==================== Type: ID Bug: Xeno ID cannot use gunboats ====================
Xenos got a new gunboat turret, yet still cant use a gunboat ID wise, not sure if intentional
IDs are in the server administrations jurisdiction. -Tachyon
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
Again it is the same for the Bomber Class Engines also.
Fixed. -Xalrok.
==================== Type: Info Bug: Sabah Shipyard, Colonial Gunboat, Colonial Cruiser, Colonial Carrier ====================
Names read as "Colonial" We are no longer Colonial, we are Crayter or Crayterians, so when going to purchase the ship it does not make sense having the "shipname" as "Colonial" /shipclass. So if it could be correct.
Crayter Gunboat or Hydra
Crayter Cruiser or Thanatos
Crayter Carrier or Zephyr
Fixed. -Xalrok.
==================== Type: Info Bug: Planet Yuma Info Card ====================
It shows that Cryer and Synth Foods helped with Planet Yuma when it was not those factions it was a Planetform group known as GalSpan and Ageira for the docking modules.
==================== Type: Stats Bug: Crayter Republic Fighter Guns - Class 7 and 8 ====================
We were promised by @Haste for new stats mostly the projectile speed to me upped to 700 m/s. It still shows at 650 m/s. We did ask for an equivalent gun stat for our 5.88 also.
==================== Type: Effects Bug: OSC Ferry freighter can't dock to liner ====================
When I try to dock the freighter to Hawaii liner, it stucks in docking animation, apparently model doesn't fit in the docking bay gates. I can only F1 out of the game, and when I log again, I end up just outside the liner.