So 'ere's deh report o' wun o' aour last patrols :
As we were floyin frem deh Dublin's Jump Hole in NewLondon tae reach de lane leadin' tae deh Planet, we fell upon two new station located nae far frem deh Gate tae Dublin :
Fortitudine and FortiSec, un' o' course doses two were hostoile tae oos.
Due tae deir names bein' similar tae two bases located in Mancheste' system, we suspect doses could belongs tae BMF, howe'er , we got nae proof yet o' dhis, un' shall invistigate 'bout dhis very madder.
Anyway, last toime we had such bases located near deh gate, it has proven tae be a safe have frem dem BMM thieves, un' smugglin' den fer 'em tae store stolen ore. But dhis did nae prevent doses previous stations tae be destroyed.
'Ere is some additional footages o' a long gone base located at deh same place : deh Towe' o' London : * / * / *
A'roight people. T'day oy's uploadin' dhis message tae conclude deh Secret Valley case, un' tae keep track o' it.
So oif ye remember well, nae so long ago, Martha, did spot de aforementioned station in deh Omega fourty-noine system, sector 8A ,as descroibed in her report.
It has been decided, dhat we should meet deh people o' dhat base in order tae know more 'bout dem, un' oif dey'd be a threat tae aour installations in Derry un' Dublin, due tae its proximity tae deh Nebulae cloud dhat contains access tae doses systems.
Un' Indeed we met wun o' em. Unfortunately the talk we had widh dhat wun was radher confusin' instea' o' help oos tae unnestand clearly what was going on.
However being told dhat dey'd sell deh goods produced 'ere tae anyone, includin' présumably some o' aour enemies, un' deh mention o' deh Corsairs made oos suspicious 'bout dem.
Contacting 'em o'er deh communication channel, we were unable tae know more o' what we alreaday gadhered before.
Finally, as we were awaitin' more answers tae aour concerns, we discovered dhat deh whole installation had vanished intae thin air, un' was nowhere tae be found near deh previous location.
This is Cait', reporting back at Arranmore after completin' me first patrol. At start, Arranmore's long range sensors didn't pick up nothin', so they told me to cut the patrol short. On this patrol, oy didn't pick up anythin' at all, Dublin's quiet this time.
To:The Molly's From: Martha Lass Message Location:Lisburn Rock R.E:Patrol Report
Another day gonne by, now was time fer some trade lane piratin' alon' old Cambridge! Reachin' the middle of the trade lane to Omega 3 Jumpgate, i positioned my ship next to the Lane and waited fer my prey.
Not much time later a targe' appears on scanners, quickly i drop tha lane and tell him tha cut his engines.
My first scans show me a BMM Flag on a Hegemon Miner, i thought, goody, some BMM with some gold ore.
Fer my suprise, he was carryin' Ambassadors frem Rheinland, bound ta Planet New London
[M]-Martha.Lass: M&T-Xitrix Cut yer engines or be blowned ta pieces!
[M]-Martha.Lass: Cut it
[M]-Martha.Lass: Last warning
[M]-Martha.Lass: Cut yer engines lad
[M]-Martha.Lass: &l Good
[M]-Martha.Lass: Good good
M&T-Xitrix: I have no money cos I gave it to other pirate in Omega-3
[M]-Martha.Lass: Weird ship to transpor' passengers
[M]-Martha.Lass: A minin' vessel transportin' people
M&T-Xitrix: But Y are not Police and not even military
[M]-Martha.Lass: Where ye got those Ambassadors ?
M&T-Xitrix: in New Berlin transporting to New London
A thought crossed my mind, fer sure the Rheinland Government would care fer the wellbeing of these Ambassadors, so i demanded frem the BMM some of the Ambassadors, as i couldn't transport them all so 50 would do tha trick
[M]-Martha.Lass: Those could work fer us molly
[M]-Martha.Lass: Some governments would pay nicely for them
[M]-Martha.Lass: Some good ransom
M&T-Xitrix: )
[M]-Martha.Lass: Ye goin' to deliver them ta us in Dublin
[M]-Martha.Lass: Fer the Molly ask for ransom
[M]-Martha.Lass: They rheinlander ye say
M&T-Xitrix: I can Jettison for Y some
[M]-Martha.Lass: I think i could have some good ransom fer 50 of them
M&T-Xitrix: 50?
[M]-Martha.Lass: Aye
[M]-Martha.Lass: Alrigh' move along
"Ello, mates. If ye be seein' dis then oy went on a patrol wit' Blodwyn O'Driscoll, John Lass, un' Owen O'Clark. We encountered a strange BPA patrol of two in Dublin todeh, they were both loight fighters. We dragged em' to Omega-3 n' popped 'em there, but it weren't easy. Tha littler buggers were so fast ye could barely see 'em, un' they hit pretty well. We got one n' tha other fled. After dat, Blod' ordered us back ta Arranmore."
[color=#FF0000][16/08/2016] [16.08.2016 10:29:45] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: hi there
[16.08.2016 10:30:00] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: my engllish is bad
[16.08.2016 10:30:17] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: what mission?
[16.08.2016 10:30:31] The.Leprechaun: //oh , hello i was AFK
[16.08.2016 10:30:51] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: // afk?
[16.08.2016 10:31:09] The.Leprechaun: // i mean out of keyboard
[16.08.2016 10:31:30] /ho understand
[16.08.2016 10:31:39] The.Leprechaun: or away from keyboard
[16.08.2016 10:32:03] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: //ho, understand
[16.08.2016 10:32:17] The.Leprechaun: we have 2 DSE transports in system , whats say we rob them ?
[16.08.2016 10:33:22] The.Leprechaun: i belive they are near London jump gate
[16.08.2016 10:33:48] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: they already konw us
[16.08.2016 10:34:20] The.Leprechaun: so , it will be more fun if they are warned for as
[16.08.2016 10:34:37] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: ok
[16.08.2016 10:35:29] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: i'm in Jump Hole
[16.08.2016 10:35:44] The.Leprechaun: i am near jump gate
[16.08.2016 10:35:53] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: ok
[16.08.2016 10:37:03] The.Leprechaun: they have miner in group now , check mining field , maybe they are there
[16.08.2016 10:37:23] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: going
[16.08.2016 10:38:07] The.Leprechaun: one is here , Mc guy
[16.08.2016 10:38:23] The.Leprechaun: bison transport , he is near BS base
[16.08.2016 10:38:37] The.Leprechaun: going to mining field now
[16.08.2016 10:38:40] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: mine clear
[16.08.2016 10:38:55] The.Leprechaun: cover jump hole
[16.08.2016 10:39:48] The.Leprechaun: not here , going to chester JH
[16.08.2016 10:40:03] The.Leprechaun: find him
[16.08.2016 10:40:06] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: mc millan here
[16.08.2016 10:40:07] The.Leprechaun: i have*
[16.08.2016 10:40:13] The.Leprechaun: cd
[16.08.2016 10:40:35] The.Leprechaun: hello there
[16.08.2016 10:40:45] McMillan.Alexander: hi
[16.08.2016 10:40:48] The.Leprechaun: please stop
[16.08.2016 10:40:58] McMillan.Alexander: no
[16.08.2016 10:41:11] The.Leprechaun: stop or die
[16.08.2016 10:41:15] McMillan.Alexander: i got nothing
[16.08.2016 10:41:23] The.Leprechaun: dont mater , stop
[16.08.2016 10:41:31] The.Leprechaun: cd him
[16.08.2016 10:42:21] The.Leprechaun: ignore freigter
[16.08.2016 10:42:36] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: ok
[16.08.2016 10:42:39] 2016-08-16 13:43:01 SMT Traffic control alert: McMillan.Alexander has requested to dock
[16.08.2016 10:42:50] Death: McMillan.Alexander was put out of action by The.Leprechaun (Gun).
[16.08.2016 10:43:12] The.Leprechaun: next time stop when i say stop or die
[16.08.2016 10:43:21] 2016-08-16 13:43:42 SMT Traffic control alert: [M]-Terry_O'Ban has requested to dock
[16.08.2016 10:43:27] The.Leprechaun: traders are so dumb
[16.08.2016 10:43:34] [M]-Terry_O'Ban: Ok. Me too..
Was fellin' a bit bored around Dublin, with no one to harass, so i decided ta pay a visit ta Manchester, no' a usual route fer us, but we shall make a visit sometimes.
Good day ta do it, as i found a another of those darn stations tha' are popin' up like mushrooms. This one is called Nebula Complex, and it's located righ' about 10k frem the filfthy BMM Birmingham Station
They say this station supplies them with Cobalt ore, much needed in their Republic. Still they are payin' fer it, so givin' financial power to some unknown entrepreneur who restricted our dockin'
So, we got deh Colonials/Crayter haulers gettin' cobalt ore frem deh Nebula complex, roight ?
Nae such a big deal, me say. Fer neidher gol', nor BMM seems tae be involved.
However, it moight be still worth investigatin' on deh madder : fer we dunno yet who be deh owners o' deh aforementioned station.
It could belong tae BMM, fer example, o' e'en far worse, deh owners could trade in gol' , which could be bought frem BMM. Un' dhat would be a madder o' concern, tae be shure !!!
Roight, so, deh Council decoided it could be interrestin' tae inquoire on dhat perticular case. Derefore, feel free conduct deh investigation as ye see fit. Oif ye do requoire a wing o' foighters, it will be dispatched, un' funds will be provoided oif necessary.
Incoming transmission... Source:------Arranmore Base, Dublin Comm ID:-----Lewis Harry Stone
Handshake protocol completed...
Opening message...
Hey Ya,
took ma a litt'le lon'ger then expecte', but here is ma report abut da recent fights!
11.08.823 A.S
Blod an ma wa doin'g some stea' da mone from da rich ones in Omega-3. Wa doin'g go'od, unti' da Armed Forces arrivd. Blod manage'd to escap, but ma an Black stuked in da field. Wa had a go'od fight, ma managd to destroy four Armed Forces ships.
[08.11.2016 20:09:22] Death: BAF|Cdr.Paul.McKinley suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine). [08.11.2016 20:14:56] Death: [M]-Black_Beard was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Indefatigable (Gun). [08.11.2016 20:13:34] Death: BAF|Lt.Noa.Jefferson was put out of action by [M]-Dublin.Gold (Mine).
[08.11.2016 20:23:02] Death: BAF|Lt.Lowden.Graves suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[08.11.2016 20:28:29] Death: BAF|Cdr:Ian.Graham was put out of action by [M]-Dublin.Gold (Mine).
11.22.823 A.S
Wa got a big fleet of da Armed Forces in ou'r Dublin system, all of the'm got destroyed.
[22.11.2016 00:54:05] Death: HMS-Poseidon was put out of action by [M]-Gold.Duster (Gun).
[22.11.2016 00:55:47] Death: Carolline.Shelby was put out of action by [M]-MacGregor.Funboat (Gun).
[22.11.2016 00:56:00] Death: BAF|LtCdr.V.Steiner was put out of action by [M]-Gold.Duster (Gun).
[22.11.2016 00:58:25] Death: >SEI<[intel]GiantEagle was put out of action by [M]-MacGregor.Funboat (Gun).
[22.11.2016 01:01:06] Death: HMS-HolyDiver was put out of action by [M]-Gold.Duster (Gun).
So, aye, oy had tae do dhis report 'bout deh bases lately found in Dublin, but had tae delay it since so far.
Well de first wun was called Exchange Equipament. As we were able tae dock on deh facility, we quickly found aout dhat deh merchants aboard deh base was indeed buyin' gold ore un' sellin' it.
Due tae deh dockin' clearance given tae oos, un' deh remote place where t'was built, we delayed deh usual try tae contact its owner tae clear tings aout, as deh base was built widaout deh consent o' deh Republic o' Dublin.
Howe'er we discovered recently dhat de base was nae more.
Deh second wun was quoite easy tae come across, me say, as t'was built near deh north-eastern moinin' field. So deh station was name Sirius Transportation and Logistics un' it appeared dhat deh boss o' deh organization responsible fer dhis base was named Attila Sirius. It seemed tae mae, dhat deh people we met 'ere were very concerned 'bout a possible siege.
But once again, two day lader, un' afore we made contact widh Mr.Sirius, deh station had vanished intae thin air.
Oy say tis a bit o' a concern dhat we tend tae let problems solve boye demselves.
Naow, oy's willin' tae talk 'bout anoder base, which wun be located in anodher system bein' called snowdown o' omega-three.
As ye all know, we got an operation goin' on 'ere, un' at first, we dinnae pay attention tae deh Phoenix Station as it neidher allowed oos tae dock, nor t'was related in any way tae aour operation in omega-three. Deh Station itself is located 10K away o' deh freeport, on deh way tae planet Sprague.
But, despite not bein' a concern at first soight, we kept an unintentional eye on it, due tae it proximity tae deh freeport.
As it remained unharmed, jus' unner aour nose, we found aout dhat it was supplied boye Bowex, un' FL-ER.
Un' e'en oif doses two organization are nefarious tae deh Republic, we dinnae get involved in dhat madder, 'cause t'wasn't wun o' aour priority.
So later, it appeared dhat deh station gave dockin' clearance tae oos, Mollys, un' wun o' aour poilot, as he was goofin' 'round whoile his mates were bein' shot hard boye deh Squaddies; found aout dhat deh people on dhat base were buyin' deh gol' ore he had in his cargo haul , fer quoite a good proice.
An invaluable intel dhat oy was able tae confirm boye mesel' , but unfortunatly none o' oos gadhered deh actual evidence o' dhat fact.
Nowadays, dey nae longer allow oos tae dock on dhat station, fer nae apparent reason.
We got naow a serious reason tae invistigate dhis madder, fer, we dunno yet frem where deh gol' comes frem. Un' oif it would happen tae be bought doirectly o' e'en remotly frem BMM, den it would become a major concern tae deh Republic as it 'd mean dhat deh owners o' deh base are involved in some way in Bretonia's gold smuggling.
Un' oy would loike tae remoind ye, me brodhers un' sisters, dhat deh only reason whoy deh Crown refuses tae leave Dublin, un' tae aknowledge aour Republic, be fer a simple but despictable reason : makin' a profit aout o' Dublin's gol' !!!
Un' wun tings'shure : we won't let 'em make a single credit benefit aout o' it.
So, basicaly, we'll need tae discover who be supplyin' deh Phoenix Station widh Gol' ore.