I was asked what the freighter changes actually entail, since "Various freighter rebalances including powercore changes" (from patch notes) doesn't actually tell you much.
Hull and Hold should be self-explanatory, BB is nanobots and shield batteries, Max Turn is the maximum turn rate in degrees per second, Time to 90 is the time it takes to achieve 90% of that after initiating the turn, aka responsiveness.
I will put bug notes or planned changes in Karst pink.
-Hull: 18 500 -> 26 000
-Hold: 500 -> 550
-BB: 95 - > 135
-Max Turn: 52.52 -> 55.39
-Time to 90: 0.6448 -> 0.5680
-Power: Small
-Max Turn: 45.84 -> 47.75
-Power: Medium
-Dedicated CD slot
*The Ragnar is now more of a light transport hybrid than a freighter. It thrusts at 174 and mounts a transport shield. The engines will not be working at the moment for existing ships, this should be fixed soon.
There are now three types of powercore, small, medium, large.
Small is 1200/30000, Medium 1400/34000, Large 1650/38400.
As a general change, all freighters should be able to mount fighter auxiliary weapons in their CD slot.
Minor arc adjustments not mentioned here were also made.
The process that led to these changes was to test the ability of a freighter to evade fire, their most important trait, to determine survivability and speed buffs, and their purpose for determining powercore. Mining-capable freighters have been buffed relatively less. Unlawful freighters have been buffed relatively more.
You'll notice that almost all freighters except those that performed exceptionally well in testing were buffed in one way or another.
This is intentional to make them more viable for roles other than self-defense, which they are currently rarely used for.
I encourage you to test freighters in various roles, and post questions, bugs, and suggestions here.
I find it a bit sad that no freighter is actually small enough to use to a fighter cloak. Would be a cool idea, imo, but the changes were really welcome. Thanks for your effort, guys!
Edit: Before, the Aurochs was small enough to use a fighter cloak, since it had less than 420 cargo hold.
I'm 94% sure I discussed this with Thyrzul and he wanted a bigger cargo hold.
I was unsure of how exactly to rebalance the Aurochs, Courier, and Tarvos, since all three were very broken.
The Aurochs was the single worst ship in the test, incredibly easy to hit, so it got some very large buffs.
The Courier has been made into something of a "freighter Bastet", while the Tarvos is a more moderately balanced ship with improved arcs (and a cargo hold that isn't absurdly small anymore).
It was the Aurochs and maybe the Tavros as well. It's cool that they now should be able to put up more of a fight, but it's also a bit sad that there is now no freighter anymore who can cloak.