Please post any bad things that you find in-game here, such as bugs, errors, oversights, etc.. and we shall fix them as we can.
Also, please take a moment to read through previous bug reports to prevent redundant posts, thanks a lot!
Nota Bene: if anything has a note saying "Fixed" and the bug persists in the game, that's because the hot fix or bug patch for that issue has not been released yet, however the fix has been completed in the development version.
Use this format to help us sort through your posts:
[b][color=#FFFF00]Type:[/color][/b] Ship Stats / Infocard / Systems / Effects / Equipment / Commodity (choose one)
[b][color=#FFFF00]Bug:[/color][/b] List the thing that is wrong. Keep it short
Explain the bug thoroughly here.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
==================== Type: Infocard Bug 1: Name Label and Infocard of the new Gaian Engines - Infocard text is in bold as well Bug 2: Name Label and Infocard of the new Crayter Republic Engines - Nothing there ====================
Fixed. -Tachyon
"It is a cold universe until you know God as your Father, and then it becomes a home. Even the next life simply becomes the Father's house, home."
—David Pawson
==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: Corsair weapons range set at 2400 ====================
Tachyon has claimed the range is 3000, but as i am Ingame on CNS-Rogue.One The BS prims are infact 2400 and as i target npc it also confirmed my findings.. after 2.4 i no longer see the cross hairs.
==================== Type: Ship Stats Bug: Moray has no model and no equipment slot for engines. ====================
Moray appears invisible and lacks the ability to move upon undocking.
Fixed. -Xalrok
(07-12-2018, 05:54 PM)Sciamach Wrote: Outcast slavery is actually far better for the victim than the corporate slavery and crime-less imprisonment of the Houses down in places like Liberty Rheinland and Bretonia