From: Patrick C. West
To: AP Manufacturing
Subject: Nomadic materials purchase
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
My name is Patrick West and I am manager of Glendalough Orbital. I'm reaching out to you because I would like to purchase a nomadic materials from you. What we need is 5 Heavy materials, 10 Medium materials, 25 Light materials and two derelict Nomad Artifacts. Now, the problem is, our base is Coronado, and local autorities here are on good terms with Order. I would like to keep a low profile and not cause any tensions. Do you think you can do the eventual delivery with a ship not openly asociated with your group?
Order received.
We'll get to work and you'll receive a message with additional information when we're ready to exchange the stuff.
And yes, we'll keep a very low profile indeed.
Yours truly, Gabrielle Daniels, temporary APM Head of PR & Communications
unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols
We have cataloged and prepared the hazardous materials you're looking for.
There price is as follows:
Twenty Million $C (20,000,000) for Heavy materials
Four MIllion $C (4,000,000) for medium materials
Half a million $C (500,000) for light materials.
You get additional 10% because we haven't been fast enough.
That would total at 137,250,000 $C
And for the cells...50 Millions, each.
That's 90,000,000 $C for both, with the discount.
If you find that acceptable, make your way to Yaren base, Omicron Delta for the pickup.
unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols
From: Patrick C. West
To: AP Manufacturing
Subject: Nomadic materials purchase
Location: Glendalough Orbital
Encryption: 85-48-52-extreme
--- Incoming Transmission ---
Miss Daniels.
Our ship with the callsign Lone.Drifter arrived in Omicron Delta and is currently waiting on the Freeport. Please, give us time when you will be available for the exchange, your money will be paid by the captain of the ship.