We were pretty heated from the fight in Kyushu, where like five lolwut caps were joining a snub-dominated fight that already contained gunboats. Back in Delta, we seriously were annoyed by the lolwut Nephs/Cruiser that re-engaged not only two but three times. I guess your death was just a result of the circumstances.
It's not fun when the entire system is dominated by nomads.I wanted to log on the nomad side first,but when I saw all of you were playing as nomads,I went as order.
Make it as fair as possible.Yes,I am butthurt about this.That does not mean I am wrong,Keep your people under control and tell them to be fair.
If any of you wants to contact me,add me on skype and I'll speak to you.
(02-21-2017, 08:39 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: If I were you Spazzy I would lower the bonus per kill on Nomads.
I can tell you now already that it will be likely that the vaste majority of players who will participate stay on Noms, easy lots of money + the usual advantages of Nom/Wild ID make their side twice as attractive as the sides of already playerbase-weak factions (Kusarians, partly Order)
I already have a bet running that things keep going like today, funny or? I will cry if I win though.
(02-21-2017, 09:19 PM)Alley Wrote: The question is rather why were you shooting a snub furball with four battleships in the first place. Please don't do this.
And that is the reason for joining the fight with an nearly immortal battleship? Really?
good reason.... very good reason..
If you don't want to have Caps fighting in an PvE/PvP Event... then just say that they aren't allowed... but killing them with an (nearly) Immortal ship... well... that's like killing them with an admin command.. in my opinion it's just admin abuse... nothing else...
But if this is you way to deal with your community... well then just let it be so..
I want to see how the score will change until tomorrow evening. Depending on the situation, adjustments will be made.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Guys, we were really depending on Alley. Five lolwut capitals in Kyushu (the ORG, Pheonix, Izumo) and re-engaging Zoner Colony ships and a Corsair cruiser in Delta. Nomad side has no access to Cruisers or Marduks. We really needed Alley. Because the lolwut capitals tend to run into snub-fights, which is the best way to ruin the fun for everyone. Especially when there are already gunboats in the fight. Look a the human score. It's literally just the one well-piloted gunboat and those Order capitals that probably laugh into their fists.
(02-21-2017, 09:29 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Guys, we were really depending on Alley. Five lolwut capitals in Kyushu (the ORG, Pheonix, Izumo) and re-engaging Zoner Colony ships and a Corsair cruiser in Delta. Nomad side has no access to Cruisers or Marduks. We really needed Alley. Because the lolwut capitals tend to run into snub-fights, which is the best way to ruin the fun for everyone. Especially when there are already gunboats in the fight. Look a the human score. It's literally just the one well-piloted gunboat and those Order capitals that probably laugh into their fists.
Yeah I know, what you mean... but what do you expect? It was nearly impossible to join with a snub, or even a GB, cause u got swarmed instandly by 5 or more Nomad Snubs...
maybe it is a good way to ruin the fun.. but trust me.. it's definetly not the best way.. in my opinion it's the best way to ruin the fun when exactly this happens, what i wrote above... (you join... 5 snubs and maybe a GB shooting at you.. you can't do anything but doging their attacks... you die...) please explain me.. where is this fun?
and even GBs wheren't able to do anything.. they where killed by a few snubs too...
It was possible, and the lolwuts didn't even try it. They just brought the caps over and over again. So if they can enjoy shooting snubs while they are not focused, Alley can enjoy shooting them.
Don't gank snubs with caps, it's such a silly move.
Speaking about cap v cap fights I could feel how demotivating itbwas for the human ones. Nomads, being unable to bring anything bigger than a gunboat, had to pick either bombers or said gunboats, which are a cancer move against bss due to being literally unhittable. Irras, despite having greater firepower would be more welcomed due to their fatnessvand size. That's something I can speak from my personal experience, back when I was playing a Ossie and had to face both Nammus and Irras alike.
Nevertheless, it's such a interesting way to bring activity. Kudos to all of you people
(02-21-2017, 09:25 PM)Keuleeee Wrote: And that is the reason for joining the fight with an nearly immortal battleship? Really?
good reason.... very good reason..
If you don't want to have Caps fighting in an PvE/PvP Event... then just say that they aren't allowed... but killing them with an (nearly) Immortal ship... well... that's like killing them with an admin command.. in my opinion it's just admin abuse... nothing else...
But if this is you way to deal with your community... well then just let it be so..
Look here. I didn't engage anyone, or planned to even destroy anyone from my own volition.
I gave a chance to all capitals that were ganging on snubs to flee, multiple times. I've even let Izumu shoot me for almost three minutes at point blank without retaliation, just nudging him into giving up and go away in nom speech. Not a single word was offered back , just some ramming because why not.