Pixel Manhattan Bandits The story begins on Manhattan. The year is 812 AS. The PLR were nothing more than a ragtag bunch of teenagers, calling themselves the Pixel Manhattan Bandits-- named after their leader, Keith Pixel. There were various other members at this time, including Nathaniel Hathorne and Chris Goldman. Thus far they had amounted to little more than a group of petty thieves; a minor annoyance for the local police force. Their leader Keith, however, had high hopes for them. He was an idealistic boy brimming with dissatisfaction over the state of society of the time.
Keith, along with a good portion of the original Pixel Manhattan Bandits, were tragically killed in their dramatic escape from Manhattan aboard several stolen Navy ships. Some say that the original Pixel Liberty Rogue policy of hunting and destroying Navy vessels stemmed from lasting hatred and bitterness about their leader's unfortunate demise.
Pixel Liberty Rogues After some time the PLR evolved into a formidable group of pirate operating mostly in and around Galileo and Padua Base. At this time they were named the Pixel Liberty Rogues after their deceased spiritual leader, Keith Pixel. They regularly raided Colorado and attacked navy vessels, acting more like a group of guerrilla bandits than pirates. Unfortunately this called more than a little attention to them and the Navy began to strike at the heart of their operation-- Galileo. In direct response to this the PLR took a more discreet stance and removed themselves from the public spotlight. They also renamed themselves the Padua Liberty Rogues.
Padua Liberty Rogues The Padua Liberty Rogues have evolved into the group responsible for the defense of Cassini and the Liberty Rogues' most sensitive technology and information. They seek out any persons or parties who enter Cassini to discover what they are doing there and, usually, to drive them out. It is not uncommon for even the usual allies of the Rogues to be forcibly removed from Cassini simply because they have no reason to be there.
The Padua Liberty Rogues eventually merged with the Liberty Rogues. Moka took control of the group, taking the title of Rogue Warlord. After he was exiled, a group of Rogues who considered themselves to be his faithful followers retook the group, re-taking the Liberty Rogue name. This was for fear of what would happen staying in the Liberty Rogues following his beliefs, and a dislike for how the Rogues were beginning to operate under their new leader. Moka eventually returned back to the group, and began to re-build the forgotten relations with what was their once close allies.
After a hiatus unknown to most, Lord Moka reappeared in recent times and fell back into his self appointed role of Rogue Warlord. While the general Rogue population fails to acknowledge just one person leading the brotherhood, Moka and his associates are again starting to take control over the disarray that appears to have befallen the majority of the namesake.
Today, The Liberty Rogues main objective is to gain complete control over all illegal activities that takes place in and around Liberty. Any foreign parties attempting to profit off of their traders there are forced to pay a tax the to the Rogues and are killed or driven out if they refuse. They consider themselves the only true criminal organization within Liberty, they believe that they are the last line in defending Lord Moka's empire and will employ various nefarious means to fight bitterly against all that try to profit on his turf.
As Lord Moka invested most of his treasury into building bigger and better weapons for the Rogues, the LR have a stockpile of various ships and gear left over from The Nonsense Factory research department which they used to their advantage against their foes. While most of these ships are no more then the general Rogue vessels found in space, the Padua Liberty Rogues had managed to add a Liberty Dreadnaught to their fleet as Moka's flagship. It is their intention to rescue and revamp the endeared flagship
After a large ion storm (at least, this is what the LR- have put it down to), the Cassini Jump hole moved to Colorado, and the Liberty Rogues began to operate more in this area. The Liberty Rogues have allowed Doc. Holiday use of Fosters, the only independent worker to be allowed to base in Cassini, because of his intention to assist in their long term dream of becoming less reliant on the risks associated with piracy as a means of sustenance. As the Liberty Rogues feel Cassini is currently safe, they are focusing on surviving by taking cargo (such as food and alcohol) off traders and trying to make quick and easy money. The Liberty Rogues have found operating in Shikoku in recent times to be perfect for ambush parties thanks to the dense gas clouds surround the lanes in the south of the system.
Identification All Liberty Rogue vessels follow this format:
IFF - Liberty Rogue
ID - Liberty Rogue
Usable Ships
Open use ships (anyone in the faction can use one, with a RP reason as to how they got it):
Series YX "Dromedary" Border Worlds Freighter
Z-1138 "Mule" Pirate Freighter
Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport
Pirate Transport
Pirate Train
CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat
Series Z "Montante" Border Worlds Gunship
RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboat
TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim Liner
"Scylla" Rogue/Molly Destroyer
Recruit A newly inducted Liberty Rogue. They must prove themselves to be worthy before being moved up to Rogue.
Rogue A member that have proven themselves a true Rogue and is given some demeaning responsibilities that the higher-ups can't be bothered to do, such as collecting the daily taxes from the Indies in Liberty.
Veteran A member who has distinguished themselves amongst their peers and is given more important duties such as assisting the Underboss or Warlord Moka himself with their duties.
Underboss Underboss' handle the day-to-day operations of the group and lighten the Warlord's work load.
Warlord The leader of the Liberty Rogues.
It is not specifically possible to determine the rank of a Liberty Rogue solely based on his/her ship name or anything of the sort, although some insist that the light schemes on LR- ships bears some hidden meaning known only to LR-
Liberty Rogues Hierarchy and current roster
Warlord Moka (Altejago on forums)
Underboss Dwayne Lewis (Vex. on forums)
Veteran(s) Barry Stanton (Pig_Pen on forums)
Amy Hawthorne (Friendly-Freelancer. on forums)
Randy Boyd (Rubber_Duck on forums)
Mr.Thompson (User wishes to stay anonymous)
Distinctions From Other Rogues
General policy Rogues are expected to run when encountering any enemy unless friendly forces are sure to win in a battle. Do NOT lead enemy forces to a Rogue base. You are expected to lose your tail by some other means. Liberty Rogue bases are to be kept a secret from all but allies.
Conceit The Liberty Rogues have a certain haughtiness about the independent pirates that have yet to choose a group and join it. They feel superior to them and their taxing of the Indies has a certain base in that air of superiority. They feel as if the Indies should pay for the Liberty Rogues' protection in Liberty and their policies reflect that. The Liberty Rogues still explicitely follow Moka's Rogue laws and will uphold them where possible.
Piracy The Liberty Rogues are known to demand trivial items off traders. sometimes they will not waste their time with the complexity of extorting credits as the taxes from Indies in Liberty pay their way. However they have been known to rob traders of their cargo if there is something they want. This will usually be high demand contraband for any of the bases they frequent.
Ships & Armament
Codename Weapons As opposed to most normal Rogues who can hardly get by (let alone purchase expensive codenames from weapons dealers), LR fighters are known to be seen using PHOENIX, CERBERUS, and other models of codename weapons. Details concerning how they came to be in their possession are fuzzy, but it is believed that they are either manufactured, stolen, or produced by other means in Galileo and the surrounding area.
Experimental Technology The regular Liberty Rogue does not have free access to experimental technology such as cloaks and jump drives, but if one was to put their mind it it then it would not be hard for them to acquire what is needed. As with most information, the Liberty Rogues will not pass on sale points or names of those who they received the equipment from.
Ships The LR tend to employ technology and ships usually seen in the hand of everyday Rogues. It is believed that they trust in their equipment over all else and devise tactics and technology to support their ships physical shape and limited
capabilities. Ship usage is largely open, but only the best of the best will be allowed access to all ship classes if they have the finance to support such vessels.
Mission Statement
The modern Liberty Rogues exist for the sole purpose of defending Liberty's black market and what it contains from all outside threats. Any other objectives or purposes existing aside from this one take a backseat to their primary objective which will always remain the same.
The long term goal of the Liberty Rogues is to re-take the Liberty black market, eradicating all foreign influences from those not their allies within the Liberty Rogues claimed systems. The Liberty Rogues also are working on becoming less dependent on Outcasts and free themselves from the stigma that the Outcast's have something over Rogues because of the cardimine trade.
Their short term goal is, as most Rogues will be, to survive and find the means to become wealthy, with minimal work.
Escort Services
The LR have been known to provide escort services to Liberty Rogue smugglers in exchange for a cut of their profits. The reasons for this agreement first coming into being are unknown while it is assumed that it is purely for the purpose of profit.
LR- will escort pilots from allied factions such as the Junkers or the Lane Hackers if it is required of them to do so.
Income and Finance
The Liberty Rogues find their wealth in deals they have with various black market dealers, and subsequently work on contraband distribution. The main source of income is the artifact, cardimine and slave trade and the piracy cargo that takes place in the vulnerable lanes like what is up in Galileo. Moka has been known to extort pilots and offer protection for payment. It is a possibility this may become a thing of the norm again for Liberty Rogues.
Established smuggling routes will be set up. Smugglers will be permitted to exit the zone of influence only for the purpose of trading. Shipping cardimine, artifacts and slaves is the favored cargo, as the Liberty Rogues wish to bring these commodities back into the market for maximum profits.
While most Liberty Rogues are free to feel as they wish about other peoples and parties, there are some groups that the Liberty Rogues as a whole maintain ties with.
Various Liberty Rogues Chapters
The Liberty Rogues of today maintain close ties with all other Rogues because their business and day-to-day operations require it. The chapters have been known to aid each other on more than a few occasions, while some of the other Rogues maintain that the Liberty Rogues should be kept at a distance and are no friends to Rogue ideology.
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As Unioners have proven themselves worthy for Rogues of having ace pilots to eliminate the Xeno problem we encounter in Texas system, therefore we decided it's best to hold them close, as they've helped us over and over.
As they've proven us very useful, we let them operate within some of our territories under watchful eye of Moka
The Lane Hackers
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The Liberty Rogues work closely with the Lane Hackers to achieve common goals in the upper Sectors of Liberty, even if the Liberty Rogues are more commonly called on as support to fight off the Liberty Navy and other opposing forces.
The Junkers Congress
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Despite the growing annoyance that independant Liberty Rogues direct towards the Junkers, the Liberty Rogues maintain ties so close to the group that they could almost be called allies. It is speculated that the only reason the Liberty Rogues can afford more advanced weaponry and armament than most Rogues is because of their under-the-table dealings with the Junkers, while the Junkers vehemently claim that they are a lawful organization and would not directly finance weapons and supplies to a criminal organization such as the Rogues.
Red Hessians
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Hessians might dislike our newest alliance forming with Unioners, but we certainly don't wish a full on war with them, but if it comes down to that, we're not afraid of any threat posed against us. So far we preserve neutrality in their mixed conflict they have with Unioners and work quietly with them behind their backs.
The Hogosha
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The Rogues and the Hogosha have butted heads since the PLR first sprang up in Galileo. Reasons for the conflict between the two groups is uncertain, while it is speculated that the LR's hostilities towards the Hogoshans stems directly from their close relationship with the Junkers, who have fought with the Hogosha for as long as anyone can remember. Another possible root of the conflict is that the Hogosha maintain that they are the true owners of Galileo, while the Rogues insist that the Hogosha have absolutely no right to make such a claim and that the LR are the true owners. The two groups have met in battle on several occasions in the past, but currently live in an unsettled armistice. With LR actively working in the systems surrounding Padua again, including Shikoku, perhaps the Hogosha may return with an incursion of their own
Everyone else
The Liberty Rogues see everyone in Cassini who is not permitted by their doctrine to be there will be heavily taxed, if not removed by force. While traders often are hit for a tax, some foreign vessels are struck for their cargo to help fund the LR stockpiles and exports. Lawfuls and Bounty Hunters are treated in the usual Rogue policy: If it's vulnerable, take your chance otherwise run like hell!
Zone of Influence
The Liberty Rogues mainly operate in only a few systems. These are:
Bering: As this is the bottleneck of the trade link between Liberty and Rheinland, it's easy to pick off a transport or two from the numerous vessels that through the area, however locals in the area are yet to establish themselves.
California: Being the crucial link between the front lines of the invasion by Gallia and the waning supply lines to Bretonia, it isn't too often large scale piracy goes on here thanks to the larger presence of military. There have been a few stories in recent times of Liberty Rogues daring a robbery in between patrols and getting away with it.
Cassini: The Liberty Rogues base most of their production and repair work from this system, being the only available facilities near to do so. Because of the value of the area, it has been heavily fortified. Their flagship also spend most of its time when not in use here, as it is the only place large enough to safely moor the ship.
Colorado: Colorado allows the Liberty Rogues access to Cassini, and New York. because of this, their ships will be seen here often.
Galileo: This is the Liberty Rogues main area of operations in the north of Liberty, interrupting the flow of traffic from Liberty to Kusari. Their main base in the area is close by to the lanes. This, and ease of access to other near by systems without risking the use of a jump gate has been a huge deciding factor in their decision to target traders in this sector.
Hudson: A quiet retreat from most lawful, the only real annoyance in Hudson is the Xeno population on Barrow Base, a rumored rock station in the northern part of the system somewhere. While it is generally a cruisey flight through the system, a Rogue must maintain a level of wit about him incase of a Xeno ambush.
Kepler: The Liberty Rogues aren't often found in Kepler, but in large operations quite often a group will be designated to Kepler, and one to Galileo. This effectively allows The Liberty Rogues the ability to control the traffic coming from, and to, Kusari.
New York: New York is a common place for pesky foreign capital ships to be found. Moka's Rogue Laws state foreign capital ships are not permitted to operate in Liberty without permission, and being followers of Moka and his ways, The Liberty Rogues can be found here ridding Liberty of the problem, protecting their turf and upholding their law.
Pennsylvania: Typically a lower socioeconomic area by Liberty Rogue standards, Pennsylvania is not often frequented by marauding pirates. The main focus if the slaves that are delivered to Niverton for export to Malta. As this is the starting point of the arduous journey to Omicron Alpha.
Shikoku: The Liberty Rogues recently ventured into Shikoku and found it to be a nice change from Liberty, and the Liberty forces. Although the Kusari military and police forces have been known to try and force the Liberty Rogues back into Liberty, they often demand their pants and taunt the pilots before fleeing the scene, either further into Kusari space or back to the safety of their homes.
Texas: With the war between Liberty and Rheinland concluded, trade links have opened up allowing a new opportunity to hit trading convoys up for their loot or money. With the Unioners from Rheinland pushing back up towards Liberty, stronger alliances will likely be formed.
Secondary Zone of operations:
Secondarily our operations might exceed our primary operating areas and we might chase our opponents or go after that juicy loot.
These systems are listed here: Vespucci, Magellan, Kansas, Coronado, Alberta,
Virginia, Puerto Rico, New Hampshire, Ontario, Cortez
Systems Unknown(Rumored and under investigation): Alaska
Padua Base
Padua Base is most commonly used by LR- to launch attacks, raids, and supply runs from when in the north of Liberty. You will often find members relaxing after a hard days work, and many have made this their full time home. It has a well established bar, but it has been advised to avoid the chicken.... The reasons for this are unknown, no one has been brave enough to try it - or they haven't lived long enough to tell the tale.
The Nonsense Factory
The Nonsense Factory is where most of the projects are put together. LR-'s flagship, so lovingly named the "Unnatural.Disaster", was created here. Many Rogues choose not to stay on The Nonsense Factory as it is less than accommodating.
San Quentin Base
San Quentin is commonly used as a fast refuel point for the LR- while they are basing in Colorado. The ease of access to the Cassini system, and the short flight to San Quentin mean even the most damaged of vessels can usually make it home safely. The medical facilities on this base far exceed that of any other station the Liberty Rogues base from, purely due to the frequency of injured pilots coming through.
Attica Station
Attica is the least used of the available stations for the LR- It is thought to be because of the further distance needing to be traveled, but no one can answer the question 'why'. Attica Station has found its use as a storage facility for the ships built on The Nonsense Factory for Rookie Rogues being allowed off the base for the first time.
It has been rumored that LR- has been granted access to a number of newer bases throughout Upper Liberty, and offered a place to rest if one wanders too far from home. There is no proof, and none of the Liberty Rogues: will give an honest answer regarding this.
Niverton Base
Hidden deep in the asteroid field in Pennsylvania, it's a great hideout for Rogues and furthermore to expand their operations through core of the Liberty.
It is a great place to hide for a Rogue, because not many know about the base and since even if Liberty lawful officials knew about it's location, they couldn't do much about it, since navigation with their capitals in this field is close to impossible, making it safe haven for all groups of Rogues.
Alcatraz Depot
Alcatraz might be the best place for a Rogue or any other criminal to get a drink from. It's run by the pack called: The Alcatraz Rogues, a fearsome party animals who also aren't afraid to shoot.
A fun factor in this place is up to the roofs, get a drink, get some drugs, get a bearded lady perhaps, Alcatraz has almost everything to offer for a right price.
While Rogues being omnipresent in the base operations, they still do run this house.
Buffalo Base
The base where it all began, main base of operations for the Rogues. Constructed in 672 A.S
This is where most crucial decisions and future crime plans are being manufactured. It's also a safe haven for some Outcasts in exchange of Cardamine of course.
Located deep in badlands where authorities think twice before entering, which makes it the safest hideout for Liberty Rogues.
Dawson Base
Based in Hudson, Rogues have rumored to meet up with their Unioner allies for unknown reasons, which probably again, means profit.
And also to extort and expand their operation in the border systems and for repair and refueling stops for smuggling convoys.
Fortaleza Base
Based in Kansas , being one of the most remote bases the Rogues maintain, Fortaleza is mainly used by people who need to "disappear" a while. Junkers and Lane Hackers also visit the station occasionally.
Fort Mc. Murray
Based in Alberta system, as Universal Shipping presence is heavy in Alberta, Rogues are known to raid transports along with extorting DSE miners.
DSE presence in Alberta is due to the Platinum ore, which means heavy profits for Rogues
Destroyer Graviton
A hidden base deep in the Barrier rim in Coronado system. The base is mainly kept as a proxy station, but Rogue ships has been rumored to patrol the areas and rob nearby traders.
As Crayter Military presence is threatening Rogues in Coronado, this base is a good place to restock, repair and dispatch fighters into the these conflicts.
The Liberty Rogues are to be known for their ability to role play. The ability to remain in character more important than an ability to shoot straight. You can expect the level of RP coming from LR- too be what you would expect it to be.
Role play is key.
The Liberty Rogues will very rarely pirate for more then five million credits, a cap put on to encourage roleplay over profit. Cargo may be demanded, but we also strongly encourage LR- ships to only take what is needed. This is because our aim is to create a group that is fun to run into, and hopefully prevent traders and other ships in game from outright avoiding interactions with us.
This faction is just a fun group for players here in Disco, expect to be pirated for paperclips and toiletpaper. This faction is open to join for the moment and will be closed when we are not looking for members. We have a very high standard of roleplay we do expect to be upheld. If we feel you do not make the cut, you will not be accepted. Our aim is to create a fun faction for those involved in LR- and traders or other vessels that come into contact with us.
Please feel free to leave feedback below (EDIT: For monitoring latest Feedback on us, please use this thread for leaving feedback: LINK), and/or PM either this account, Altejago or Vex if you have any feedback/concerns you wish to deal with over private comms.
Well, the Hessians have just lost their main income. Better prepare for some Wesker rage. And don't build a POB in Rheinland. Well, not before all the Jorms explode
Are you RP'ing this is a group of rouges or rather the rouges as an entity? I ask because when the old LR- disbanded that was one of the key things that talked about afterwards by Spazzy.
Spazzy Wrote:With the disbandment of the LR- we decided to explain the situation as such:
* The Liberty Rogues are, in essence, a huge assortment of smaller and larger groups as well as individuals with varying agendas and influence. Rogues continue to have no one specific goal and are viewed mostly as a huge collection of pirates, terrorists, smugglers, slavers and other nasties from and bordering Liberty by the lawfuls.
* There is no one central leadership, albeit different groups can hold different levels of power and influence over their territories. As it stands, each and every of the many Rogue installations have one or few leading groups and can function autonomously and can be approached by other factions as separate entities with different diplomatic preferences or lack thereof.
* Buffalo base in New York is the center of ''fun'' for the Rogues and should not be ''owned'' or ''represented'' by any one player-group for the sake of ''fairness'' oorp.
The Liberty Rogue lore depicts the NPC faction as a huge and diverse melting pot of various agendas, beliefs, motivations and ways to achieve them. Hopefully these changes will allow new groups to explore them much better than with the old approach of the original player faction being simply called the "Liberty Rogues".
The two paragraphs specifically:
Quote:* There is no one central leadership, albeit different groups can hold different levels of power and influence over their territories. As it stands, each and every of the many Rogue installations have one or few leading groups and can function autonomously and can be approached by other factions as separate entities with different diplomatic preferences or lack thereof.
Quote:* Buffalo base in New York is the center of ''fun'' for the Rogues and should not be ''owned'' or ''represented'' by any one player-group for the sake of ''fairness'' oorp.
That's something we're hoping on seeing, if we don't get this going, they will be eliminated from the list.
(09-21-2017, 07:14 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Well, the Hessians have just lost their main income. Better prepare for some Wesker rage. And don't build a POB in Rheinland. Well, not before all the Jorms explode
Absolutely no problems with that, we're looking for new opportunities and to widen our organization through new ideas, which start popping up shortly.
And nobody has declared war yet, as Hessians may wish to stay neutral if they don't like this newest alliance forming.
(09-21-2017, 07:16 PM)Laz Wrote: Are you RP'ing this is a group of rouges or rather the rouges as an entity? I ask because when the old LR- disbanded that was one of the key things that talked about afterwards by Spazzy.
Spazzy Wrote:With the disbandment of the LR- we decided to explain the situation as such:
* The Liberty Rogues are, in essence, a huge assortment of smaller and larger groups as well as individuals with varying agendas and influence. Rogues continue to have no one specific goal and are viewed mostly as a huge collection of pirates, terrorists, smugglers, slavers and other nasties from and bordering Liberty by the lawfuls.
* There is no one central leadership, albeit different groups can hold different levels of power and influence over their territories. As it stands, each and every of the many Rogue installations have one or few leading groups and can function autonomously and can be approached by other factions as separate entities with different diplomatic preferences or lack thereof.
* Buffalo base in New York is the center of ''fun'' for the Rogues and should not be ''owned'' or ''represented'' by any one player-group for the sake of ''fairness'' oorp.
The Liberty Rogue lore depicts the NPC faction as a huge and diverse melting pot of various agendas, beliefs, motivations and ways to achieve them. Hopefully these changes will allow new groups to explore them much better than with the old approach of the original player faction being simply called the "Liberty Rogues".
The two paragraphs specifically:
Quote:* There is no one central leadership, albeit different groups can hold different levels of power and influence over their territories. As it stands, each and every of the many Rogue installations have one or few leading groups and can function autonomously and can be approached by other factions as separate entities with different diplomatic preferences or lack thereof.
Quote:* Buffalo base in New York is the center of ''fun'' for the Rogues and should not be ''owned'' or ''represented'' by any one player-group for the sake of ''fairness'' oorp.
To answer this, we actually do both, we have plans of Roleplaying this into separate groups, but for now inRP Moka tries to organize us to being one and united pack(s) of Rogues
(09-21-2017, 07:14 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Well, the Hessians have just lost their main income.
That would imply the Rogues represent the entirey of the Librety Underworld, and that would imply that they are the only ones distributing.
This would also imply the faction is official.
None of the above fits your statement. That being said, this works both ways, the salve/blood diamond tradeoff between the LR and Hessians works against both parties. So it's their loss as much as it is ours.