Recently, our people have been receiving trouble from Bounty Hunters of the late, harming our people within your space and within the vicinty of the Barrier Gate - so far as to even chase our vessels back to the base. We feel the need to report this to you as the issue has been growing problematic, they even felt the need to intercept me while I was alone - thankfully, I got away. Funny how they go for us instead of the Outcasts, huh? Anyway, as part of your laws, I believe such sections were broken:
Quote:Section 4 [Territory]
The following regions are considered the sovereign territory of this Republic. As such, these laws are applicable in the following space
Coronado: The entire star system, with the exception of a five kilometer radius around the Freelance installation known as Barrier Gate Station.
Section 3 [Assault and aggression]
The assault of any member of the Crayterian Uniformed Services for any reason is forbidden.
The assault of any civilian within Crayterian Territory for any reason is forbidden, unless ordered by an officer of the Crayterian Uniformed Services.
Assault by a Crayterian civilian or citizen against other party without legal justification is forbidden.
I would dearly request some form of communication to them to cease their hostilities so that we may focus on more pressing issues; such as the Maltese or dealing with the Infested Forces. As you can imagine, this is pretty annoying. So here is the list of the offenders:
[10.08.2016 18:09:46] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: nods Good.
[10.08.2016 18:09:58] BHG|Mephistoles: Evenin
[10.08.2016 18:10:04] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: So, what about this Maltesian?
[10.08.2016 18:10:05] BHG|Quicksilver: Hi.
[10.08.2016 18:10:11] 44th|"Deathbringer": ?:"Good Evening Hunters.
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: Is.. oh, merde..
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] BHG|Mephistoles: Funny seein these bounties out here
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] 44th|"Deathbringer": *"
[10.08.2016 18:10:20] CL}Ottavia.Ventura: What about her?
[10.08.2016 18:10:25] CR|-Hellfire: Hi bounty hunters.
[10.08.2016 18:10:29] CL}Ottavia.Ventura: If I wanted to cause trouble, I already would have.
[10.08.2016 18:10:48] CR|-Hellfire: you have nothing to do here
[10.08.2016 18:10:56] CR|-Hellfire: if you don't wann die, get out
[10.08.2016 18:10:58] Death: ThaJackal was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[10.08.2016 18:11:01] CL}Ottavia.Ventura: I have business on the station.
[10.08.2016 18:11:01] BHG|Mephistoles: I see
[10.08.2016 18:11:02] BHG|Mephistoles: Ten
[10.08.2016 18:11:04] BHG|Mephistoles: Twenty
[10.08.2016 18:11:07] BHG|Mephistoles: Twenty...six I think
[10.08.2016 18:11:10] BHG|Mephistoles: Million credits
[10.08.2016 18:11:11] CL}Ottavia.Ventura: Save yourself the trouble and walk along.
[10.08.2016 18:11:29] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: These hunters will engage us if we don't depart, mademoiselle.
[10.08.2016 18:11:31] BHG|Quicksilver: Ooooooo I like money.
[10.08.2016 18:11:35] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Got it. Moving out
[10.08.2016 18:11:36] BHG|Mephistoles: You, CR
[10.08.2016 18:11:41] BHG|Mephistoles: Wanna take care of the Outcast?
[10.08.2016 18:11:46] CR|-Hellfire: as soon as you leave the 5k around Barrier gate, i take you down, got it?
[10.08.2016 18:11:49] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Was that what I think it was, Quicksilver?
[10.08.2016 18:11:57] BHG|Mephistoles: 5k five shmay
[10.08.2016 18:12:00] BHG|Mephistoles: Space the breather
[10.08.2016 18:12:02] BHG|Quicksilver: Oh it was.
[10.08.2016 18:12:12] BHG|Quicksilver: You're worth quite a bit for Liberty you know.
[10.08.2016 18:12:17] BHG|Quicksilver: Well your heads are.
[10.08.2016 18:12:21] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: Monsieur, I'd recommend.. a very.. quick.. departure.
[10.08.2016 18:12:25] CR|-Hellfire: who's?
[10.08.2016 18:12:26] CL}Ottavia.Ventura: Believe me, Colonial, you don't want to do that.
[10.08.2016 18:12:40] BHG|Quicksilver: I don't think I need to depart to anywhere.
[10.08.2016 18:12:40] BHG|Mephistoles: You, Colonial
[10.08.2016 18:12:43] CR|-Hellfire: oh? why?
[10.08.2016 18:12:46] BHG|Mephistoles: Gonna do your job or what?
[10.08.2016 18:12:54] BHG|Quicksilver: In fact in a minute you're about to want to depart.
[10.08.2016 18:12:56] CR|-Hellfire: yup, i will
[10.08.2016 18:13:04] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: You will, or I'll wipe the stars with your insides if you even think about it.
[10.08.2016 18:13:09] BHG|Quicksilver: Ok enough talk
[10.08.2016 18:13:11] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: If it comes to a fight, stay near Barrier Gate. We won't be able to run anywhere, but the CR will intervene, if they engage
[10.08.2016 18:13:22] BHG|Quicksilver: Time to make it Rain! Firing up weapons!
[10.08.2016 18:13:24] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: Leave. Now.
[10.08.2016 18:13:36] BHG|Mephistoles: I'm with you
[10.08.2016 18:13:37] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: That's it!
[10.08.2016 18:13:38] BHG|Mephistoles: Space em
[10.08.2016 18:13:41] BHG|Mephistoles: Weapons free
[10.08.2016 19:17:58] BHG|Mephistoles: Your friends just went down, you're next
[10.08.2016 19:18:00] BHG|Mephistoles: Weapons free
[10.08.2016 19:18:04] BHG|Quicksilver: Get her.
[10.08.2016 19:18:25] 2016-08-10 18:18:47 SMT Traffic control alert: A/)-Raven has requested to dock
Quote:[08.08.2016 14:26:17] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Auxenians, the Republic of Liberty has stablished a hefty sum for your heads
[08.08.2016 14:26:22] Titanium: Oh
[08.08.2016 14:26:24] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Now I don't know what you did wrong
[08.08.2016 14:26:30] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: But you must have done something
[08.08.2016 14:26:32] Titanium: Someone else came to claim those bounties.
[08.08.2016 14:26:36] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: My bad my bad
[08.08.2016 14:26:39] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Anyway
[08.08.2016 14:26:41] A/)-Alecto: N: *grins wryrily* Auxesians. Common mistake.
[08.08.2016 14:26:45] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: I really need the money here guys
[08.08.2016 14:27:02] Titanium: The Liberty Bounty Board pays ten-million per head.
[08.08.2016 14:27:03] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Can you like help me out?
[08.08.2016 14:27:10] Titanium: We'll take them all out.
[08.08.2016 14:27:13] A/)-Phoenix: A: Wonderful. Well uh. Hate to disappoint but I summoned something you'd love.
[08.08.2016 14:27:49] A/)-Spiteri: Orlando: So you where saying?
[08.08.2016 14:27:49] A/)-Alecto: N: Mercenaries - we're here to defend the Colonial Republic from a potential K'hara incursion scenario.
[08.08.2016 14:27:55] Titanium: We don't care
[08.08.2016 14:28:02] Titanium: We're mercenaries.
[08.08.2016 14:28:03] A/)-Alecto: N: grins Thought you wouldn't.
[08.08.2016 14:28:14] A/)-Alecto: N: Can't think beyond your own wallets. So be it.
[08.08.2016 14:28:22] A/)-Tristan.Fresnel: A pity..
[08.08.2016 14:28:25] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Okay you're not helping are you
[08.08.2016 14:28:26] A/)-Alecto: N: The odds are against you here. Don't die for a fistful of funds.
[08.08.2016 14:28:30] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: That's just so bad maaaaaaan
[08.08.2016 14:28:33] Titanium: Pity that you must bring a gunship when we're outnumbered, too.
[08.08.2016 14:28:45] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: I'm dying of hunger if I don't get money anyway
[08.08.2016 14:28:47] A/)-Spiteri: Orlando: Yeah keep going.
[08.08.2016 14:28:52] A/)-Alecto: N: *snorts* Mercenaries. We're not splitting up so you can kill us in the intrest of the infected.
[08.08.2016 14:28:53] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Might as well have some pride
[08.08.2016 14:28:57] A/)-Phoenix: A: Sorry but if you're expecting honor. Then you might as well turn around and crawl back under the rock from which you came.
[08.08.2016 14:28:59] A/)-Spiteri: Orlando: Failed at your job didn't you.
[08.08.2016 14:29:02] A/)-Alecto: N: A mercenary lecturing us on honour.
[08.08.2016 14:29:07] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Very hard yes
[08.08.2016 14:29:13] A/)-ACV-Predator: <:: [Threat] Vacate the region or suffer the consequences. You have been warned. ::>
[08.08.2016 14:29:13] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: I'm deeply sorry that I have to do this
[08.08.2016 14:29:16] A/)-Alecto: N: Let's let that sink in. A contract killer, lecturing me, on honour.
[08.08.2016 14:29:33] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: Alright then
[08.08.2016 14:29:36] You.Die.I.Get.Paid: I'll get going now
[08.08.2016 14:29:56] Titanium: Ten-million! Heck yeah! It'll be worth it to shoot y'all down!
I would like to apologize for the delay, this is a big matter for us and it has taken us some time to come to a final decision. What the Parliament and Para-military of the Crayter Republic are and will be doing to this in very minimal. But there is a few things I would like to inform you about.
We wish for you to take the Bounty Hunters and Auxesia fighting each other outside of Crayter space (coronado). This is to protect the civilians of this region. Not only that but we will NOT be getting involved into this. You are aware there are more important things that come to mind. Such as the rescue of Alexis Hunter from the primary fleet of the Liberty Navy. Not only that but the destruction of the alien gate in the future. We have specialized teams working on that around the clock.
The laws clearly states that we do not own the five kilometers around the Barrier Gate Station itself. But after this matter we have made alternations to our laws and we will be claiming that five kilometers around the station.
The second law you have quoted to us, states that assault to any civilian or Crayterian Uniformed Services are forbidden. But the problem here is. We do not see you are civilians. We see you as a para military organization that is trying to help and protect humanity against the Nomads and infected.
I'm sure you understand that the Barrier Gate Station is not owned by our people, it is owned by a Freelancer who is trying to keep peace in the region, giving open access to anyone and everyone.
You say that the Bounty Hunters are hunting your people instead of Outcasts within the sector? Well I may have to speak with the Parliament about that and see what can be done. But we will like this fighting to be taken outside of Crayter space so nobody gets hurt. We wish you the best of luck in survival.
Signed, Lucy Smith State Secretary of the Ministry
Crayter Republic