<Zero-Eighty-Seven, Kelly. We are authorized by Ghost Administration to execute proceedings with your individual.>
<You are required to contact Lane Hacker professorship to gather needed technical support to interrupt a solid state connection between a defined network and a biological entity kept in comatose status. 'HundredFirst orders you to compile every suitable person to conduct programming on biogenetical levels. You will find yourself alongside us to enact the sequences into the database. Prepare for combat encounters.>
<You wished to leave your mark on Ishmael and within maltese society. Take this as your chance.
Provide your support or face status of dismissal. There is no choice.>
<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
COMM-ID: Enma Loyola TARGET-ID: Kelly-087, 101st "Ghosts of Razgriz"
Well that was unexpected.
I honetsly don't know why am I receiving some orders from the 101st and what happened with your command chain. But apart from that I can't say that my relationship with the Lane Hackers are allowing me to request such things. Maybe you can elaborate your... demands? Because quite frankly for now you've only caused some confusion in my mind.
COMM-ID: Enma Loyola TARGET-ID: Kelly-087, 101st "Ghosts of Razgriz"
I wasn't able to deny anything, becuase you did not propose anything. Yet, I've just pointed out, that it's weird to receive an orders from squadron that I don't belong to.