I've recently brought a Jormungand battleship and I wanted some advice on the loadout, just a heads up I mostly use Capital ships as a roleplay platform and only ever do PvP when events are on or if another capital ships enters my ZoI, for the most part I just like to run Capital ship missions in my Caps, here is my loadout right now, any suggestions are welcome as I've never flown this BS before!
x1 Forward Gun
x1 Heavy Mortar
x2 Heavy Battleship Cerberus cannons
x4 Red Hessian Standard battleship turrets
x8 Res Hessian Light battleship turrets
I'm also using a Capital ship armor upgrade mk V
Any feedback is welcomed, but just remember is mostly for doing PvE Battleship/Cruiser missions and the occasional PvP fight also any tips on how to fly it correctly are welcomed too, never flown a ship with a dedicated forward gun!
1.I give you a advice,use weapon groups so you can economise energy.Another help would be this one : Dont get ovewhelmed by a battleship's power when you fight against a bomber or a other crusier.
2.always use the most powerfull weapons(heavt mortars ,cerberus) on shield for caps,and weapk and fast guns for VHF's and bombers.
If you ever gonna need some practice call me,i have mostly vhf's and bombers,and a GB
Alright thanks for the advice guys, I'll look at swapping to a couple of flaks =) unfortunately I can't afford a VII just yet, but I'm working towards it =) I do already use weapon groups thankfully, and alrighty I will do thanks Mr Bean will probably take you up on that offer =)
(12-05-2016, 03:40 PM)Grim Reaper Wrote: 1.I give you a advice,use weapon groups so you can economise energy.Another help would be this one : Dont get ovewhelmed by a battleship's power when you fight against a bomber or a other crusier.
2.always use the most powerfull weapons(heavt mortars ,cerberus) on shield for caps,and weapk and fast guns for VHF's and bombers.
If you ever gonna need some practice call me,i have mostly vhf's and bombers,and a GB
Was reading the forum to learn stuff (as I am new) and found your awesome post! What do you mean by weapons group? Is it possible to put some of the weapons on a shortcut and only activate/deactivate them, without having to click one by one in the right (weapon) window?? Please tell me howww, thanks!
It is exactly as you say, @Crazyr0m. You can find the control easily and use it. This is a tutorial.
As of the loadout, it is good, but it lacks precisely 2 flaks that can cover 360° around the ship together. They are mandatory if you don't want to get hit by torpedoes, as they deflect them. You don't need to assign a weapon group for them, as they are fired by the "fire missile" button. Battleship missiles aren't fired by that one, but by the "fire cruise disruptor" button. They won't work in asteroids, though, as flak projectiles explode 75 meters from the nearest object, and asteroids are objects too. Their explosion range is about 125m, so you won't have a problem deflecting torps and missiles out of asteroid fields.
Concerning the forward gun, it's a bit tricky to aim. It doesn't turn, the ship turns instead. The ship is the gun. Imagine your ship as one huge rifle -- that's how you aim it. You can practise on buoys, stations and trade lanes. And POBs if @Wesker feels naughty
(12-05-2016, 03:40 PM)Grim Reaper Wrote: 1.I give you a advice,use weapon groups so you can economise energy.Another help would be this one : Dont get ovewhelmed by a battleship's power when you fight against a bomber or a other crusier.
2.always use the most powerfull weapons(heavt mortars ,cerberus) on shield for caps,and weapk and fast guns for VHF's and bombers.
If you ever gonna need some practice call me,i have mostly vhf's and bombers,and a GB
Was reading the forum to learn stuff (as I am new) and found your awesome post! What do you mean by weapons group? Is it possible to put some of the weapons on a shortcut and only activate/deactivate them, without having to click one by one in the right (weapon) window?? Please tell me howww, thanks!
Yes. Exactly that. Check the controls section. You'll have controls for assigning weapon groups and for switching to weapon groups. To use them, you must first activate the weapons you want in a group manually (clicking for example), then press the assign group key. After that, the group is assigned, and you can switch to it using the appropriate group key.