[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Ensign Jarl Thompson]
[Accessing secure line]
[Transmission is encrypted an secure, level 7]
I intercepted the known smuggler Oft at Mojave today carrying 5000 units of counterfeit software.
To quote the law on this matter:
* Possession or Dealing of Counterfeit Software; Defined as the possession or dealing of counterfeit software. Most commonly applied to whose who possess or trade in Counterfeit Software. Penalty for possession is 750,000 credits, penalty for dealing is death.
When I was flying in a wing with one of our highest ranking officers and encountered a similar situation, a trader with 3000 units of counterfeit software, my ranking officer charged him with dealing and the penalty was death. This is what the instructor at the academy tough us and it occurred outside WestPoint academy.
I have since followed the example of that officer and charged everyone with more than 10% of their cargo capacity filled or more than 200 units of counterfeit software with dealing, the penalty has been death.
I then charged Oft with dealing in counterfeit software and requested backup from Lt Malaign and the San Diego. I also explained to Oft what the good officer had told me a long time ago, that we can’t be sure if the software contains secret military information or simple hologames, and even if he drops the software there is no telling what he has downloaded to his onboard computer.
But before I was able to engage the smuggler Director Copeland appeared and took control of the situation (as it is in his right as Director).
However, the Director charged him with possession (?) as a first time offender and to pay him the fine of 2.000.000 credits (?).
I’m not challenging the Directors authority in this matter, but none of his actions make any sense from what I’ve learned so far.
If carrying 5000 units of counterfeit software heading for Bretonian space is possession, it should be charged with 750.000? And if that is so, carrying 5000 units of cardamine in Manhattan orbit should be possession as well and charged with only 100.000 credits?
I hope you can understand my confusion. I hope I can get some clarification on this matter.
To Director Copeland; when I asked you about this in space I know I expressed myself badly. I apologize and hope I made my case more, understandable.
[Closing secure line]
[Transmission End]
// Edit: I can't honsetly belivie why I made the misstake of sending this as "Liberty Daily News service", Changed it back.
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Commodore John Talon
To: SA and LSF forces
In light of the recent trouble we've had concerning the law, I suggest that we take an old and effective way of dealing with it, if a smuggler is carrying less than 2500 units of cargo in his hold the fine is 2 million credits. If he is carrying more than 2500 units, then the fine is 4 million credits for the breach of our laws. Also, the smuggler is to be ordered to drop the contraband immediately, if he does not comply the penalty is death. I hope all of our recruits and officers see this transmission and act accordingly.
...Incoming transmission
...Decrypting Transmission
...Tracking source
...Estimating priority
...Identifying Sender
......Deputy Director Of The LSF David Copperfield
...Name of the receiver
...Opening message
I am wondering how you managed to get our transmission codes, mysterious. Civilian; this is a secured communication relay, you are not allowed to access to it. Secondly, Alaska does not exist, I have never heard of it, unless you are referring to some kind of recipe or an hockey team that has lived on earth, but if it is the case, I fail to figure how you could Access/get into it...
Request denied, we cannot physically allow somebody to enter a place/object/ideal that does not exist...
Comm ID : Recruit Gunner
To : All SA and LSF
Subject : Order Invasion
Bad News, The order tried to invade liberty earlier.
In my comm channel I knew there was a LNS ship in New York System(I don't remember which name) and some unknown vessels in Alaska. While I was searching for the LNS ship to get a secure channel, I heard strange communications from those unknown vessels.
They told : "We now control this place !". I was near the battleship Missouri so I decided to go to the Z21. I wanted to get the permission from one of my superiors to get to Z21 but the SA and LSF command was certainly on other matters, so I thought to just check the entrance to the minefield.
There was the unknown fleet near the jump gate. I transmitted a distress call to the LNS ship. He responded right away and came. While waiting for him. I went to the fleet to check their ID. I identified their scan as Order (*Order Scaned*) but I had too much curiosity because , approaching 2K, they engaged me. I managed to dodge their blast till LNS arrived. I then re engage (//I did not cruise at all of course). Unfortunatly, a bit later, the LNS vessel exploded from the guns of the Order fleet. Also bounty hunters joined the fight. I remember one with the IFF: Recon. And a bit later a vessel IFF Tritoneas_Tichondri came to assist us. The invasion
If I remember well there was 3 order Ship (gunboat and cruiser) IFFs :
Daldar, Hurtlocker, IronMaiden.
I also had opportunities to blast their hulls. Without the help of those friendly units I would be dead now. We managed to destroy 2 of them Daldar and IronMaiden *2 targets down* one target IFF Hurtlocker jumped to Alaska. The Invasion was neutralized and my Avenger was still in one piece.
Nobody went to track the fleeing target as we all left the area. Also I had to destroy Nomads entities and brains. I hope that The Order won't try again.
Also I apologize to have launched a distress signal to get some back up. I know Z21 is restricted but I'm not willing to let The Order control Liberty
Thanks to the pilots who saved me and assisted me.
==============oncomeing transmission==========
106th army battlegroup gunboat Niagara Falls
to : military command and recruit rick gunner SA
*holoimige aperes* sirs i regret i wasent avalible to asist had i been there i would of helped and on the subject of zone 21 you may repremand him or myself but i feel he did what was needed i admit a bit un ortoodox but our core system was at stake the order has gwoen bold we need to act or something no offence to the LSF but this has devloped to a navy/army problem now there outright invadeingi know i cant order anything but i hope that my past engagements(storyes the capture and final trial) prove to be strong enough of a pursuasive meassure for more directy action in response to these"invasion atempts" Lt Patterson out*holoimige fades*
Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Larry Morrison, Detective, LPI
Source: LPI Detective office, Fort Bush, New York System
Sirs, the individual "Ross_Noyes" is under arrest for obstruction of justice, slander, and possible cardamine abuse. Any assistance in acquiring him for questioning and cardamine abuse testing would be appreciated. If he is captured successfully, please order his transfer to Fort Bush, detective office, and inform me of his capture. Unwarranted allegations against Liberty officials will not go unpunished.
New Transmission Comm ID:ERROR Sender KIA. Source: Planet Honshu, Honshu System Entering code: ******** Link Established...
Liberty High Command,
Pending a recent what we believed to be a prank, The Research ship known as the "Auspex" is to be shot and as the 522nd says "Vaped"
For a Nomad Infestation. If you see it, Do not hesitate to shoot it down.
If you hear any rumors or reports of sightings of it, Go there and investigate. The Auspex is carrying some 500 Nomad Infectee's that an Infested Professor plans to release onto the planets of Liberty.
Link disengaged.
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive