''Portsmouth dry is on me love. A gentleman always pays first, and as such I will transfer the appropriate amount of coin to you for the bottle of sake.'' he paused and took a sip. ''And considering that you may die tomorrow, I say yes, you should live a little first''.
Nicole lightly laughs. "Oh it'll take a warfleet to kill me, I don't intend on facing a.. early retirement. I intent to retire and go home. Maybe fly around a little. But I will not be brought down by the savages out there." Nicole took a sip from her cup. "Living a little would be nice, but since you will pay there, I'll handle the check here." Nicole smirked, enjoying the conversation.
''Do me a favour then. Don't die. I'd be most disappointed if you did.'' He finished his drink. ''And no, sorry love. This round's on me as well. That's non negotiable, nothing personal just...them Bretonian morals I mentioned earlier.'''
"Is that so? Well, then I'm definitely getting the tab in Bretonia, that I assure you." Nicoles tone had become cheerful, much different than when she first entered. She finished her drink. "Don't get burned out there, you don't have my permission to die, Alexsander." Nicole smiled at him.
He smiled at the slurring of her words, at least she had a good time. ''I won't. For now lass, take care.'' with that he stood, gave a short bow and proceeded to pay the tab at the bar and disappear into the street.