very dirty looking, as in it looks like its rusty, the nice clean metal look of the current bustard is much better, perhaps the new model could be the same?
Second, it handles like a BC carry's cruiser weapons but only mounts a Transport shield, its power core could support 20+ weapons but only has 8 this seems very unbalanced if you ask me
Third, is it still classed as a liner/transport? can it still be piloted by a freelancer or is it a carrier class now meaning no freelancer can have 1?
Forth, it has no thrusters, still no thrusters :/ another unbalanced act considering it has very low cruise speed and a very poor weapon load out of only 8 guns ( doesn't affect what our intended RP for that ship was just pointing it out)
Fifth, (upside) it has plenty of slots for docking modules, cloaks ect, would could make up for the lack of weapons, however docking modules dont work!! and its against PVP rules to dock and repair during a fight, so unless the rules are going to be changed its kind of pointless having docking modules at all, unless of course they do make drones aval for carriers, that would be great by the way
Sixth, what was the reason in replacing the current bustard model? how was it unbalanced or of low quality? beside having the same unbalanced issues as above witch in the new module are all the same? unless of course the new module in SP is only the ship and the stats for it havnt been updated yet just like the name and ship info are still 100% current bustard model, in witch case please can someone release the NEW stats and info card for the platypus???
I've made it, and I am okay with your feedback, don't worry.
I can only say that if you don't like something - change it, that's how I started doing this.
Put some effort and make if better than me!
(07-05-2016, 07:57 AM)Swallow Wrote: I've made it, and I am okay with your feedback, don't worry.
I can only say that if you don't like something - change it, that's how I started doing this.
Put some effort and make if better than me!
maybe one day i will try, but really the main thing id like to know is,
are the stats for the ship being changed for the new model?
amount of weapons
power core
cargo hold
shield class
ship class
if they were updated to better then what the current bustard or more so balanced better, then i think the ship could still find some great use in both RP and practical in game operations, even more so if it keeps its current ship class as liner letting a freelancer fly it
I can't really answer any of your questions, I just felt I should point out that the current bustard (the old Geb model) used on the server was only ever a placeholder model. This was ALWAYS intended to be changed once the development team had a model for it.
Also noticed you talking about the guns/power core. The current model (last I checked) can mount cruiser (standard, no heavies) turrets. The massive power core was to provide the bustard hyperdrive capabilities, so that civilians could make jumps. The bustard was always a civilian carrier, and as far as I'm aware (as I haven't seen green/gold text saying otherwise), it will continue to be available on the freelancer ID, with cruiser weapons, with hyperdrive capable core.
Hopefully that helps with some of the confusion you're having