Nah, it is not my transport so dont tell me im mad because of that. Don't even start.
You already know why I am mad from reading this thread. The fine is bs.
"Despite ordering the vessel to halt it jumped into Omega 7. I was forced to give up chasing it as the lives of our own officers take precedent over some petty smuggler." is the wanna take some pictures and make up some bullcrap forum role play behind it, you need to be better at it. The pictures with the report show me heading towards the Officer in question. His ship was sitting there the whole time, not moving, not going anywhere, not saying anything. He did not give the impression of being on patrol, was not engaged by hessians and appeared to be AFK.
If I had been running from him...I would not be heading towards him. He saw me from at least 10k away if not more, and depending on his scanner had time to take screen shots....but not Role play. The officer in question WAITS till I have docked with the jump gate to give his one word of RP "Halt", so even if I wanted to comply with his order I would not have been able to so. There was never a chase, that would have required his ship to be in motion and his screen shots would have been of my Border World Traders fat ass.
I get on the other side of the Gate in Omega 7 and I wait for him. He does not follow and does not have any more "radio" contact with my ship at all. He does not show up and I figure he has no interest in following up on his awesome one word "Role play", and I continue on my way to planet Leeds with Medical supplies for the Resistance, blood, hearts, livers, you know...things that people need when they are getting shot at.
This is a classic case of taking screen shots and writing a Forum post that does not in the least accurately reflect the in game events, as an excuse to exact consequences. Low class, lame ass game play.
I have been sleeping since the rest of the Forum role play took place in this, thread and was not aware of it.
So, that was the in game actions, that result in a 60 mill fine? Seems like an "unreasonable" demand. It has the feel of "Forum Piracy". It far exceeds the amount that was going to be made on a "Role Play" trade run, and not one that is used to Farm credits.
"If said fine is paid within 72 hours it shall be reduced to 45 million credits payable to the same neural net account. If these requirements are not met within 14 days, all vessels affiliated with The Archangels Fighter Club will be considered unwelcome within Rheinland Territory and barred from entry until further notice by use of any means necessary."
Feels like extortion...... pay or get FR5d, all over made up forum post RP and one word of in-game RP. Very Classy, as are some of the " I would've just shot the transport. You can make up 60 Mil in an hour mate." type comments in this feedback.
Lols...I just read the break down of the fines.
- Fine of 10 Million EC for Refusal to follow an order from the Federal Polizei of Rheinland.
I could not follow an order because of allready being docked with the jump gate..and the pictures show that.
- Fine of 10 Million EC for removal of a Polizei Asset from a needed zone during a conflict. It was reported at the time there was a Unioner raiding party in action in Frankfurt.
There was no chase. He was already sitting there was never moved. There were no Unioners anywhere near or in Frankfurt. I could ask for RP proof of logs where it shows the vessel was order there.
- Fine of 33 Million EC for 3308 Units of Contraband found on board. Code § comes into play of 1.000 SC fine for every cargo unit of contraband.*
- Fine of 7 Million EC for wasting Polizei resources in turn of a Tirpitz Class Vessel: Time of Polizei Personnel, Fuel costs, Munitions costs, etc.
No fuel or amo was wasted as he NEVER moved. guys will get your 60 mill shortly.
[08.08.2017 08:04:47] You have sent 60.000.001 credits to RFP|SEK-Willemstad
Not even to the same ship that stopped me or the RFP bank... GG ...very classy.
Right so, I've done my part here now. It is now between @oZoneRanger and @SMI-Great.Fox or whoever.
While I said my side of things further in PM later last night, it's oZone's fine that he paid so I'm stepping back now from being further involved. In short though, things are not fully resolved yet.
(08-07-2017, 05:06 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I used to respect the RFP a lot for their rp and how they compromised the police-smuggler play.
It looks like right now you guys are full of BS, though.
First of all, go and learn math. Basic question: what is 1000 x 1000 ?
If you think it is 10 million, then you are a failure. Are you trying to con me?
Second of all, you add made-up fines to equal your stupid demand. You made it quite clear you dont give a damn and dont play fair.
You are an official faction. I expect your members to know how to count 0s when multiplying and to not BS rp.
Hello Nom,
Regardless of your feedback's topic, which is currently being dealt with (as you can see in Foxes reply), I'd like to remind you of one thing. The whole drama has started when you left RFP due to this one incident. You still had my Skype, you had the opportunity to contact me and talk to me regarding your issues. You failed to do that, and instead you're telling my 2iC he'd abuse his ID, and you tell me that I would be unable to control my members. This is not only insulting, it is also ironic, given you have "Dramalancer" in your signature. Do not take this onto a personal level.
Take it as a friendly suggestion: If just one incident in this video game makes you feel that uncomfortable, take a while off and do something else you like.
(08-07-2017, 05:06 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I used to respect the RFP a lot for their rp and how they compromised the police-smuggler play.
It looks like right now you guys are full of BS, though.
First of all, go and learn math. Basic question: what is 1000 x 1000 ?
If you think it is 10 million, then you are a failure. Are you trying to con me?
Second of all, you add made-up fines to equal your stupid demand. You made it quite clear you dont give a damn and dont play fair.
You are an official faction. I expect your members to know how to count 0s when multiplying and to not BS rp.
Hello Nom,
Regardless of your feedback's topic, which is currently being dealt with (as you can see in Foxes reply), I'd like to remind you of one thing. The whole drama has started when you left RFP due to this one incident. You still had my Skype, you had the opportunity to contact me and talk to me regarding your issues. You failed to do that, and instead you're telling my 2iC he'd abuse his ID, and you tell me that I would be unable to control my members. This is not only insulting, it is also ironic, given you have "Dramalancer" in your signature. Do not take this onto a personal level.
Take it as a friendly suggestion: If just one incident in this video game makes you feel that uncomfortable, take a while off and do something else you like.
If the drama started after I left RFP, then leaving RFP was the right thing to do since it takes that type of action in order to get a "Hello, I think something is wrong here" response.
2ic should be knowledgeable on how to read screens submitted by indies that are flawed and not give random additional fines when jumping on the badwaggon of "OH WE HAVE AFC SCREEN SMUGGLING, TIME TO FINE BIG FINES GO GO GO!!".
[Insert from RFP chat legit chat]
To be honest, I even forgot you are the 1iC. You're not around and present and I already saw rabit or whoever going with the flow of things.
Edit: The last time you spoke in the RFP chat was July 28th...
Yes, I am accusing your 2iC, and I'm still partially feeling that way. I've yet to see a response in the RP thread and what i feel at the moment is: "Oh we got the credits. lets try to stall and wait".
it's been a few days though, and i can understand "work and all that jazz" getting in the way of the "investigation", even though the "investigation" has already been oorp and inRP explained from our side.
As to my leaving of RFP, I thought I made it perfectly clear that I do not want to be associated with faction that does these types of actions that i had outlined in the leaving post.
It's too dirty for my taste.
PS: My sig is a meme. C:
Pointing it out whenever you get drama that I am associated in is cute
Edit: I dont have you on skype so I dont know what you are even talking about, kek.
Edit: Oh that's you... yeah... wouldnt even remember.
Edit x2: My leaving was a result of a calm decision, so I was not upset but rather seeing where my morals are and properly adjusting. Again, I don't want to be in a faction that I do not agree with how it is doing things, regardless of how much I liked my character, or the cool police sirens etc...
Edit x3: Seeing as to how everyone was on the side of it being alright and all, the thought of contacting a 1iC really didnt come across becasue it would be the same old: Stop whining/crying and get over it blah blah blah.
Edit x4: Go on ahead and blame me for causing drama:
1) I don't want to be accused of getting out of a mess oorp since i am "in the faction" hence another reason why i left
2) I first stand with my faction members and will support them. I am happy to have them on my team.
(08-07-2017, 05:06 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I used to respect the RFP a lot for their rp and how they compromised the police-smuggler play.
It looks like right now you guys are full of BS, though.
First of all, go and learn math. Basic question: what is 1000 x 1000 ?
If you think it is 10 million, then you are a failure. Are you trying to con me?
Second of all, you add made-up fines to equal your stupid demand. You made it quite clear you dont give a damn and dont play fair.
You are an official faction. I expect your members to know how to count 0s when multiplying and to not BS rp.
The whole drama has started when you left RFP due to this one incident.
Take it as a friendly suggestion: If just one incident in this video game makes you feel that uncomfortable, take a while off and do something else you like.
Burning..No dude, do not blame Nom, were going to have DRAMA over this "Incident" regardless. As I was going to pursue it on my own. Blaming Nom and his leaving the RFP faction as the cause of this DRAMA is nonsense on your part, and only servers to.....CREATE MORE DRAMA. That you come and post something in your own factions feed back as Leader of that faction and in public put the blame on someone not even involved in the ingame encounter for the "Drama", while not addressing the original issue is proof enough of that.
1st.- Why was this post sent to AFC and not to the owner of The.Huntsman, likethis incident that that ship had with the RFP? Was it sent AFTER Nom left the Faction? If so, it would seem to me that your faction was sending it to AFC leadership, where Nom would have inRP rights to answer, so that you could get some DRAMA started with him. Had you sent it to the owner of The.Huntsman as you did in the first trumped up charge and fine, Nom would have been left out of it, and other than my character posting about the incident in the AFC message Dump, and his character finding out about it that way, he would have been out of the RP loop. But, of course..I gather that, Nom must have read some comments in your RFP Discord/Skype chat about what was going on, or what the plan was and decided to leave RFP because of the way you people play your police faction, and that the post was sent to AFC so that you could bait Nom into responding inRP and get the drama started with him that way.
2nd- That first fine you people at RFP sent out to The.Huntsman, was over "five criminals and total of twelve cargo units of light arms and side arms", that were explained by me ingame as RP, 5 Criminals are the guys crewing the ship, with criminal records and the guns are personal weapons. Small amounts of cargo CAN and ARE considered RP cargo by most people. It was not 3500 criminals or 3500 black market munitions. It was a total of 17 units of RP cargo that your faction decided to use as a ways to FINE and have AFC on record as breaking the law.
3rd- This second "Fine", the only proof is one word of RP...."Halt", 3 screen shots and a forum post that was completely false in its narrative. No chase ever took place, the guy reporting it never moved. The amount of credits fined, far exceeds the amount the run would have earned and any excuse your faction could find was used to inflate that fine to the amount of 60 Million credits and an obligation to pay the 60 mill by a certain day or face FR5 sanctions.
BTW, I did not know Nom was even in the RFP, till I woke up and saw the RFP post to AFC about the fine and AFC leadership responding. That is when he briefly and with very few details in discord chat explained that he had been a member and that he had left. I would have rather wished that he had not answered the post and had stayed out of it.
So, I wait for the result of your internal investigation into this "incident". But I highly doubt that you or your faction will do anything to resolve this. Resolution would take for you guys playing roles in RFP to have a change of mindset as to how you play the faction and game, and not use your IDs to actively dick people over just for shizzel and grins.
[13.08.2017 20:56:29] RFP|Die.Kaiserin.Leicht: Artura: Hmm.. No. Just got a call that another one of you are coming. Thanks to a citizen of rheinland.
It's fine if your member wants to use the playerlist for metagaming, but trying to give it off as valid RP is a very cheap move which I wouldn't usually expect from an official faction member, especially a supposed higher-up seeing as he was flying a capital vessel. If said person cares so much about blues that they would rather prefer Rheinland to stay completely empty instead, then I'll gladly take my fraction of activity elsewhere.
Hello there, thank you for the feedback. I was not present at the encounter in question, but I am certain what he meant was TLAGSNET. Every police ID has a built-in system which tracks ships using jump gates and trade lanes. Information gathered using it can be used inRPly.