Doesn' matter if she be tha undead gaelic queen o' old Ireland herself; ye cannae be puttin up property in Dublin space withou' at least a word ta tha Mollys, an' from what I seen an' heard so far thar be no such communicatin'. If ya know 'er, ya might wanna let 'er know somehow before it's turned inta tha next fireworks show.
Far from it fer me me t'be knowin' Miss Paddy's business. Have ye check all th' leaders of [M]- like Miss O'Driscoll fer example and checked if there has been high-level comms? Y'never know.
G'day brothers and sisters. I've got sum important sinks to tell ya.
I encountered to Crown's bois in Dublin 'n' a hunter. Dis fella BPA)Con.Jade:Roberts had a molly brother in his cargo hold and I had to bunters wis me. They didn't want to negotiate wis me:
[02.10.2017 12:34:46] S.T.A.L.K.E.R: I can drop 'em
[02.10.2017 12:34:55] S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Here you go
[02.10.2017 12:35:43] S.T.A.L.K.E.R: By the way you didn't drop my pal
[02.10.2017 12:35:58] BPA)DCI.Steve.Judge: I had no intentions of doing so
Even more, dey wonted me to pay 'em a fine. I said "Fine" and moved away, closer to Arranmore. When i was wisin 10k from it I stopped crusin' and confronted 'em. Thoughts about a brother wer tearin' me apart. Afte sum minutes a morta' shell torn da policeman apart and da brother had been set free from da custody.
Remnats decided ta continue fightin', so another one found his perdition near Arranmore. I sink da bunter had da policeman's words in his mind, ahah:
[02.10.2017 12:35:35] BPA)DCI.Steve.Judge: thats too bad
At dis moment da bunter realized he picked da wrong side and I was tryin' to convince his thoughts 'bout it, putting him close to da death.
But his angry daddy appreared and I remembered BPA)DCI.Steve.Judge ("thats too bad"). Due to his masterpiece, I couldn't damage him wisot being hit and hid behind ou treasure complex. Da siege had begun! Due to tough fire dey couldn't get me and I was kinda safe. Sorry ta put the complex into danger. I've done wut I could and landed at Arranmore. Dem, dat was a hot one I tell y'all.
Dat is all, folks, Tommy is out.
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-Deh firs' wun be deh report o' deh siege o' deh Graves Storage Complex, on August 11th 824AS. Afte' callin' aout deh SCRA fer reinforcement, we assembled deh fist comin' vessels o' deh siegin' party near deh aforementioned storage depot.
In deh e'ent o' crew bein' stationed aboard, we offered 'em tae surrender un' den be evacuated aout o' deh Area. Deh station , den, quickly fell apart, afore deh Crown lackeys could arroive.
Howe'er, as aour fleet were retreatin' , afte' deh job was done, we were ambushed boye a comboined force o' Brets un' Libertonians. Tae aour much surproise, deh Libertonians vessels attacked oos aoutroight. E'en t'wasnae deh first toime we spotted some o' em in Dublin, dey ne'er dare such a bold attack. Me guess deh Brets be relocatin' some o' deir forces frem Dublin tae New London tae fend off deh Gallic Royalists.
Ne'erdehless, aour fleet was crushed loike beetles beneath deir heels, un' all o' aour vessels were destroyed o' heavily damaged, despoite deh destruction o' deh Libertonians vessels.
Unfortunatly, nae footage o' deh Battle could be saved fer dhis report.
Oy derefore suggest dhat we'd study carefully deh Brets tactics in order tae nae suffer such a setback again.
- Deh second wun, be all 'bout dhat base Seamus report oos 'bout : deh Dublin Moiners Pub. Un' oy would loike tae tank e'erywun fer reports, un' guess 'bout its owner : Miss Paddy.
Due tae a misdirected third party comm', we managed tae know more 'bout dhat madder.
Unfortunatly, deh base was seemingly destroyed boye deh Armed forces, frem what oy heard.
-Third be anoder madder a station found in Dublin on October deh 14th, 824AS. Un' deh name o' dhis base be BMM-Goldgeist. As its name clearly show it be affiliated widh BMM, we moight have tae lay siege tae it. Howe'er, oy was quoite surpoised tae see dhat deh base let me dock aboard., only tae foind aout tae gol' ore was fer sale 'ere.
Deh very fact dhat dey let oos dock, moight be a soign dhat deh station was built boye possoible supporters o' deh Republic amon BMM. Oy tink we shall troy tae contact 'em.
-Last wun, but nae deh least... Eldorado Station... again. In his last message tae oos, Zimmerman offered oos deh four IDs o' deh IMG deceased crew, which were given tae mae on aour last encounter.
Deh owner o' Eldorado, also gave tae some o' oos deh dockin' roight tae deh station. Oy was mesel' able tae dock, un' get aboard it. Ye all would have notoiced dhat deh core o' de base was upgraded fer deh second toime, despoite aour demands nae tae do so.
Furthermore, we still have ne knowledge tae know who'd be able tae dock on dhat station, be it mercenaries, o' greedy Bretonian, Libertonian, o' rheinlandic coporations. Un' we's still awaitin' fer deh ability tae do so, un' tae limit deh dockin' tae dhat station.
Oy know some o' oos warn oos 'bout dhat lad bein' possibly troyin' tae get toime, but in deh end would nae accept deh Republic's demands. Un' oy start tae tink loike deh wuns who warned oos.
So oy guess, deh council will be willin' tae listen tae any opinion on dhat perticular madder, un' act quicly.
From:Tom Shelby Location:Cambridge, Lisburn Rock, G3 Ship name:Born To Kill Encryption:Medium Subject:Kingdom's loss
Ahoy ladies 'n' gentlemen of deh Republic,
T'day me 'n' our loved Blodwyn decided tae take a flought outta Dublin, but Arranmore's chores needed her involvement moo den me, so I went tae New London by ma oun. Near deh gate tae Cambridge I encountered HMS-Ramsbottom. I wasn't full of nanobots, bot I was sure in ma strength 'n' deh desire tae damage weaken deh Kingdom increased ma faith tae success.
[20.10.2017 17:33:30] HMS-Ramsbottom: ?: Fine, let's get this over with. All batteries fire at will. Cadets, remember your training
Wait, wut? "Remember your training". Dat is how dey train 'em. Hope everyone of 'em is trained loike dis *Laugh*. So deh reward
of deh "best" trained crew of deh Kingdom goes tae HMS-Ramsbottom.
His big brother was frustrated of wut has happened and tried to slip away from me. But he didn't do it successful and got caught. Despite of ma ship's coindition, I didn't moive back and my strive was rewarded by deh sudden appearance of a gaul battlebrick. Dunkirk started to shine bright, full of love, peace an' humility:beautiful scenery, bot den he couldn't resist tae our curious sights an' accidentally blew up from embarrassment. Dat was tragic. While me and ma new companion Myles.O'Meally were stunned by deh lights of explosions, Suivant.Quinte.Royale had disappeared as he'd appeared.
Having deh bomber support, I decided tae moive further tae Cambridge, maybe luck'd bring oos smthing else, and It'd brought! Near Cardiff Mining Facility a BMM transport was spotted . I tried tae tolk tae him and wointed tae convince him tae join oos, but he found oos the lowest class of people and didn't woint tae tolk. Myles.O'Meally toike care of him. As we'd been spotted an' deh fleet of angry "well-trained"(remember HMS-Ramsbottom ?) crewmen were oifter oos, we paved our path tae Lisburn Rock an' landed 'ere. Dat dead ProfHyde had dropped some ore an' I kindly left it at Lisburn Rock's storage.
Sae 'ere is deh conclusion: Deh Kingdom has lost Crecy and Dunkirk ships, an' BMM lost some of deir employees. We will stay 'ere fo' a while, because deir patrols are looking fo' oos. When deh situation stabilizes, Myles and me will return tae Dublin, fortunately I still have dis cigars and miss... You've missed some fun.
Firs' o' all, oy'd loike tae tank all deh people fer deir reports, as it allow oos tae have a clear soight o' what's happenin' in Dublin un' elsewhere.
A'roight, so, oy'd loike tae report aour last encounter widh deh Squaddies in Dublin, as some o' em followed wun o' aour vessels frem NL tae Dublin. At firs' dey dinnae seem hostoile, but as usual, in deh end dey gadhered forces 'nough tae aoutnumber un' aoutgun oos un' launched un' attack on aour forces in deh aour fields.
Wun o' aour Gunboat was severly damaged, maybe beyond repairs, whoile John Lass managed tae take cover. Deh remains o' deh Gunboat were brought tae Foyle fer diagnostic. Unfortunatly, all data were lost due tae de damages taken.
Me odher report would be 'bout dhat newly built base in Dublin. When scouted again, it appeared dhat deh Core o' deh BMM-Goldgeist station has been upgraded. Afte' receiver deir answer 'bout who dey were un' oif dey were supportin' aour movement, it clearly appeared dhat dey ain't. Derefore, Deh Council suggested dhat we shall lay siege tae deh aforementioned station as soon as possoible.
My, my, my... This will be a grand 'undertaking' I can see that.
It may well be war in Dublin. For I cannot see BMF, BOWEX and Bretonia indies standing by and letting one of their own corporations have a base destroyed without settling the score on a Molly base. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Base for base.
Oh they joy in death, those who undertake to remove the corpses of ship and sailor.
Oy's pround tae announce dhat we managed tae come tae an agreement widh deh owner o' deh BMM-Goldgeist station in Dublin, ser Cassidy.
Derefore, deh call fer a siege is CANCELLED.
Dat's all fer naow ... apart frem me losin' again wun o' me greyhounds 'gainst deh BPA un' a bunch o' BMF moiners... darn 'em.
Hey, hey un' *cough* hey!
Dem, deh last hours were hot, dunno from wut I shud start. Dey caused severe damage tae ma ship, so it's bein' repaired near Shillelagh. By de way, it's tae dangerous tae cume back tae Dublin, dey're lookin' fo' me. Hoipe soon sings will stabilize un' I'll be at home. I sink you con't wait tae 'now wut'd happened un' how I appeared in New London wis a half-dead ship.
Ma adventures had started in Dublin wis tu big boys on big ships. I dunno wut a Liberty navy were doin' 'ere, bot he let his mortars speak un' his friendo weren't polite as well:
[13.11.2017 20:02:09] HMS-Quatus: Novv: I dont think that you born to kill becaus you are born to die little Pirat scum
[13.11.2017 20:02:20] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Really?
[13.11.2017 20:02:41] MD-"Born_To_Kill": How so?
[13.11.2017 20:02:56] HMS-Quatus: Novv: Your not welcome in Bretonia with your Propaganda
[13.11.2017 20:03:04] MD-"Born_To_Kill": I doubt you're able to destroy me
[13.11.2017 20:03:21] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Dublin is deh sovereign system
[13.11.2017 20:03:40] HMS-Quatus: Novv: It is in Bretonia Sectorr
Two battlebricks were a lot fo' me, so I contacted wis ma Coalition mate, un' while he was approaching, I visited our field. Gold_Miner un' OSI-Burge were stealin' our gol'. His toune was far 'om respect, 'ere is deh chat:
[13.11.2017 20:19:40] MD-"Born_To_Kill": What deh heck are ya doin' 'ere?
[13.11.2017 20:19:59] Gold_Miner: You know it, don't you?
[13.11.2017 20:20:18] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Ya're stealing our gold
[13.11.2017 20:20:37] Gold_Miner: You don't mine it anyways.
[13.11.2017 20:20:51] MD-"Born_To_Kill": It's our proiblems
[13.11.2017 20:21:23] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Ya gotta pay oos a fine. 10 mils tae be exact
[13.11.2017 20:21:41] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Otherwise I'll show ya our hospitality
[13.11.2017 20:22:12] Gold_Miner: I'm sorry, but I don't have any credits on my account right now. This ore was supposed to pay my bills.
[13.11.2017 20:24:07] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Soory, but it'll teach ya to bring some next toime
Meanwhile Tornado was dealin' wis tu freaks un' needed some help, un' I didn't have toime to tolk tae OSI-Burge , bot hoipe deh destruction of BMM fella will satisfa ya. I guess we shud contact OSI un' tell 'em wut dey shudn't do un' wis 'ho dey shud work.
Now back tae deh freaks, I joint tae ma mate and to'er we tok care of 'em. As expected dey weren't good un' big deal fo' oos. Dat HMS-HMS-Quatus 'ho said "you are born to die little Pirat scum" died first by Tornado's mortars and communistic influence. La_Noire appeared a tougher gay un' tried tae insert something tae me, bot fortunately he didn't succeed wis his sick deisaires. I sniped his little dignity "Like a pro!" un' he blew up.
On our way back we found another two freaks near Essex. Tell me 'ho's deh bigger threat tae Mollies ? Roight, deh Kingdom battlebrick. His crew was drinkin' tea 'ere, dat was unacceptable fo' both oos un' RNS-Lyon. Despite of deh cover of Essex we managed tae eraseBAF|-HMS-Matilda from deh universe. Deh exploision was so bright, it blinded ma crew fo' a time, so Imma waitin' fo' a lil' compensation from your side tae toike care of my crew's health. As RNS-Lyon escaped from oos, my un' Tornado's ways split. I headed tae Arranmore willin' tae repair my ship un' finish deh day.
I already was 'af asleep, bot a message from Echidna woke me up. I was told deh BAF convoy was carrying nanocapacitors un' was 'bout its way tae Cambridge via New London. Nice opportunity tae strike, ain't it? As soon as Born To Kill had been loaded wis nanos and batteries, I took out un' moved tae intercept deh convoy. Dey had a strong defense un' lots of guns, deh best way was tae tolk:
[13.11.2017 21:12:43] MD-"Born_To_Kill": I tink we con help each other
[13.11.2017 21:12:53] Echidna: Onegin: Nanocapacitors? Do you think the gentlemen down on Arranmore could have a use of it?
[13.11.2017 21:13:05] BAF|MN-David.Reese: You won't gonna get them from us!
[13.11.2017 21:13:07] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Yeah
[13.11.2017 21:13:08] Death: MezZoForte was put out of action by 6th|Alpha-3 (Gun).
[13.11.2017 21:13:10] BAF|MN-Rubber_Duck: Hamilton: Molly, I listen. also, I listen to the liner.
[13.11.2017 21:13:11] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Really?
[13.11.2017 21:13:31] MD-"Born_To_Kill": Den you con help oos wis moiney
[13.11.2017 21:13:32] Echidna: Onegin: I thank you for caring about my safety, Molly. Is there any way I can repay my debt to you?
[13.11.2017 21:13:47] BAF|MN-David.Reese: Oh damn, you think that's wise now?
[13.11.2017 21:14:34] MD-"Born_To_Kill": I tink 20 mils from deh convoy 'll be enough
[13.11.2017 21:15:27] BAF|MN-Rubber_Duck: Hamilton: This, my good sir, is not a point of dicsussion. for the actual situation, i would like to suggest
[13.11.2017 21:15:28] BAF|MN-David.Reese: Are you frikkin' kidding?
[13.11.2017 21:15:57] Echidna: Onegin: Thank you very much, Sir. Some vengeance for stopping and questioning me would feel good.
[13.11.2017 21:15:58] BAF|MN-David.Reese: We do not negotiate with Terrorists, criminals and alike!
Well, in two words: negotiations went tae a dead end. Dey all focused. Unfortunately, Echidna's vessel was toike out , along wis BAF|MN-Rubber_Duck. Deh other troiders slipped 'way while I was engaged. Let's count: funboat, a hired bomberLewis. O'leary un' a figher against Tommy boy and his crew. Soon 'other bomber, named BAF|MN-James,Badenoch had coime un' deh situation became critical. Well, it'd be critical fo' someone else, bot not fo' me. Things became 'etter when BAF|MN-David.Reese was torn 'part by ma mortar. BAF|MN-HMS-Gleaves got damaged by ma guns and left deh battle, so I had a smoll gap tae make something. Well, I made a decisition tae lif, 'cuz ma ship was severely damaged un' I've made enough. Dey thought dey controlled deh situation, bot somehow I managed tae escape un' got up in a drift near Shillelagh.
Dat's how I appeared damaged in New London. In few days deh panic'll settle down, Born To Kill'll be repaired un' we all will meet in Dublin. I look forward tae see y'all ladies 'n' gentlemen.
Your beloved Tommy boy.
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Oy'll be short e'en oif oy should make a longer report on aour last skirmishes 'gainst deh Armed Force in Dublin o' elsewhere.
So oy'll be brief :
Durin' a routine patrol in deh Fields, me un' me crew witnessed anoder unauthoroized modular base dhat has been built in Dublin...
Deh name o' deh station be Candyland, un' tis been spotted near deh north eastern moinin' field. O' Course it doesnae allow aour shippies tae dock.
Oy s'pose deh base shall be deconstructed as soon as possoible.