So I finally got the Order Guard 2nd on my rep list, 1st is normal Order. Now how do I move the guard tag up? I don't want to mess up and end up having a Xeno tag because that would suck... alot...
I tried shooting Order ships but that just makes the guard tag drop alot, and will dropping missions make only my normal Order rep drop, or the Guard also? And since you can only get Order missions when you are very friendly with them, how do I get it down to Neutral so I could potentially get the Order Guard tag up front?
I couldn't find any other topic on this through the search, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
in going through the same thing to get my outcast guard tag, from what i was told. just fail order missions until your neutral and then your guard tag should take over.
The other option is to do missions/bribes for the Order's foes. Like Liberty, if they'll let you land. Killing Hogosha/Zoners will work too.
According to Kuraine (he's got like 7 guard tags!) the Guard rep is only affected by the faction itself, so modifying the faction as a byproduct of an action will not affect guard rep. So theoretically you could be full green to a faction's guard, and full red to the faction itself.
Quote:According to Kuraine (he's got like 7 guard tags!) the Guard rep is only affected by the faction itself, so modifying the faction as a byproduct of an action will not affect guard rep. So theoretically you could be full green to a faction's guard, and full red to the faction itself.
Thanks Sovereign, that really makes me sound like i've got too much time on my hands, especially since several of those are Zoner Guard XD Actually, I probably do have too much time on my hands.
Either way, killing the allies of the Order will reduce the Order reputation but will not touch the Guard reputation at all. Currently i'm maxed out GC Guard reputation and the standard Golden Chrysanthemum reputation is 1 green square away from falling into neutral (on account of my continual bribing of Interspace Commerce lately).
Be warned that killing the Xenos will damage your Order and Zoner reputations (something to do with making bounty hunters love you. It's really messed up), but there's no real way around it. At least it will not harm your Order Guard reputation.