Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Count On!
Here you can find updates on The Galactic Spanning Corporation. Important news, research breakthroughs, and much more! Stay tuned for regular updates, and remember our slogan...
Your Future... Today!
Director Martin Richardson.
The Galactic Spanning Corporation.
Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Count On!
As our first newscast, this will contain multiple updates.
The Yuma Flora...
We've been working closely with the Crayterian Government to help solve their Yuma situation. As a corporation founded in Crayter space on New Hope East, we consider this a personal mission for GalSpan. Our research division, lead by Dr. Albert Zeiler, has discovered the cause of the incredible growth of the flora on planet Yuma in the Coronado System. The direction of the research (promoted by our primary shareholders) has discovered a type of enzyme called a Ribozyme. This Ribozyme causes an increased growth rate of 5,000% (50 times) as compared to conventional agricultural plants. This Ribozyme has been dubbed 'Y-823'. Testing the genetic structure of the Ribozyme, Dr. Albert Zeiler and his team were capable of reprogramming it with an artificially created Ribozyme that has been dubbed 'GS-941'.
After much testing, a delivery method has been developed. Details are currently classified. Although it is still being tested by the science division of the Crayter Republic, we're very hopeful it will result in their being able to colonize. With that goal in mind, Dr. Albert Zeiler has continued his research into 'Y-823' and he and his team has created another artificial Ribozyme. This new Ribozyme, once genetically fused into future crops, will theoretically be capable of accelerating their growth at a rate of 500% (5 times) the current average, even in poor soil and/or without fertilizers. Of course, multiple patents are already pending in various houses as of this broadcast.
Expanding Into The Stars...
As GalSpan's Science Division is currently housed aboard a privately owned "Corvo" Class vessel, we've decided to expand. To that end, GalSpan has purchased a formerly criminally owned space station, complete with a lab and defenses. We've already begun the registration process, and once completed, this will allow GalSpan to further innovate.
Thanks again for tuning in. Come back for regular updates, and remember our slogan...
Your Future... Today!
Director Martin Richardson.
The Galactic Spanning Corporation.
Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Count On!
Today I have bad news for the shareholders of GalSpan. We have suffered a loss in the form of our recently purchased base in the Magellan System. The base was found by Gallia pilots, and a young something-or-other demanded registration, with valid reasons. Not wanting to lie, and certain that they would be incapable of seeing the grand scale, I had planned ahead and sent a Titanic Heavy Tanker to extract the crew.
Unfortunately, I was correct in my assumptions. They were far too narrow minded to see the potential in our research, and granted us only enough time to extract the crew and laboratory equipment. By then, of course, the base was completely void of life and GalSpan property.
It was a minor loss, considering GalSpan acquired the base at virtually no cost.
The primary shareholders have suggested construction of an entirely new base. We have since made a request of the Crayter Republic to allow us to build and register our new facility within the safety of their system, Coronado. With any luck, we'll be granted building rights and be constructing GalSpan's new space station within the week.
Thanks again for tuning in. Come back for regular updates, and remember our slogan...
Your Future... Today!
Director Martin Richardson.
The Galactic Spanning Corporation.
Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Count On!
We have a new development here at GalSpan, and an exciting one at that! But then again, most of our news worthy stories are at least intriguing, if not exciting.
We have requested, and been granted license, to construct our new base in Crayterian space. The exact location has yet to be disclosed, as construction hasn't even begun, but soon we'll "break new ground" so to speak. The new installation will be called "Minerva Research Center", and although it will primarily be an orbital, zero-gravity laboratory for our very own Dr. Albert Zeiler and his research staff, it will also serve as GalSpan's official mooring point for her Merchant and Armed Forces Divisions.
We plan to begin construction soon, but as our Merchant Division isn't large enough to handle this project while keeping GalSpan in the black, GalSpan will be seeking to outsource labor in an attempt to expedite the construction process.
Which reminds me, any freelance merchants or mercenaries wishing to join the GalSpan brand may apply at our home office on New Hope East or our recruitment center on Barrier Gate Station.
Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Count On!
This broadcast contains multiple thrilling updates!
Minerva Research Center…
Today, I have wonderful news for the Shareholders, and the public. The Galactic Spanning Corporation has completed construction of our new research station. Minerva Research Center has been built near the site of our first and most important research project, planet Yuma, in the Coronado system. Our Science Division, led by Dr. Albert Zeiler, has already relocated there, and all of our subsequent genetics research will take place there, among many other future innovations that we soon hope to market to the people of Sirius... Or most of you anyway. A certain oil burning monarchy will be excluded from GalSpan research, except maybe for weapons testing... But I digress!
Not only has GalSpan completed construction of the base core of Minerva Research Center, but we've done it in record time, and considerably ahead of schedule; we've already completed a core upgrade. GalSpan thanks the Freelancer Escort and Repairs group for their considerable aid in helping Minerva’s construction through contracted supply shipments. This is a big push forward for GalSpan, and will go a long way to completing our vast research projects, which will certainly benefit the people of Sirius.
Company Policy Updates…
It has come to our attention that the previous company policy of carrying as little credits as possible has become a hindrance to our profits, as well as a danger to our employees. Originally, this policy was envisioned as a way to prevent piracy, as it would be made clear from the start that only cargo would be of any value to potential pirates.
This policy is very similar to small scale planet-side transportation companies, however, space is not planet-side, and many pirates don’t accept their victims having empty pockets. If all Sirius companies attempted this policy, piracy might see a decrease, or perhaps not. In any case, until other companies adopt such a policy, GalSpan will no longer require their Pilots and Captains to deposit all of their credits upon mooring their ships. Captains and Pilots may now carry an amount that they feel is reasonable, depositing only the bulk of their profits (>60%) to their accounts before launching their vessels.
We were urged to remove this policy, however, it took the destruction of a 115,000,000 credit Titanic Heavy Tanker over a 3,000,000 credit levy, proposed by a pirate, that the Captain could not pay to push this through. Luckily, the Captain and his crew were unharmed, and the ship was insured, however, we hope that this change in company policy will prevent similar incidents from occurring.
GalSpan’s New Sign-on Bonus…
The Gallactic Spanning Corporation is looking for pilots to join the Merchant and Armed Forces Divisions, and to that end, GalSpan has enabled a new policy for Pilots and Captains with existing ships.
A sign-on bonus of between 5 & 15 million credits (the exact amount varies by ship class and value to GalSpan) will be issued in exchange for a contract of employment. This contract will last between 1 & 3 months, requiring semi-regular activity.* Captain’s may keep their existing ships and names, in exchange for adding GalSpan’s insignia. This cost, along with other potential expenses,* will be provided by GalSpan’s accounting department as well. Interested ship owners may report to our recruitment office.
Thanks again for tuning in. Come back for regular updates, and remember our slogan...
Your Future... Today!
Director Martin Richardson.
The Galactic Spanning Corporation.
*// A minimum of 5 hours a week, 20 hours a month is required. Other expenses include bribes that will allow the employee to dock on Crayter Republic bases.
Hello. I'm GalSpan's Director, Martin Richardson, and welcome to the GalSpan News Service; The Corp. You Can Could Count On...
GalSpan's Future.
The company shareholders have decided to liquidate the company. A lack of recruits, new commodities that we've struggled to bring to the public market, and marginal profits in general, are their reasons for removing a company with so much potential. Our orbital base, Minerva Research Center, is being sold, with first refusal being given to the Crayter Republic. Considering that GalSpan is the entire reason they were capable of settling planet Yuma, it's the very least we can offer them. I'm sorry that it's come to this, and we'll do our best to take care of our former employees. Glowing letters of recommendation will be given to any who require them.
Thanks again for tuning in...
Your Future... Never...
Director Martin Richardson.
The Galactic Spanning Corporation.[/color]