(11-01-2016, 04:46 PM)Syf Wrote: Hmm.. then it's different in what it was on my case. I've had a point where I had more B/B's on a Salvager once ages ago when it got a change to the bot & bat count. I still retained the higher number before finally dropping down to the proper amount due to using/selling them.
I think it could be some form of bug, because it happens alot, where nano bots or shield batteries are adjusted with a patch or update and they still have those bots that were removed.
Can at some point Bretonia get a heavy battle cruiser and atleast better turret arcs and or locations for the carrier? only 2 prims shoot behind and it still cant dodge well enough for this to be viable
this is my fav ship and i often whine about it because i feel for what it has to fight...it lacks the firepower to do so effectively,and much more...
(11-01-2016, 09:07 PM)hubjump Wrote: Can at some point Bretonia get a heavy battle cruiser and atleast better turret arcs and or locations for the carrier? only 2 prims shoot behind and it still cant dodge well enough for this to be viable
this is my fav ship and i often whine about it because i feel for what it has to fight...it lacks the firepower to do so effectively
Scylla could use a minor buff to its mobility to make it a medium-heavy hybrid instead of having the same rate of an RM cruiser.
Tested the Thresher with the latest power core changes and it somewhat made a difference, but even then the ship struggles to out-damage other ships of the same class and sustain fire to do damage to larger capital ships on its own. I reiterate the suggestion of additional cruiser turrets.
(11-01-2016, 09:12 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Scylla could use a minor buff to its mobility to make it a medium-heavy hybrid instead of having the same rate of an RM cruiser.
(11-01-2016, 09:07 PM)hubjump Wrote: Can at some point Bretonia get a heavy battle cruiser and atleast better turret arcs and or locations for the carrier? only 2 prims shoot behind and it still cant dodge well enough for this to be viable
this is my fav ship and i often whine about it because i feel for what it has to fight...it lacks the firepower to do so effectively
yeah but i hope it remains a heavy carrier...just a balanced one to fair against the valor
and i said this before btw it just seems to be taking a millennia
The carrier remodel is unfortunately not the devs' priority, as there are ships that need to be added as well. Those are more important than the ones that already have a model, albeit not a good one. It will, however, be added. Either in a month, or two.
Also unfortunately, the carrier will probably never be able to take on a Valor in a direct confrontation. @Haste is adamant about not turning heavy carriers into dreadnoughts, as he wants to find a solution of how to make carriers themselves more useful. I don't know how well his work is going, though.
I personally enjoy the idea of Carriers launching swarms of -Competent- NPCs, like in the Mini events. Perhaps in the current docking modules slots, carriers could instead mount 'Fighter Launch Bays' Of three varieties. For Example, The Invincible bretonian Carrier would have the choice between launch bays for Bretonian Light, Heavy and Very Heavy fighters.
(11-02-2016, 12:36 PM)Snoflek Wrote: I personally enjoy the idea of Carriers launching swarms of -Competent- NPCs, like in the Mini events. Perhaps in the current docking modules slots, carriers could instead mount 'Fighter Launch Bays' Of three varieties. For Example, The Invincible bretonian Carrier would have the choice between launch bays for Bretonian Light, Heavy and Very Heavy fighters.
Perhaps via a command like
/launch BrLF
This has been brought up many, many times. The general conclusion that is always reached is that (most) carrier pilots love this idea, while people that are more interested in pvp would rather not end up with 20+ npcs getting in the way of a furball between players.
There's also the issue that for the most part, FL's npcs do whatever they want to do. We have the means to control them to an extent, but for instance you can't force them to target a specific player.
(11-02-2016, 12:36 PM)Snoflek Wrote: I personally enjoy the idea of Carriers launching swarms of -Competent- NPCs, like in the Mini events. Perhaps in the current docking modules slots, carriers could instead mount 'Fighter Launch Bays' Of three varieties. For Example, The Invincible bretonian Carrier would have the choice between launch bays for Bretonian Light, Heavy and Very Heavy fighters.
Perhaps via a command like
/launch BrLF
This has been brought up many, many times. The general conclusion that is always reached is that (most) carrier pilots love this idea, while people that are more interested in pvp would rather not end up with 20+ npcs getting in the way of a furball between players.
There's also the issue that for the most part, FL's npcs do whatever they want to do. We have the means to control them to an extent, but for instance you can't force them to target a specific player.
Well , since we have testing period of "no set message commands" , why cant he have same for Carriers actually carry something ? Then at least we can all see will it work or not and what actual problems and benefits can create . If will benefit , fine , we can polish it for further use , or if it cause more problems that benefits we can at least forget about that idea forever .
As for control mechanic of NPC Carrier launch , each Carrier pilot can at least control it by 3 simple commands , lunch/flee/return , depending on situation . For example , Carrier do a RP with player opponent then he launch NPC , after fight is over or if situation change , he orders NPC to return to Carrier , or he order them to flee ( quote NPC here "they are to strong" ) , that is very simple way of control , it is up to a player how it will use it .
Abuse is always possible with everything , but just because of that we cant be afraid to try new things , otherwise average human will still be in cave or hanging on some tree !