Warnings are issued to players, which are reported but the evidence provided requires us to ''assume'' that this was a player's ''intention''. In your case in specific, it was a report that you were trying multiple times to nuke yourself to deny a bonus. The screenshots did show you running away while with your shields down, burning and dropping nukemines.
Here we would need to ''assume'' that you, as a player who is PVP savvy enough not to drop mines with your shields down unless you wanted to have the chance to get killed by them or whoever shoots a CD at you. However, basing an outright sanction on that sort of evidence would not be just. However, the fact that you mere moments later were killed by your own teammate did raise concerns (and a few eyebrows) within the team as to what was going on between you all, especially on communication platforms such as teamspeak, which we cannot monitor - and we decided that a warning for such an action is in order.
It is a warning. A warning is not a sanction. Your name is in this thread because of the situation described above. It is completely up to you whether or not you take it to heart or not. We processed the sanction and came to a conclusion as to what to do with the evidence provided to us and how much of it is solid enough to variant a sanction for every each one of these players, including you.
Processing sanctions is -hard-.
There are always wildcards involved and if you feel like something was processed not to your expectations, you can at least give us -some- slack as to whether or not the result of such a process is worth wasting time to argue over.
Personally speaking, if this is the situations that will happen due to events, we will just chose not to make them, if they generate such moments. There is a reason why self-killing is not against the normal server rules and are only reinforced during server events when such actions are used to fool the bonus counter and the progression tracker of said event - ergo: Cheating/Abusing game exploits.
Quite frankly, the fix to this situation is easy enough - by making self-killing or teammate-killing score a point for the opposite side, but since you cannot prevent the player involved from getting the bonus as well - that hasn't been done since the HF-Gaian event.
We warn people when there is not enough evidence to process their sanction with or due to other reasons, but we believe that the player involved - given that their actions caused them to be reported by the reporter, needs to be given a heads up. You are currently arguing against being given a heads up that some of your ingame actions are being interpreted as malicious.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502