My name is Wolfgang Weisen, a Deceiver of the Lane Hackers. How is your just and right war in Dublin faring so far? For one more time I would like to confirm the long friendship that that Lane Hackers share with your people.
I have contacted you for one more reason. You see, we are interested in purchasing significant quantities of ship hull panels produced by your facility in Newcastle system. In total, we require 6,000 units delivered to Thunder Bay Depot in Ontario system. A bonus of 3,000 credits will be administered for each delivered unit.
One important detail should be outlined regarding our order. The hull platings should not carry any reinforced material as a customized one will be added by our technicians afterwards. In addition, Boron fibers should not be infused inside the panels, but v6.8c Optronic Chips instead. This difference is expected to significantly increase production costs which according to my calculations it will be fully compensated with the bonus we are offering.
If there are any questions or issues please let me know.
Oy's glad tae meet ye, ser. Me is Blodwyn O'Driscoll, un' oy do work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.
We'd loike tae tank ye fer expressin' yer concern 'bout de war tae free aour people un' space frem deh Bret Tiranny. Un' oy mus' admit all aspects o' aour loives improved a lot since deh aoutbreak o' deh Gallic-Bret war. But oy guess ye knew dhat alreaday.
Anyway oy guess ye's 'ere fer deh business, so let's switch tae dhat. So, afte' consultin' deh chief engineer on Belfast, oy can affirm yedhat what ye ask frem oos would be possoible tae craft. However, deh Republic doesnae produce any o doses optronic chips, on its own, un' we would have tae import dem frem Koosari o' elsewhere, tae brought back tae Belfast in order tae be infused in deh hull panels.
Due tae deh unknow paramete' dhat deh import cost would be, oy cannae guarantee dhat deh Republic would be able tae do deh delivery fer de aforementioned proice.
But, deh Republic will inquoire about deh chips, un' we will be able to give ye a clear un' quick answer about your request.
Furthermore, as aour poloits un' deh Republic itself may lack deh knowledge about deh Ontario system aswell as deh Thunder Bay Depot; we would loike tae get additional datas about doses, in deh case dhis delivery would be feasible.
Afte' we completed aour search for a chip supplier, The Republic be glad tae announce dhat it does agree on yer term.
Now fer disambiguation, as ye asked fer Optronic Chips, ye'd loike tae know oif ye do want aidher Opticals chips, or Optronics tae be infused in deh Hull panels ? Well, oy dunno deh technical differences induced, but oy heard dhat Opticals chips were used in deh Optronics, anyway.
Un last, we'd still need deh location o' deh Ontario system aswell un' deh Thunder Bay Depot, in order tae be able tae reach 'em.
It's so good to hear from you. And it is equally satisfying to hear that you can complete our order. We know that sometimes our orders are not standard and contain many technical difficulties, but you are undoubtedly the best in the Colonies. It's no secret that the Mollys are famous for the skill and craftmanship of their technicians!
Thunder Bay is a Junker depot orbiting the moon Orillia. All info on how to get there is listed on the map you can see right here.
Furthermore, your men can report their activities in this channel and they will be paid directly and anonymously.
If there is any other matter which you wish to bring to the Lane Hackers, please do share. Until then, Auf Wiedersehen.
Oy's sorry oy dinnae contact ye earlier.
So let me resume aour operation : we managed tae gadher at Belfast 'nough o' doses optronics chips bought in Koosari. The v6.8c Optronic Chips has been successfully infused boye aour enginers on Belfast, un' were ready tae be shipped at deh begginnin' o' deh month.
Optronics delivered to Belfast : **
Shortly after we managed tae launch a convoy dhat managed tae reach Thunderbay Depot on deh Ontario system. Un anoder wun shortly afte', o' before, oy's sorry oy cannae be more accurate, oy ain't got deh datas unner me nose, roight naow.
You've done an excellent work with the ship hull panels, and we are eagerly waiting for your last shipment. Delivery rewards have been anonymously paid in full.
Thank you dearly for those deliveries. The Lane Hackers place an important value on reliable allies, consistent and constant. Payment for the last delivery was anonymously submitted to Pot O'Gold.
That would be all for now. But we are always looking forward for further cooperation between our two groups.