Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Guten tag George Smithson from Liberty.
Your application has been accepted. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen.
Short bio:I was born on planet Hamburg, where I spent most of my life. Both of my parents were serving Rheinland, my mother as a judge on Hamburg and my father in the military, so I learned a lot about my fatherland as a child. When I was old enough I wanted to serve Rheinland too, and naturally absolved my basic training in the military, where I worked as a fleet supply transport captain for some years. Now, my service period has ended, and I realized Rheinland might need me elsewhere. After the recent wars, it needs to be built up again.
Why do you want to work for Daumann?I want to work for a good Rheinland, and for a bright future for our people.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?I'm very experienced in flying large transports, and in the last months I acquired some mining skills as a part time worker on Briesen, I think that might come in handy.
Firstname: Phillip
Surname: Schaeffer
Age: 35
Short bio: Born in Planet Stuttgart, came from mid-class family, which became poorer after his father passing away, that made family bussines gone bankrupt, pressed into military service by family needs, been in military service until now. An ex-Rheinland Military pilot, getting old and tired of profitless evergoing pirate hunting, wanting make some savings for future, reasonably rounded capital ships pilot, knowing well Rheinland space and routes.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? Wanting make some savings for future, heard DHC security wing pays well.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? Well, all trade needs security, and theres lots of pirates in Rheinland
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Applications
Your applications have been reviewed and ACCEPTED. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen.
Short bio: I was born on planet Nuremberg, and moved to Neu Berlin to attend university where i studied history. With harsh economic situation, there were no job in my profession so i did small works here and there, and finally decided to apply to DHC.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I wish to help in building up our home, for Rheinland's future as most advanced and developed faction in Sirius sector, so we could be strong and free nation.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I wish to help and work hard for everyone's benefit.
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Applications
Herr Berger,
Though you lack experience in the field, at Daumann we value strong work ethic and motivated individuals. Your application has been reviewed and ACCEPTED. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen. You will be hired on a trial contract pending review of your performance at the end of your training period.
Short bio: I have been flying a Behemoth for a decade now as an independent shipping contractor. The pay is relatively decent, but as time passes, inflation grows, pirates keep increasing their demands. I have dreamed of flying an Uruz for as long as they have existed, so I took what little money I had available and took lessons on New Berlin for Large Transports.
Why do you want to work for Daumann? To ensure a wealthy family, proud name
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am determined and motivated to work alongside others like myself.
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Herr Feit,
I'm sure the Logistics Division would be happy to utilize your skills in their department. Your application has been ACCEPTED. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. The division manager will brief you on the next steps.
From: Clay Coldstone, Apartment 386, Freeport 1
To: Daumann Recruitment Office, The Ring
Firstname: Clayton (I usually go by Clay) Surname: Coldstone Age: 37 Short bio: I was born on Planet Leeds, and when I was 17 I talked my way into a job on an independent freighter based out of Freeport 6. After an unfortunate accident I took over the business and headed for the Omegas, where I've been flying since. Why do you want to work for Daumann? Working the big corporate lines isn't exactly my idea of fun, but it's got to be better than putting my neck on the line just to afford my next meal. Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I know I don't have much in the way of qualifications, but my years of experience in operating large ships and negotiating deals will be a valuable asset to your company.
Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary
Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application
Herr Coldstone,
We are always in need of more employees, as Daumann's ever-increasing industrial base develops. Good news! your application has been ACCEPTED. You will be partaking in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps.