Name: [RHA]Skwisgaar.Skwigelf
Location (ingame): Omicron Gamma
Time (GMT): Roughly five or ten minutes ago.
Reason: My ISP decided to shut off for maintenance for some stupid reason.
Name: Core|APM-Sagittarius-9
Location: Omicorn Chi
Time: Right now
Reason: There was actually no interaction (not even visual contact), but i had to go F1, due to real life occupations - i did announce that OORP via PM to the player who was in the system at this time
Name: {343}IKS-Ayanami
Location (ingame): Just outside Planet Kyushu, trying to dock
Time (GMT): Just now
Date: 19/04/17
Reason: Not sure? Game crashed as i pressed F3 to dock
Name: [*USI*]Jacksonville[T]
Location (ingame): Omega 3, near the Cambridge jump gate
Time (GMT): Just now
Date: 120/04/17
Reason: Not sure? Game crashed again