OverviewName: Shura Corporation Tag: Shura| ID: Samura Heavy Industries ID IFF: Samura
Shura Corporation sprung up in secret after the Imperial takeover of the Kyushu system. Samura, finally seeing the potential to free itself from government lobbyists working diligently to strengthen Kishiro's and GMG's position at the expense of Samura's operations in Kusari, began devising plans of raising more funds for the Imperial side in the ongoing Kusarian civil war. Tasking one of its senior officers, a mysterious figure and a known loyalist by the name of Kitsune, with the creation of a new subsidiary Samura hope to once again a foothold in Kusari by disrupting its competition's operations in the Border Worlds around it.
Shura's assets were constructed in secret on Yokohama Shipyard and from there shipped to remote bases far away from republican's control and competition's prying eyes. Now in the position of Chairwoman of the corp, Kitsune prepared several transports on Tsushima and Tokai to handle large amounts of precious cargo as well as recruited some of the most elite pilots from Samura, Hogosha and the Farmers Alliance to serve as Shura's escort teams.
For Shura, no deal is too dangerous, and no profit is too difficult to obtain. Loyal only to the Emperor, they will stop at nothing to deliver fatal blows to its competition.
• Restore Samura to its dominant position in Kusari.
• Establish trade ties with Hogosha, Farmers Alliance and Corsairs.
• Undermine GMG's and Kishiro's efforts in the Sigmas.
• Secure Planet Saigon for Samura.
Allied Samura Heavy Industires
Samura Heavy Industries, the parent company of Shura Corporation, played an instrumental role in the creation of the Shura Corporation. It is the assets of Samura that the Shura Corporation uses to prosper, survive, and thrive.
The Imperial Kusari Navy
The Shura Corporation remains completely loyal to one entity, and one entity alone. Shura's creation first began thanks to the Imperial Kusari Navy claiming back the Kyushu system. This sparked a change in Samura's business to start the creation of Shura to help relinquish control from the lobbyists within the Kusari government.
Friendly Hogosha
The Hogosha helped to provide much of the needed start up muscle and movement of goods when Shura was first being created. With their help Shura is where it is today, and it is for that very reason that the Shura Coporation desires closer relations with them.
Farmer's Alliance
Samura has had a long-standing history with the production of rice on Planet Kyushu and by extension the Farmers Alliance. It was always a mutually beneficial relationship for Samura and the Alliance to see the failure of foreign agricultural trade and the imports of goods that would increase the cost of Kusarian Rice. It is for this reason that Shura uses the help of the Alliance, and why the Alliance uses Shura.
Neutral The Corsairs
The Corsairs and Samura have an odd relationship. Due to the conflict between Bretonia and Kusari, many years ago, Kusari and the Corsair Empire found themselves fighting the same enemy. This caused an unintended strengthening of relations between the two nations that Kusari would never admit to having occurred. The result of this was certain organisations, such as Samura and the Hogosha becoming close allies of the Empire. The trickle-down effect has led to the Shura Corporation desiring similar relations with the Empire.
The Kusari Republic
The Shura Corporation's entire purpose was to act against the Republic that on the surface they seem to serve. Shura has an undying loyalty to the parent company, Samura, and the Exiles - otherwise known as the Imperial Kusari Navy.
Unfriendly The Blood Dragons
The Blood Dragons are major criminals within Kusari, lobbying for a change to the current political system to return it to the old system Kusari ran under centeries ago.
The Golden Crynsanthimums
The Golden Crynsanthimums are a terrorist group seeking to overthrow the current goverment, along with the Blood Dargons, and install a female emporress in its place. This goes directly against Samura's interests and thus are considered a threat that must be dealt with.
Openly Hostile Kishiro Technologies
Kishiro Technologies are the main rival of Samura Heavy Industries. The two corporations run almost all business within Kusari and thus are closley matched with each other. This close rivalry has sparked some very hostile situations in the past.
The Gas Miners Guild
The Gas Miners Guild was, for a time, a long-standing ally of Samura. This all changed with the expiration of the contract between the two organisations in 801A.S. When the contract ran its course, rather than renewing it the GMG signed a new one with the main rival of Samura, Kishiro Technologies. This infuriated the higherups of Samura and shattered what relationship still remained.
Shura Corporation splits its workforce into three main divisions:
Shura Trading and Transportation
Shura Security and Protection
Shura Research and Development
Shura Trading and Transportation
Shura Trading and Transportation is what makes up the bulk of Shura Corporation's work force. This division handles the hauling, extracting, and handling of goods, minerals, and contracts.
Ships in use by Shura Trading and Transportation include, but are not limited to:
• The "Bumblebee" Kusari Transport
• The "Big Dragon" Kusari Transport
• The "Akegata" Kusari Container Transport
• The "Ryuujin" Kusari Train
Shura Trading and Transportation is currently being overseen by Edano Yuichi.
Shura Security and Protection
Shura Security and Protection is the home defence of Samura's assets as well as the main suppression force against GMG incursions. As with most corporations, the security division also handles the day to day protection of transports and convoys that are harassed by pirates seeking to plunder Shura's riches.
Ships in use by Shura Security and Protection include, but are not limited to:
• The "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
• The "Roc" Civilian Bomber
• The "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer
• The "Saishi" Civilian Heavy Fighter
Shura Security and Protection is currently overseen by Ichihara Orihara.
Shura Research and DevelopmentShura Research and Development is the wing of Shura dedicated to the expansion and development of the corporation on the whole. Anything even remotly related to future development or scientific pursuit within the corporation will go through this division at some stage.
Ships in use by Shura Research and Development include, but are not limited to:
• The "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
• The "Geisha" Kusari Luxury Yacht
• The "Bustard" Civilian Carrier
• The "Corvo" Deep Space Explorer
Shura Research and Development is currently being overseen by Reiko Tanaka. Naming Conventions
Shura Trading and Transportation can be seen with any of the following names, depending on the ships current role: Hauling:
• Ao
• Aka
• Midori
• Kuro
• Murasaki
• Shiro
• Niji
• Matsu
• Botan
• Hagi
• Kiku
Shura Security and Protection can be seen with any of the following names, depending on the ships current role: Combat Ships: