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DATE: 08|10|823 A.S.
I am mad, mad with lust, mad and hurt with passion of discovering knowledge. I feel the seperation between us, the link that binds us grows weary, stretched out like elastic. Loneliness cut finely like flaps of layers of plastic wrapped around me like a blanket of burning fur prodding me, a sensation of freezing viscous treacle dribbling inside me, going down to my organs. An icicle sprawls down my spine from my mind, spreading darkness like butter on cake. Argh, how do these blues cope with it? It feels so empty, so cold. The feeling is indescribable, too complex for mere words to portray.
I cannot help but speculate this is due to the natural environment of the Omicrons. Or perhaps I'm too close to their home? The Queen Bee's calling - they want more workers. Heh.
Azurite samples were procured for studying. Perhaps there is a secret to the conduction, or to the composition behind it. Or perhaps I could find a way to... harm it.
Although, lately, I've noticed some rather pesky Freelancers who have been too curious about the Nomads, getting targetted by them, stealing what is theirs, then whining about it. Idiots. Why do such a thing without preparing for the consequences? First, they trample around the Shrine, later finding one of their pilots unconscious in New York, now they're taking samples from the K'Hara generator
What a shame. Maybe I will have to put them down before stupidity ensures.
Lately, I've grown rather fond of the Gammuians, I find their ways to be beautiful. Money is irrelevant. It's all about progress and compensation. Prosperity through advancement. Disallowing emotions to get in the way of development. It feels right. I think ERI feels at home while we orbit Gammu... O-or probably not, since they've been seperated from the network. The Omicrons have been bright so far. Destruction of an Order Outpost. Finding an Order Commander who can use their brain, someone named Garth Saris, also being cheeky and lending him a hand against two Makos, heh.
I also met Jack Daniels, a very strong figure, previous Guildmaster of the Core. Although, he noted that Guildmaster Stoat may have been infested, which is fascinating. Either way, he and I see eye to eye on some subjects. I hope I get to talk with him more in the future.
The datalog of conversation is huge - but here we go.
As for me, well, it's back to testing. The energy in my mind is spiking up again. Work, work, and work. That's all there is. Progress.
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DATE: 15|11|823 A.S.
Recently, we've came across a... mysterious group known as simply "The Cultists" - out of curious, fear, and joy, Auxo investigated it. Personally, I love them for what they are so far. Mystery was always a big point of arousal for my inquisitiveness.
They seem to be capable of what can be considered advanced technology, different kinds of cloaking technology, closing and opening up anomalies to travel through - but my interest is; how far do their anomalies go? Where do they come from? What's their culture and society like? What's the religion? It seems very spiritual and elegant, I would really love to meet their people. They seem like competent beings.
Previously during our investigations, we speculated the Cultists to be associating with the Nomads, thankfully - this wasn't the case. Though, it's noted that they have already been treated with hostilities by the Liberty enforcers. One of them left me a note - which Locklear annoyingly tried to pass it on in a sketchy manner. And truthfully, I don't blame them for bringing extra weapons. It's annoying having these snivelling worms trying to suckle what is yours, your technology, your people. If anything, the Saint's have full rights to enact an aggressive-defensive stance.
Keeper Revenant Wrote:
Those poor fallen ones though... Perhaps I may even lend them a hand, particularly if they're ensuring those anomalies are properly cleaned up - shut.
To avoid the crossfire, you must become the crossfire. I guess. Better than the middle.
Oh. An idea.
Perhaps they would know how to observe or how to cater to the telepathic energy in my mind? Or maybe not, I'm being too excited.
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DATE: 22|11|823 A.S.
These idiots. They just want to hold me back. They stripped me of my rank by Phalanx voting. They truly do not see the strength within me. Naive. They can deal with the meeting.
I departed to the Omicrons to help Williams - Laguna - find Reena. She's gone missing, even from the link apparently. I believe the best place to start is Omicron Delta, learn about these 'Vagrant' Nomads that I've heard about. Thus, I will start there. I left a note in my room for Mister Dingbat.
Maybe the Blues aren't so bad. Maybe I can use them to eradicate the Order, Corsairs and the Core, maybe.
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DATE: 22|11|823 A.S.
I've found what remains of Reena - now a husk under a different Mindshare - a different brood of Nomads. This is moderately fascinating. I believe they can perhaps assist my issue with my mind too. So, I went out to find what happened with Reena - supposedly, she joined this Mindshare to guide them, to help them.
They call them the Vagrants. A curious bunch. Their intent is to restore their home, to 'purify' and to learn. Their extent of purification is to learn - to adapt new measures. We began to negotiate terms of neutrality or forgiveness, but one interesting keypoint that we noticed in this scenario was the other Nomads. The ones who were linked to the primary Mindshare.
There seemed to be some form of conflict. Mainly due to them not being connected. Intriguing.
In the end, we came to an agreement to not shoot each other, and to trial our worth to them - as individuals, showing them why basing their opinions on an entire race based off a few idiots is a bad idea. So, we'll blow a few Core, Corsairs and Order here and there. Maybe a few Xeno Relic raids. Oh, and they revealed Snell was infested. But weirdly, he showed some signs of self conscience, a form of will. He disobeyed them to ensure I was fine. We had a brief talk after the situation, and agreed to look past each other, as long as he does no harm.
All in all, I have hope for this. There's a glimpse chance of this working out. It's worth it.
As for me, well, I'm going to stay on Cambridge from now on. I don't know how long I'll be there. But I don't want to see the others beyond my family. I keep feeling... scared... unknown, like if people are plotting against me, but they're not. Or at least they claim that.
I don't know anymore. I feel so angry yet so calm. I don't understand. My head hurts.
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DATE: 22|12|823 A.S.
Hunt got into an unfortunate accident which required him to get his legs replaced. Again. How does someone get hit by a transport?
I've been spending the majority of my time looking over documents, tapping my life energy away into a console. I should really get a secretary for this administrative crap. Due to the amount of work, I've had to push Hunt away for the time being, to - naturally - focus on my job.
The recent Kepler anomaly - thank the gods that it happened so I can escape that paperwork hellhole for some time - had me thinking. What has even been causing these anomalies to start appearing more often? Was it caused by a catalyst of events concerning the Nomads original tests? Or perhaps it was the screwup of the Cultists? They seemed to be... highly sensitive about toying with the anomalies. Hm. Maybe it really isn't Nomads this time. Maybe miracles do happen.
It could be worth looking into, but, naturally, other things should come first. I've been stressed out, mosltly concerned, about the consistant notes of complaints from the City Ships. Conditioning hasn't been well lately, along with the apparent lack of space. I knew this was going to happen within time but... this soon?
I wonder how our allies are faring in the Omegas though. That reminds me, we gotta scout and investigate the Sigmas too. Not me though, ha-ha-ha, paperwork - ha-ha-ha. Irritating, but at least I don't have to deal with Liberty incidents now. One could say that progress is sort of being made.
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DATE: 11|01|824 A.S.
Well. New year, new nonsense.
It's all been relatively calm and smooth, excluding a few mental breaks, for the first few seven days. Unlike a particular pair of moronic Zoners that we all know, and oh so love, Arcadia and Iona - messing up in Omicron Delta, causing another Freeport incident.
What was that? How are you going to cope with the internal issue of housing /and/ investigate it? Oh, jokes on you. You seem to forget one thing, that a nasty derelict droid has been trying to infiltrate the ranks. As of yesterday, said droid, an old Legionnare programme, was destroyed in it's vain efforts to assassinate or manipulate me in order to eliminate Liberty. That was... moderate. I suppose. What an anti-climatic event.
Back to the Freeport topic, it seems these bundle of joys were helping out the Order. Splendid. Why do some Zoners even remotely think this is a good idea? Don't they know what they're getting into? Great. Of course, the 'Confed is too arrogant to even boot out those two. Either way, this gave me an excuse to go out to the Omicrons and to cause a bit of mischief. House Space is so drab with its do's and dont's.
From my view and brief investigation into the scenario, well. I can say that a lot of Core aren't happy, and rightfully so to an extent. I recall serving the Core, having to wake up, then deal with this nonsense every patrol. Then, of course, when I came there, a bunch of Corsairs and Order were hiding at the Freeport -yet- again. A few days went by, the Arcadia and Iona had not been exiled, some shady source went out a warning about bombing the station... The next day, I see Jess and her band escorting some infested vessel to the Freeport, setting off the NEMP Bomb in the middle of the crowd. Goodness, why was Jess this desperate? This is nuts. Now the Core claims have kidnapped Finn too! Oh my.
It is an imperative to find out if these claims are true, afterall, he does know a nasty secret of ours, but not only that, he is still a friend.
Hmm... Can't believe those silly Zoners want to initiate a head on war against the Core though. Maybe this'll open an opportunity up for us to take Yaren, maybe not. Who knows. Am I concerned about the Freeport? No. Well. To an extent, I care about the resources they have to offer from the local area such as Azurite and Iridium, which is now going to be a little trickier to obtain.
Though, I'm just hoping the Order and Corsairs in the area don't get the smart idea of trying to expand their territory in this mess. I'll rip their damn heads off if they try.
Guh. At least the Gammu were nice enough to let us camp out in Kappa.
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DATE: 17|01|824 A.S.
Time goes by, yet, little word floats around. My concern grows only more rapidly throughout this week.
Fatigued by attempts at interception of communications, piled on by mountains of documents, our efforts are baring little fruit so far. I'm too tired. Too exhausted. My energy is depleting, I'm seeing little hope for Finn, the flow of the water is coming to an end. But within this river, other streams have opened up new paths. This... weird material, Nar... Nar-crrr-ray...tay-tie? Narc-ra-eh-ti? Oh whatever, this name is unheard of. There's nothing. I checked, I researched, who even came up with that name anyway...? - Whilst on the other hand, we have the Buro seeking out a relation with us. Fascinating. I wonder if they're still after the Dawnbreaker, or perhaps they're seeking to manipulate us. I don't particularly trust them. Or anyone.
Speaking of trust, Hunt let someone on to the ship, this somebody desires to speak with me. Hrm. Awfully brave of them to come here.
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DATE: 20|01|824 A.S.
It was inevitable that we would return to the Independant Worlds, but, this early...? I'm just severely disappointed by the lack of results from the investigations concerning Finn, and the lack of inter-communication concerning the Zoner Community. Obviously, they don't care as much as they'd like to admit.
But being back home here, at Inverness, feels disorientating after spending quite a while in the Omicrons. Hunt thinks that the Omicrons are sending me a little goofy, stress - they think. I doubt it. It's inaction. It's more accurately to be depicted as pressurised agitation, as I seem to be spending more time speculating and planning than actually doing things. Is this my fate? To forever sit upon a throne to scribble away my life on some pieces of paper?
But, now that we're home, we'll see about that... There are many things to do, and many people to help. Particularly a friend of mine, Doctor Glass, who's completely unable to move. I commissioned Maria Calvo, who recently joined us from the Canaan project. Although, she hasn't shown up to the job yet, hrrrm. On another note, I finally got a summoned up report concerning corruption and security issues on the City Ship.
It was some kid looking out for their parents, wanting to get into contact with them. Why people don't admit the truth and go out of their way to cause a mess, is beyond me. Especially using derelict, unregistered, communication devices. The security leaks that could have happened. Uncomforting. At least that was dealt with.