Salutations and good day, to whomever leads your forces.
It's my understanding since we fell out of touch that there has been a change of leadership within your ranks. In fact the last time we spoke, we negotiated deals to disrupt the Core. I trust those deals remain open, as we'd still like to help you prevent their expansion in to your territory.
But no matter. I have a request.
What can you tell me about the Unioners? What is your stance on them? Recently they've taken to attempting to make threats they cannot abide by to our forces, and given your political stance and them openly admitting to smuggling artifacts, inactive or otherwise. This is a grave issue. Trinkets such as those attract a significant amount of extra terrestrial activity, but I needn't remind you of such trivial things.
In short, let's rebuild the relationship we had started once more. Once the Keeper or Curator is no longer indisposed, they'll be more... Forthcoming and sociable than I.
Let me be frank on this. Literally the only reason why I respond to this communication is because it mentions the Unioners and their artifact dealings. For what I know, you could be anything, from a Wilde want-to-be to a Gallic 'Prince' asking for our support.
Forgive me the harsh words, but I usually don't react well to people contacting me without introducing themselves, asking me for information and reminding me of agreements of which I could have no knowledge without knowing who I am talking to in the first place.
To move to the matter at hand, however. Following your... missing credentials and information, what I can provide you with is sparse, but know this about the Unioners. They're lowlifes. Pirates, smugglers, generally considered to be more of a nuisance in the Volksrevolution's general opinion. If you're interested in getting further information however, I suggest you start with telling me who you work for, and what that deal is you're claiming we had.
With respect,
Dr. Annika J. Haupt, Oberst and commanding officer of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
I do apologize for my poor diplomatic skills. I am as much a diplomat as I am a soldier, and I am no soldier. My name is Doctor Michael Glass, Venator and Director of Zeta Section within Auxesia. At this point in time our leaders are currently incapacitated, and thus the outreach of this message was tasked to me in their absence. In the past, we had coordinated an agreement to disrupt the Core's activity in and around Rheinland, as well as within Luneburg due to the close proximity of their territory. We were informed that the Core and your forces were engaged in repeated conflict, and we stepped in to aid. That help remains available despite recent conflict.
As for the Unioners, I had my suspicions that those anarchistic ruffians were nothing more than thugs playing in a league that far surpasses their capability. Indirectly witnessing the decimation of one of their cruisers and several fighter craft through the eyes of one of our patrols was mildly amusing. Attached you'll find a transmission we received from the Unioners. Their petty attempts at throwing weight around was met when two of their vessels attempted to engage one of ours. They were, of course, eliminated.
If they're becoming too much of an issue, perhaps we might be able to assist in hindering their operations, and given the rise of Nomadic activity in Rheinland, it'd be an opportunity for us to keep a close eye on the area for anything larger that might appear.
It is surprising, at the least, to hear from Auxesia in my position. I know of no such dealings - this might be a result of the recent restructurings happening within the movement. Might I inquire who the person was you were dealing with at the time?
As for your intel concerning the Unioners; It is not surprising that they are hitting someone far beyond their league. Their petty attempts at intrigue have so far only resulted in resent, it's hardly surprising that they are not particularly well-equipped when fighting.
Do not make a mistake when dealing with them, however. They might be badly organized and not more than pirates, but they're probably some of the best engineers Rheinland has to offer, and a lot of our intel suggests that they're in bed with the Corsairs.
I do appreciate the offer of help, although I would like to be careful with that. We consider the problem with the Unioners very much an internal one, an issue between Rheinlanders, if you so will. While I won't object to you interfering with the Unioners in Liberty and the independent worlds, I'd prefer it if you'd stay out of Rheinland space, at least when it comes to vessels of war. I'd also be very happy about any visual evidence you can provide us of Unioner ships shipping and smuggling artifacts.
I do hope that those terms are, for now, acceptable.
With respect,
Dr. Annika J. Haupt, Oberst and commanding officer of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
Our initial discussion opened up between Keeper Revenant and Oberst Erich Klugmann. Our dealings and assaults on the core were compensated through light communication with Taktischer Offizier Mhairi Rathburn through the contract board. Contact was cut some time ago when we relocated back to the Independent Worlds and we have since been unaware of any changes in the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee, yet we retain a significant level of interest in assisting your people against the Core, and by extension the Unioners.
You needn't worry about warships entering Rheinland space, except Gunboat craft on escort or support duty. It's very rare that we'd station any large assets so far from home without a reason or necessary permission to do so. In fact only recently one of our vessels was crippled in Rheinland due to a Nomadic incursion. It was repaired of course and the hostile withdrew, but I'll reiterate my point that we have no interest in a significant paramilitary presence in Rheinland.
You have yourself a deal. Keep armed vessels out of Rheinland, aside from supplying convoy escorts or similar. If you have to move something around our place, get the permit from us first.
Aside from that, I'd appreciate it if you could relay any evidence of Unioner vessels shipping artifacts our way. We will make sure that they find the right eyes to see in Rheinland.
Let me be frank on one thing, however. I am not Klugmann. The man is considered a problem, a traitor to our ideals, and therefore any deals that he made are mostly new to us - and many of our party consider them shady dealings. If you are interested in a longer relationship than this temporary cooperation, there will have to be more in-depth talks about the relations and intentions of both of our groups.
After those things have been cleared, however:
Good hunting.
So long,
Dr. Annika J. Haupt, Oberst and commanding officer of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
I hope you'll excuse Venator Glass' lack of candor and capability in the field of diplomacy. It isn't his strongsuit. My name is Curator Leviathan, second to Keeper Revenant and successor of Curator Endurance. I also apologize for not handling this matter sooner, as my predecessor's departure and the Keeper becoming incapacitated was unavoidable.
I'm here now. I hope you'd appreciate a good laugh, as the Unioners have 'officially' declared war on Auxesia. Not only that, but they included a little song too. It made purging some of their vessels all the more entertaining.
Since their declaration, they've lost a handful of fighter craft and a cruiser to us already. They're persistent, I'll give them that, but they remain irrelevant and inconsequential to us. A mere fly that decided to buzz around annoyingly, and like the insects they've decided to behave like, they'll be smacked, and hopefully learn their place or perish.
No matter.
Klugmann is a more interesting topic. I never personally spoke to the man, but the Keeper and my predecessor did several times. During those talks he brought up the topic of aid against Rheinland while our forces were already indisposed with the Core in Luneburg and the Omicrons. I'm a little curious, though. Shady dealings? He seemed to be the kind of person who was very straightforward about what he wanted, and worked to obtain it. He certainly didn't let the topic drop about helping against Rheinland, and I do believe there was one instance in which we engaged a Rheinland Battleship in Luneburg together that managed to initiate a blind hyperspace leap to avoid combat. I wasn't present at the time.
Now then, on to these 'talks', shall we?
Allow me to inform you a little bit about our movement. We're a relatively small organization that began as a Battlegroup consisting of a handful of former Core vessels. As time went on, momentum built up behind the idea of taking the fight to the Nomads on our own ground, as well as obtaining, researching, containing and making use of technology to prevent it from falling in to the wrong hands. You might be curious as to why - Let's examine the Omicron's residents.
On one side of the coin lies The Core. A totalitarian paramilitary organization that Auxesia stemmed from and split off entirely. We've since entered conflict with them several times. Their intentions with the Omicrons are preached through propaganda as bringing civilization to the New Worlds. Paradise and riches beyond the colonies, and rare, expensive technology beyond anyone's dreams.
The reality behind them is simple - Controlling the flow of Nomadic and Daam K'vash relics and technology for monetizing and power. They make use of slave labor, conduct inhumane research, mass killings, and have no intention of sharing the civilization they create with anyone, but rather to enforce their ideals on others once they've obtained the strength to. They don't care about the Nomad threat, but rather see it as a means to become stronger.
Now let's examine the other side of the coin. Your dear friends in the Order. What once was an organization known for doing everything possible to keep humanity safe, saving Sirius from near death over two decades ago, making use of stolen Liberty Technology to grow and continue its fight, eventually encountering a new threat in the Omicrons - The Core. They begun to fight both the Nomads, and the Core, overextending themselves beyond the point of recovery. Eventually, during a scuffle with the Core, the Nomads moved in to finish what they started, and Toledo fell as both the Order and Core fought side-by-side for survival.
The remnants of the Order fled to the deeper regions of space and barricaded themselves in, beginning to work through their allies as proxy organizations to conduct their work. Eventually as they grew behind their protecting minefields, something broke within their leadership. Arrogance began to run rampant, eventually developing in to megalomania. A new Empire in the Omicrons rose up from the ashes of the crippled and noble heroes of Sirius, which begun to make use of its allies to enforce its dogma upon the sector.
Neat words, right?
Testimony from a Neo-Terran Front pilot who recalled how the Order operated and what became of the Front in the end.
The Order fell a little too far from their path. Though I can't say we aren't at fault. Some mistakes were made, some Osiris' blown up. We reached out a few times and begun to make real progress and repairing relations. Next thing we know, some assassins working for the Order make an attempt on our Leader, and the cycle started all over. Eventually the arguments in differing views and methodology escalated to a neutral-hostility, but it didn't last long when an Osiris opened fire on our flagship during a recover operation of a civilian logistics vessel claiming to be enacting 'The Order's Wrath'.
I thought that was cute.
Their Independent Worlds Campaign in our eyes was a waste of their resources. Two ships lost for the rescue of one individual because of family ties? Really? They destroyed the gate after the Interdictor was knocked out. Most of our forces spent months working with the Crayterians to push the infection out with no sign of the Order until the end, but by then the conflict had already started.
It's a shame. So much potential for cooperation wasted because no one can let go of history.
I rambled on a bit.
So there's the two sides. The Core, seeking total control, while the Order seeks another form of control. One wants to profit from the Nomads and their technology, while the other wants to wipe them from the face of the galaxy and leave no traces of their technology to be discovered.
Then you have us.
We don't care about control.
We don't care about profit.
We see the Nomads as a serious threat, and we've studied them heavily as well as battled them repeatedly.
We see their technology as dangerous in the wrong hands, and as an opportunity to better our own, using their own wonders against them. A specific phrase comes to mind when I think about it: If someone gives you a gun, you don't complain that it's dirty, you use it.
I guess the same could be said for us. We've made use of vessels from across the sector, either obtained from The Core, the Navy, so on and so forth. We could quite easily be compared to The Order in its infancy.
Now we have motives, and you know a bit about us. We don't want The Core to expand any further. We've destroyed their warships, and used their forces to send a message in our conflict with The Order by removing an iridium Refinery. I'm sure your ties with The Order would put you in a compromising position with us, and vice versa, but understand that we don't care about them. We have no intention of dragging anyone in to this idiotic scuffle and no intention of continuing it, so I'd understand if this puts you in a difficult position, but we'd gladly help your forces against The Core, and now The Unioners, given their smuggling and hilarious declaration.
Your apology is accepted, we all have people that aren't good with others within our ranks. I would advise caution directing diplomatic tasks to such people, however, especially if you're talking delicate matters as our relationship.
The Unioners might be inconsistent and an insect to you, but they do prove to be quite the hassle when operating within Rheinland space. With the current situation in mind, I would like to ask you to relay the evidence you have against the Unioners again, to make sure we have everything. I am planning a major political campaign against them, and portraying them as the hypocrites they are might significantly improve my position in that.
You might excuse me not telling you everything about Klugmann, but I can tell you that the man is wanted within the Bundschuh for several reasons. He is suspected to have connections with the federal government that he never bothered to explain, for instance. He, and the former Chairlady Eistochter, are considered both rogue and enemies of the Bundschuh - informations about their whereabouts would, if you have them, be much appreciated.
I am positively surprised about your in-depth explanation, however, as well as glad about your understanding of our relationship with the Order. Despite them not operating in Rheinland most of the time, we still consider them a valuable ally, and you not insisting on endangering this relationship by openly allying with us is a relief to me. Your assistance against the Unioners, as I clarified earlier talking to Mr Glass, is much appreciated, and we wish you good hunting on independent and Liberty territory. You will have to understand though, that operations against them within the Borders of Rheinland space are problematic - the Revolution still considers the Union a domestic issue, and with the lack of a unified statement from every splinter of the Revolution towards them, it is hard to justify a presence of foreign, former Core-aligned warships in what most of us still consider our 'turf'. I will make sure that your convoys, should they occur, pass Bundschuh and Hessian territory unharmed, but armed operations, raid parties and warships will have to stay out for now.
On this topic, however, I will have to add something. I am currently in the process of working on a centralized cooperation against the threat the Unioners pose, which involves some of our friends and allies. While I, due to the aforementioned relationship with the Order, am unable to include you in the official documents of this, I would be happy to let certain informations - such as Unioner convoys or raid parties that we spot "slip" your way, and can instruct trusted individuals among my subordinates with similar instructions. Provided that you are interested, of course.
The topic of cooperation brings us to the Core. They have been very silent since the recent collapse of the structure that Nodviet had built up, at least when Rheinland was concerned. Since you are so eager to hunt them down, however, I am ready to offer you a similar deal - should they become an issue again, I'll make sure that word of it reaches you.
Your lengthy explanation about the history of your organization however made me curious. While I am still careful about an alliance or even an open "friendship" between the organizations that we represent, there is nothing wrong with learning about each other. Bearing this in mind, and considering that talks like this get problematically lengthy and impersonal due to the nature of neural net communication, I would suggest that we finalize the deal in person. Should you agree to my proposition, I leave the choice of the location to you.
In the hope of a swift response
Dr. Annika J. Haupt, Oberst and commanding officer of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee