• OBJECTIVE: Conduct research into adapted AI Drone weaponry. • ASSIGNED APM PERSONNEL: Dr. L. Vann, J. Marston, A. Cornell • STATUS: Incomplete
The Artificial Intelligence of Planet Gammu, most notably PRIME - otherwise known as the Primary Artificial Intelligence - has employed the use of highly advanced technology that has shown to be devastating when used against hostile vessels. The technology has only been spotted in use on their Drones, and judging by the strength of these weapons they require an equally strong power source. The importance of researching such technology is paramount. At the least, adapating the damage output is key if we wish to gain an edge in the Edge Worlds.
Currently, we require samples of their technology to make any real progress. In the meantime however, Core pilots will be required to observe and gain intel on AI Drones in combat as we try to gain a greater understanding of what we are trying to work with.
Orders given by the Guildmaster may be viewed here.
ID:Martin McKinsey Location:Alabama Shipyard Subject:DEUS EX MACHINA ENCRYPTION:APM-STANDARD
God Empress Ruby Hydra,
Respected members of the APM Board of Directors,
I feel obliged to note, that the progress on gathering any data in the field of Gammu AI study is notoriously extended in time, despite all efforts I am sure the researchers as well as combat pilots are making. Yet I believe we might have come across new, disturbing developments. If it pleases the Guildmistress and the Board, I wish to direct your attention to the following report.
It is unknown whether the data gathered antedates a shift in the tactics employed by the Gammu AI or represents a mere experiment on our wits. All operatives have been advised to watch out for any such anomalies.