Speakin' o' delivered propaganda, oy wanted tae submit mae own personal logs about aour operations in deh omega-three system.
April 11th 823AS, The cap'tain o' deh Fogotten.Sound did help oos willingly deliverin' a massoive load o' Propaganda on planet Sprague. Oy would say, she e'en seemed happy tae give oos a hand.
June 4th 823AS Distrupting the lane in omega-three, oy met the cap'tain o' deh ALG shippie callsoign theMenscha. Dhis toime oy moight have been forced tae intimidate deh poilot so he o' she, would help oos deliverin' more propaganda.
June 11th 823AS Once again deh lane has been proved tae be a reliable source o' tradin' vessel. Dhis toime, me un' me matey, Andrew, floyin' deh Greyhound, intercepted deh Bowex shippie callsoign Bowex)CaptainCook, in deh Graham Ice Cloud. Oy mussay dhat oy would be surproise how bret corporates could be willinfull tae help oos, oif it wasnae deh first toime it happened. Anyway, once again we managed tae deliver deh propaganda.
On anodher subject, oy would loike tae add two more encounter in deh Omega-three system.
Deh first wun happened on November 5th 823AS. T'was wun o' doses Zone' Serenity ship we 's use tae see in deh system. But once forced aout o' deh lane, deh Vessel Ahmed_architect imediatly opened foire on mae, un' oy had nae choice but tae retaliate. Widh deh help o' a wingmatey, we managed tae salvage 482 military vehicles, which were temporarily stored on Lisburn Rock.
Deh last wun happened on November 13th 823AS, a few days afte' deh fist encounter. Once again, we intecepted anoder vessel, deh Pallas.Emerson which was also hauling Military Vehicles, but dhis toime deh cap'tain admit he was about tae sell 'em tae Brets. Despite Andrew's proposal tae blow up deh cargo, oy opted fer a diplomatic way, un' we made an agreement widh deh Cap'tain, buyin' deh 380 Vehicles frem him.
Vehicles dhat were also temporarily stored on Lisburn Rock.
Since, we freed deh warehouses o' Lisburn un' stored all deh 862 Military Vehicles on deh Goldern Coin fer further use in aour ground operations.
'Ere's deh reports o' deh last invents dhat occured lately.
Fist wun did take place on May 24th, 824AS were deh Control tower informed oos o' several unknown vessels spottedin Dublin. So, aour patrol headed straight tae deh Northern field, a well known place fer harbourin' BMM smugglers un' such.
Durin' deh floight, we fell upon a recently built station, near deh Hood : Eldorado Station, un' apparently its owner, Raymond Zimmerman. O' course, as deh base was built widhaout deh Republic allowance, we had a talk widh ser Zimmerman on deh subject.
Howe'er, deh Armed Force interrupted dhis conversation un' we had tae foight dem un' deir lackey, aoutnumbered boye far.
Despoite deh losses, we managed to destroyed all o' deh mercenaries' craft un' repeal deh remainin' shippies.
Attached files : * , *
Deh second report be all 'bout a recently discovered system next tae Dublin.
As severals o' aour patrols did before oy started me own; oy was informed o' an anomaly in deh Dublin system. Soon afte' oy was able tae locate deh source : un' "unknown" Jump hole.
E'en oif at first oy thought 'bout anoder tae Reach Derry, deh previous patrols informed deh Council dhat it wasnae deh case.
Upon jumpin', oy discovered a totally new, un' uncharted system. Afte' a boit o' survey, oy managed tae found a way aout tae Dublin.
Since den, we launched several odher patrols tae dhat New system, we encountered many people attracted by dhat opportunity :
BPA un' armed forces, informin' oos 'bout some alien loifeforms found 'ere. [ * ]
BMM moiners, takin' back tae Dublin some new found ore. [ * ]
A Forlorn fella troyin' tae explain whoy a mate o' him attacked oos a whoile back.
Zoners, un' IMG, lookin' for deh same ore, near an abandoned Station. [ ** ]
Some armed forces ships, eidher explorin' deh system, o' guard deh entrance tae it. ( O' course we had tae get rid o' em ). [ ** ]
We e'en managed tae get some o' dhis ore fer aourselves. [ * ]
In deh end, we found aout dhat deh Jump hole collapsed, un' deh system couldn't be accessed anymore. [ * ]
Anyway, oy wanted tae talk a bit more 'bout deh Eldorado station, since, afte' its owner was contacted o'er deh comm channel, we did learn 'bout dem harbouring deh Armed Force among odher things, oy troied tae negociate widh 'em. Howe'er, we're widaout news fer more dhan a week, durin' hich deh station core was upgraded , un' we moight have tae do what must be done fer deh safety o' deh Republic.
Tis been awhile since I last updated ye folks on my doings, so I thought I'd leave ye a message so ye knew I wasn't suckin' space somewheres. Today I fired up the ol' Lucky Lady an ventured out on some routine supply runs fer tha Coin. Durin' a trip ta Gran Canaria fer water an oxygen I was politely asked by a local Zoner to return a few o' our pilots he had on board. Says they had trouble wit tha planet's docking ring. I paid him a gift for his troubles and 'appily took the pilots home to Arry.
On a daring quest out ta Freeport 1 in Omega 3 fer some discounted food rations I ran into some trouble from tha BAF. Think I'll stick to tha safer route, pickin up food from Trafalgar, despite the highway robbery prices they're chargin.
Oh, an' I thought I'd mention tha Eldorado Station Blod posted about a week ago is still operatin' in our space. The station wasn't hostile, but wouldn't allow me ta dock tha Lucky Lady either. I'll await further orders regardin' Blod's plan fer tha station.
To:The Molly's From:John Lass Message Location:Arranmore Base R.E:Disturbing finding
T'was a beautiful day fer a patrol in our beloved Dublin so i hoped onto my shippie and set course to tha Coin, arrived at tha Coin with no hassle so i decided to cruise thru Graves ta hassle some of those BMM thieves.
At 20 klicks frem Graves some strange signal appeared on my radar so i thought to go and check it out.
I couldn' believe what i was seeing, those damn BMM built another base at Dublin and called it Graves Storage Complex
First, Ser Harris Stone, ye's o' course welcome tae floy fer deh Republic again. Un' ye know as e'erywun 'ere dhat , oif ye love whiskey dhat much , forbid ye tae floy a ship un' have a drink o' foive... at deh same toime.
Welcome back, lad. Tis a pleasure tae have ye floyin' anew in deh fields.
So, what was oy hearin' ? Doses darn BMMers, built anoder storage depot in Dublin ? Well, oy dunno oif dey be brave beyond measure, o' jus' fools. Fer e'en Graves weapons platforms; which seem, infortunatly fer 'em, far enough tae leave deir depot unprotected; won't stop oos frem looting e'erything we could salvage frem it. Un' frem it, oy , o' course, meant frem its wreck.
Dhis be a statement o' deh Republic : E'ery man un' woman o' Dublin are free tae launch pillagin' raids, attacks, un' so on, 'till deh total destruction o' deh aforementionned storage facility.
In deh event o' a siege, un' oif crew members were tae be found aboard, we should, o' course , offer 'em tae surrender un' tae be set free jus' after. Remember, people, dhat doses be jus ' loike aour forefadhers were, exploited boye deh greedy corporates. Derefore, dey do nae deserve tae doye fer what dey masters did. Maybe, some o' em moight e'en want tae start a new loife as free people, among oos.
Lastly, oy want tae report deh destruction , o' at least dem been heavily damaged, o' two isolated Bret' capital vessels in Dublin : dehHMS-Richmond un' deh HMS-"King_George"; bodh widh deh help o' deh Gauls. Un' dhis be showin' o' renewal o' deir advance in aour space. Which could be seen as worryin' , especially since me heard dhat some o' em , Gauls, a squadron identifoyed as MRG, did aoutrighly attack wun o' vessels in Dublin, 'till it was shot down.
Derefore, deh Council o' deh Republic, recommend e'ery o' aour poilots tae be extremly carefull, when dealin' widh deh navy, o' at least dhis perticular group, 'till we got proper reports on dhis event.
Gather round ye lads an' lasses, fer I have a tale fer ye today. Whilst out an about on a routine sweep, somewhere near our coveted gold field a glint a metal caught me eye, an fer sher it waren't any gold flakes. T'was a fresh new space station built right on tha edge of tha field! Oh tha nerve o' some o' dees boyos I tell ya. I took down some data files an stored 'em 'ere:
'Tis rumoured it belongs to a Dubliner, forced into bein' a refugee when the Frogs first attacked... as a wee young nipper. Her Da' got work t' hold the family together, stripping engines fer the Junkers at Trafalgar so I am told. I cannot be sure, now. But oi t'ink she has been seen minin' in a Molly ship, and uses her links wit' th'Junkers to flog off our Gold far away from Bretonia. Oi may be roight... oi may be wrong...
Me cousins, twice removed on me mothers side, have told me that the owner has hired many a waif from Foyle and Coleraine and that two of their sisters work fer very good wages.
Would that be her name on th' pub, now? Begorrah, I t'ink it is! Paddy!